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The Bar Banquet

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The second annual bar banquet held last Friday evening in the Cook house was a glittering of those enoyable banquets that come not too mauy times in a lifetime, marked by the utmost good feeling on the part of the vvarring members of tne bar whose warfare is oonfined to the conrt room. Over forty members of the bar satdown to the banquot which was served ín elegant Btyle by Mr. McClure, the host of the Cook house. And although some were kept avrake after the banquet by those delicious crabs, not one could be found bnt spoke in high terms of the rnenn. John F. Lawrence acted aa toastmaster, and showed before the evening that he has no superior as toastmaster in this city. The Hon. A. J. Sawyer responded to the Bar of Washtenaw Coutity in a speech full of feeling in whioh he spoke in high praise of the bar departed and praised the present bar for worthily following the high standard set by the early bar. Judge Kinue spoke of the Bar as Viewed from the Bench in a very witty and taking 6peeoh, Capt E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanr.i, was in his best vein when he spoke of the Lawyer in Politics and the necessity of his taking part in itios in the higher sense and af the imflnence of the lawyer and the training that oansed society to luok npon him m the natural leader. Hon. J. O. Knowlton spoke of tbs Dignity of onr Profession and made a eloquent appeal for trne dignity whioh distinguishes the lawyer f rom the sharp practitioner. Col. B. M. Thompson spoke ou the Ainenitiea of the Legal Profession in a manner whioh drew forth the vebement approbation of th members present. A. F. Freeman, Esq. , of Manchester, spoke f rom practical experience of The General Prautitioner. This cJosed the flrst part of the programrne, the second part marking the tnrning of the banqneters into a gridiron club, the toastmaster beiug a luw unto hiruself and oalling on wbom he pleased prefacing each oall with witty saying hitting eaoh man ai best fltted the oooasion. During thii part of the programme two really fina speeches were made. Lawyer Whitney of Qratiot county, geceral attorney of the Ann Arbor road, depicted his forgetfnlness of names in a witty tale and paid a high compliment to Mr. Sawyer. His speech brought down the house. Wirt H Newkirk opened by singing a song aud in a hurrioaue speech awoke the echos with enthnsiasin. There were other good speeches made, the list of spakers being a long one, inoluding David Taylor, of Chelsea, Fred Freeman and A. J. Waters, of Manchester, Archie Wilkinson, of, Uhelsea, John J. Kirk.of Ypsilanti, and the following from Ann Arbor: P. McKernan, W. W. Wedemeyer, Prof. Meacham, E. B. Norris, T. D. Kearney, C. H. Klino, J. Q. A. Sessiuns, A. E. Gibson, S. W. Beakes and P. J. Lehman. The toasti were interspersed with music and the banqnet lasted until very early morning. Du ring the speeches occasion was taken to pay high compliments to Jndge Kinne. The second anuual banuet was a success.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News