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The concert of "Elijah" oalled forth one of the largest audienoes of the season at university hall last Priday night. Students in the allopath sohool have oeen assigned seats on the claim that seats were being mystariously marred. Dean Hatchins of the law departnieut will speak on "Individual Rights and Majority Rule" before the Webs'er Sooiety, in Webster hall, U. of M., tomorrow night. The medical department of the nniversity bas the largest enrollment tbis yeai1 of any sinoe the adoption of the feur years' course. All bxit ten of the Sophomore olass retnrnefl in Ootober and this is a criterion of other classes The supply of "'subjeots" bas run short and there are eight sfcudents to each "'subject" at present. The Janaary uumber of Inlauder was igsued on Tuesday. lts pïinciple conteuts relate to the charges of professionallisin made against the west. Several coJlege professors coutribute articlew advising a more strict enforcenjent pf the policy of amateur players in botii football and baseball. The orize story, "Phü's Dootor, " by Shirley W. Smith, '97, appears in this number. Already more than 50 inquiries have come f rom prospectivo students, who expect to enter the homeopathie school uext fall. This is unpreoedented for this time of year. Duriug the holidays several men carne from Chicago but, on acootint of the unsettled condition regarding the removal, conclnded towaituntil next year before enrolling. The homeohospital is well filled and the clinics are fall to overflowing. A nnmber of serious major operations are 6oheduled for the coming week. It is significant tbat the oases come here from Canada and Ohio, passing through Detroit aud Cleveland. The old war over the Palladium Ball, untü last year the Junior Hop, is again on befcween the fonr fraternitiè's whioh desire admission to the ball, aud the original nine whioh decline to allow them represeatation in the way of booths at the hop. In 1876 the nine fraternities then here forined themselves in.o a oom pact for the giving of the annual ball. Sinoe that time other fraternities have been added to the list, bat not to one of theni has the privilege been given of taking an active part in giving the ball. Thev were given banners bnt no bootbs and no represen tation apon the oommittees. In those days the hop was given at the rink, but since the completion of the gymnasium the big sooiety affair has been held there each year The four fraternities desiring represen tation think that since one of the state bnildings is nsed for the party that the board of regents should make it so that they wil! have to be admitted by the nine fraternities. The matter was brought up at the board of regents meeting Wednesday, and the regents decided with the four oontending fraternities.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News