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A Delusion And A Snare

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The Anneke Jans heirs, some of whom reside iu this and neighboring counties, held a meeting Feb. 4th, at Cleveland, to hit upon some method of securing the $80,000,000 grounds that are believed to belong to thein in New York city. Thomas G. Shearman, of STew York, noted for his couuection as counsel iu the Tilton-Beecher trial has sent the following to the Detroit TriDune, a readiug of wbioh should oonvince most persons that the whole Anneke-Jans business is an ignis fattras : "As I am the only person of that name residing in the oity of New York, or auywhere within 25 miles of it, I oannot blame your readers for writing to me. Bat will yon be kind enough to inform them in the most explicit and unmistakable terms, every one who pretends to be able to reoover anything on acoount of the Anneke-Jans estáte, or any from Trinity chnrch or auytbing from the bank of Holland, or from the bank of Euglaud, or from any of the many millioDed esfcates. which are often reported to be cryirig out for the lawfu] owners, aud asks fee, even for 50 ceuts, is a swindler and a (hief. And while I ruake no pretentious of extraordinary virtue, I hopo that many years of reputation íor at least average good condnct. will justify me in regardiug, as highly offensive, the mere suggestion that ï have anything to do with these abominable operatione. I must aak future correspondente to accept this general statement as a reply to their letters. For even postage stamps are not sufficient oorapansation for the time oocnpied in replying to such foolish enquiries. Aud I strongly reoommend all persons who are infatuated with the dolnsion that there are any large estates floating around, waiting for them to claim them, to drop that delusion as soon as possible, attend to their own business, aud leave me to attend to mine. Yours respectfully, New York, Jan. 20.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News