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Estáte of Merchant H. Goodrich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ÜF Washt.enaw. ss. Ata session of the Probate Court íor tlie Oounty of Washteaaw, holden at the Probate Oince in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the I4t.l1 day of Jauuary in the year one thousaud eijfht hundred and ninety-six. Present, J.Willard Babbitt, Judse of Probato. In the matter of the estáte of Merchant H. Gooaricb, 'leceasi'd. Noah VV. Otieever. one of the executors of ths last sviil and testament, of said deceabed, havine tendered Lis resignation as such executor comeg into court and represen s tbat he ia now prepared to rendar bis finaí account as sucb executor, Xhereupon it is ordered, tliat Tuesday, the 4th day of Februnry, next, at' ten o'clock in the lcrnoon, be assignea for exumining and allowing aurh account, and tliat the next oí km of said wards and all other persons interested iu said state, are rtquired to appear al a session of said Court, tlien to be holden at Ihe Probate oliice, in ilie City of Aun Arbor, in said couaty, aud show cause, if any there be, why the said accouutsliould uotbeu'llowed. And it "is further erdered, that sdd executor give noticie to Ihe persons iniercsted in said tsiate, of tlie ptmdency of said account, and tne tuanng thereof, bv causïng- acopy ot' tliis order to be pnbliihed in the Aun Amor Argus, rt uewspaper prmLed and in said county two successivc weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. J.WILLAUD HABUITT, [A trnecopyj J 11 jge oi' Probate, VV. tí. Ddtï, Probate Uettister. Estáte ot Richard Nowland. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wash0 tetiaw, ss. At a session of the probate County ot' Washtenaw, holden at 011 the Probate Offleëinthe city of Adu Ar.!.nr, Wedne,da, the 22nd day of .January, in the year one thousand eisht hupdred and ninotysix. Present, J. Wlllafd Bal)b tt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Nowland, deceased. Jesse Steffe, the administrator of said estáte, comes into court and icpresentsthat he is now prepared to render nis final accouut as such administrator. Tnereupon it is ordered ihat Tuesday, tho ]8th day of February uext, at 10 o'dook in the forenqon be assigned lor examinitig and allowihg such account, and that the heirs at law of said fieceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estat!, are required to appear at a session of said (.ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said Couoty, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said Administrator g-ive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causingr a copy of.this order to bc publichod in the Ann' Arbor Argus. i. n'öwspapGf prïnted and cn'ulating m said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearJ. WILLARD HABBTTT, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. WiijLiam G. Dótï. Probate Kefftstoi1. TO FARMERS: The Ann Arbor Milling Co. has just Qnisbdd building one of tiie most complete feed milis in Michiiann atnl will now be ready lor oustom vvork of all kinds, ineluding the grinding of corn ntLe ear. ann Akbok Milliíjíí ('o. 2PÓÍLÁntoZÍHÍ FOR THE HOHE. FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY; Contalns each Month : OrlKlnal Water Color ' f Frontlaplece ; ) 28 Quarto Poges ot Reading 1 1 Matter; 100 New and Hlgh-class Illustra1 tlons ; More Llterary Matter and Hlustrations than any other Magazine in America. 25 ets. ; $3 a Year. Frank Lestie's Pleasant Hours : FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. A Bright, Wholesotiie, Juvenile Monthly. (. ( Pully illustrated. The best writers for young ' { people contributa to it. 10 ets. ; $1 a year. ( - SE3JD All SUBSCRIPTIOHS TO l Ann Arlior Argns Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers B3rSend to Frank Lcslie's Publtahing House, W.Y., 1 for New Tllustrated Premium List, Free.


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