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The Hill strest sewer is cornp'eted. The Talmage lectnre netted 120 for ' the women's gym fund. The Salvantion Artny reoruited 21 ' new members Saturday night. Twenty Elks went to Detroit this moruiug to attend an initiation in the Detroit lodge. Fred Laubengayer, a Dextersaloonist, has made au assigument, the second withiu a year. Alex. Rfltti and son will sail for Genoa ,Italy, Feb. lst, to spend a year in Ratti's biithplaoe. Allen J. Lañe has a new Q}4 lb baby girl at nis house, which made its arrival known last Satnrday. Miss Mooco Warner, grand -danghter of the late Philip Bach, was married Jan. 22 at Cincinnati to J. Boyde Hall. E. B. Pond has beeii drawn as traverse juror, to serve in the United States District and Circuit Court in Detroit. The Royal English Bell Ringers will appear in the Y. M. C. A. lecture ourse at the Presbyterian church Feb. 13. Guy L. Stevenson, of the Titnes office, received the sad intelligenoe Saturday that nis mother was dead at the family home in Holloway. The Wolverine Cyclers will have a masquerade ball at Light Infantry hall Peb. 6. The Cheqnamegon orchestra will furnish the music. Conrad Bessinger, of 7 W. Liberty street, eelebrated his 94th birthday Sunday. He is snpposed to be the oldest citizen in the county. - ■ The Península Soap Co. , f ortnerly of this city, has terminated its carear acoording to law. The affairs of the concern wound up two years ago. Staff Captain Gifford, of Detroit, who has had charge of Salvation Army work in this portion of Michigan for several years, goes to the Pacific ooast. It is very likely that C. P. McKintry's examination, set for Feb. 4, will again be postponed, as Prosecuting Attorney Randall must be in Monroe that day. The Brotherhood of St. Andiew met at Harris Hall Sunday and chose Francis M. Bacon director, Harry E. Robinson treasurer, and Claence W. Whiting secretary. Gov. Rich has appointei ex-Auditor General Wm. C. Stevens a member of the board of control of the Eastern Michigan Insane Asylum, to succeed J. J. Goodyear. Fred Huntoon won a cut glass punch bowl at Aruold's jewelry store last Friday night. He at once tnagnanimously tnrned it over to the Ann Arbor Light Infantry and it will be raffled for during the Winter Circus. Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb C. Teufel.of 40 W. Sceond street, oelebrated the tenth anniversary of their wedding Sunday evening among a companv of their friends. L. J. Leisemermade a speech eongratulatory to the couple. Major Howell, of Adrián, inspected the Light Infantry Wednesday night and found everything O. K. After inspection] Major Howell bestowed the seargency and seargent's silver medal upon Private Chas. Wilson. Chas. Petrie was raised to the rank of corporal. On Friday afternoon last the house of E. Byeraft, on Summit street, was enterod, two suits of olothes stolen, a gold watch and two razors, besides gome other articles. Daniel Day, claiming to hail from Columbus, O. , was arrested that night for the burglary. The Germán Mutual Fire Insurance Co. report 1,648 members, an increase of 10? during the past year. Their assessable property amounts to $3,753,000 now, having inoreased $30,800 during the year. Tbey only had $435 of Io9ses to pay and $004 other expenses fon the year 18%. An Adrián dispatch bearing date of Jan. 28 says: "Within the last few weeks there have been sales of farms between Adrián and Tecumseh to Toledo parties. It is said comparatively large prices are paid. The conclusión reached thus far is that either a Toledo syndicate is unloading cats anddogs in Toledo or else the old trolly scheme to Ann Arbor is coming to lif e. ' ' Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 44, kToí pT. after conferring the seoond degree last Friday night, adjouerned Jto Glaser's resturant and had a very pleasant banquet. Dr. R. S. Copeland aoted as toastmaster, while B. F. Deahl, W. A. Holzheiiner. Dr. Copeland, G. P. MoCollum, J. G. Halaplian, C. L. McGuire, A. K. Wheeler and Ormsby McHarg made happy responsos to toasts. Mr. McGuire took Pegasus out for a flight and bis response was in very aoceptable verse. "The Country Circus, " whioh is to appear at the opera house tonight, is one of the best shows on the road. It is extremely fuuny and besides the fun, gives an elegant circus performance, as fine as would be seen with a travelling circus in the summer time. The first aot depicts the billing of the country town for the circus, the second act shows the parade and the third the oirous in full swing. About the three events a pretty little love story is woven, the advanoe agent falling in love with the village coquette and eloping with her. She beoomes a bareback rider and the wife of the advance man, her father finding her in the cirous. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W, Jobason, of Forest ave., a little girl. ■ Covers will be laid for flfty at the oounty bar bauquet tonight at the Cook house. Neigbboring towns were billed tiaia week for the Light Iufantrys' Mid-Wintei Circus. Edward, son oï Wm. Wagner, broke his arm Tuesday night by falling from a pile of lumber. Laura Ahnan, of Augusta, has commenced divorce proceedings against her husband, Freii Almand. Marshal Peterson is guing af ter Detroit parties who are selling clothing here by the lottery scheme. W. B. Conely, the Detroit portrait painter, is panting Rev. C. M. Cobern's portrait, at the parsonage. A number of Ann Arbor young married people are orgauizing a whist club, to meet every Monday night. About 40 couples of the Modern Woodmen were eutertained at the home of Mrs. Ella Kogers, 10 Felch street, Tuesday night. Q-. W. Moore, the sculptor, has made a fine piaster ast of Judge Oooley and it has been on exhibition this week in H. Randall's window. Matriculation fee and tuition for one year will be given to any high sohool gradúate - the oourse at the high sohool being on the regents' approved list - who succeeds in raisiag $500 for the gym fund. The last of the oases growing out of the sale of liquor on the Ypsilauti fair gronnds was dooided Saturday in circuit conrt when Judge Kinney granted the motion of the defense for the guashing of the writ. A rnan giving nis name as Walter Ferguson was arrested Monday night on a charge of stealing a pair of shoes from the Chicago shoe hotise. Justice Pond senteneed Ferguson to 90 days in the Detroit house of correction. Miss Peltier, of Detroit, who is a guest of her sister, Mrs. B. St. James, was surprisad by about 40 oouples of her friends Tuesday night. The evening was very pieasautly passed with pedro, music and singing. Marshal Peterson bas notifled the cotnmission house recently opened here under the finn name of Sheehan & Sanderson that he believes they are doing an illegal business and unless they close up shop that he will back nis opinión in court. Judge E. D. Kinney Monday evening in the case of Edward Treadwell and Noah W. Cheever, Bxr. , vs. Joseph Wilsey, rendered his decree setting aside the deed of Joseph Wilsey to Orpha Wilsey of 50 acres in Pittsfield township and snstained the deed of Joseph Wilsey to Mary S. Lawson, of 50 aores in the same township. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Katherine Building Oo., R. H. Kempf, J. T. Jacobs, C. E. Greene, O. M. Martin and Fred. H. Belsur were elected directors. At a subsequent meeting of the directors the following officers were elected : President, R. Kempf; vice president, J. T. Jaoobs ; secretary and treasurer, F. H. Belser. Two stndents, a lady and gentleman, and a young man named Nichols, broke through the ice where the workmen had been cutting at the river Tuesday night and came very near being drowned. There was a large party on the ice at the time and the efforts of a large number of thein kept the three from soaking np too much of the river water. Wm. H. Taylor died Monday night at his home two miles north of the city, aged 68 years. He was bom in Saratoga oounty, N. Y. , and came with his parents to Northfield when he was fonr years oíd. The funeral services] were held from the honse Wednesday after noon, Rev. Henry Tatlock offleiating and the remains were iuterred in Forest Hill cemetery. Bud Hall, colored, was arrested Monday night for an assault and battery upon Emma Beek, also colored. The two quarreled after a social on the north side and Hall, it is claimed, struck the girl a hard blow with his fist. Hall was in crouble about Christrnas time for insulting one of the girls at the Cook house. Tustice Pond Tuesday night sentenced him to 05 days in ;he Detroit house of correction. Mrs. Elizabeth Sevens Clark, widow of Edward Clark, who died of consumption Jan. 5, followed her husband to an early grave on Monday morning. Both were young people, Mr. Clark ?raduating from the university but a few years ago. Mrs. Clark was a nieee of Regent Cook, and an adopted danghter of Mrs. Horace Carpenter. The remains were taken to New York for interment by the side of those of hei husband. The case becomes all the more sad in the fact that three smal! children are left orphans. Regent Cook will adopt one of them. Experts spent Tuesday in an exam ination of the books and accounts of C P. McKinstry, at Ypsilanti. The re sult was tha the shortage was fixed a $1,933.89, after allowing for a mistake of $24 made at a former examination of the books. Mr. Allen, McKinstry' attorney, claims that McKinstry shonlc be held responsible for the amount, bu nothing criminal can be shown against him, as none of the entrances in the books were made by him. Mr. Allen expressed a willingness to settle the amount, but saya MoKinstry will no pay and answer to the criminal charge too. Court adjonrned last Saturday until tomorrow morning. Thieves entered Kyer's inill Weduesday uight and seonred 28 ceuts out of the money drawer. Mrs. Honorah Burns, aged 78 years, died at her home, 23 Fountain Street, Wednesday morning. The wedding of Mr. James J. Qnarry and Miss Josephine Harrison is anuonnced to takeplaoe at Torc.nto, Ont., Weduesday, Feb. 6. It is stated tbat the common counoil ■will recousider its recent action relative to ubitinK the offices of plumbing inspector aud street corornissioner. The prices for "Rob Roy" Monday uight are as f ollows : Box seats, $2 ; parquet, $1.50 ; parquet circle, $1.25 ; reserved stats iu gallery, f 1 ; gallery, 75 cents. Seats went on sale this morniug. Lewis Tubbs, of Dexter, whose case against the Michigan Central was taken from the jury by Judge Kinney bnt a trial ordered by the supreme coort. has settled his case with the road, by the térros of -which settlement Tnbbs is to receive $4,000. Tnbbs clairaed that he was hurt at the Dexter depot while at work as express messenger. At St. Andrews' Snnday Sohool Snnday ReV. Tatlock asked the members of oue of the younger classes if they were Gentiles. The chorus oame stiong and all together, "no!" "What are yon theu?" said the pastor, and every one, to the little girl with the apple blossom sraile and the May morning in the rest of her face, answered in a mighty chorus: "Aruerieans. " At St. Andrew's church Snnday Rev. Henry Tatlock, rector, will preach upon "Obristian Unity. " Holy communion will be observed at the morning service. Sunday school and bible class at noon, mission fervice at County Home, Geddes and Foster's. There wil] be a full choral service at 7 :30 p. m. Register of Deeds MoKinstry in an interview with a Detroit correspondent says that any si ortage in bis accounts with the city of Ypsilanti was due to his assistant in that ofiice Frank B. "Wise. A warrant was sworn out by Mr. McKinstry in November against Mr. Wise bnt after tracihg bim to Texas, oiue to his whereabonts was lost. "I can show," said he. "that every cent not accotmted for in my otfiee was either due to him, or that the accountant employed by the city to go over the books, has made an error in his work. " Saturday night, Peb. lst, at 7:30 in the court room, Mr. W. E. Smithe, Pres. of the Colonial Society will lecture orí uorthern California, its iixigation, small land holdings, horticultura, etc.. He has lived ten years in California, and knows practically its climate, soil and what it can do with irrigation. The recent long dry season in Michigan has oaused farmers to feel in need ot' soine irrigation and many will doubtless find this lecture very instrucive. To those who have rheumatism or are disposed to consumptioü, this lecture will have doublé interest.