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Ed. Croarkin has sold a half interest in his clothing business at Dexter to L. Li. James. In view of the approaching leap year party at Dexter, the Leader says: "And the boys are still guessing what T. M. I. raeaos. " Wbat's tbe matter with "Ten Matrimonially Inolined?" Burglars so f ar lost their reputation for sagacity the other night as to enter an Ypsilanti place of business. All they fonnd was the hole through whiuh they carne in, and they carefnlly put that back when they went out. The Pinckney Dispatch has a lady cartoonist and tbe office has had to provide istelf with a new towel. D. A. Thompson, marble dealer at Brighton, has a forrteen ponnd pet cat that is a tourist, having travelea over 7,000 miles in company with Mr. Thompson and wife. During the last few years they have traveled a good deal, and Thomas always accompanies them, only renently going to California and back with them. No reasonable money conld purchase the pet . The talk about Dexter'sretrograding in populatiou is all bosh. Whea the population increasess by triplets it ís hardly a sign that there is any oonsiderable fall-off in popnlation. An old white horse at Saline, whioh has seen the harvests of many snmmers come and go, got on a rampage oneday last week and did enongh gallopiag and kicking np its heels on tbe main street to be sold for a three-year old colt. Angola Repnblican : The other day a LaGrange man traded a team for a calf and sold the calf for $5. This trade reminds us of aman in Hillsdaleeounty near Basswood Corners, who tradei a horse for a cow , tbe cow for a pig, the pig for a turkey, the tnrkey for a rooster and then gave the rooster to a Methodist preaoher becanse it disturbed his slumbers by crowing too early in the morning. A bine racer that measured nearly four feet was killed in the gronp of pines, on the Shiawassea river, sonth of the D. L. & N. railroad bridge, west of town, one day last week. A snake of that size to be killed in Michigan in the month of Jannary is quite a snake story, and but for the affirmation of the sober men, we would have saspected our informant migbt have 'em in his boots - Livngston Herald. Bill Nye in one of his lectures said : A man may use a wart on the back of bis neck for a collar button; ride on the back coach of a railnad train to save interest un his money until the conductor comes around; stop his watch o'nights to save the wear and tear; leave his"i" or "t" without a dot or cross, to save ink; pasture his motber's grave to save corn ; but a man of this kind is a gflntlemau and scbolar coinpared to n feHow who will take a paper, and wben asked to pay for it, put il back in the postoffice aud have it marked "refused." Mika Rank, of Francisco, carne rush ing into town tbe other day yelling for Dr. Hale. He was the most exuited man seen in Michigan since the Cronch mnrder. The Doctor was f i rand and the twain swept to the east like the vibrations of an earthquake. When the Doctor returned we ascertained it was a 9 pound boy. As for Míke he walks right over the buildings at Fran cisco and even his old neighbors can't toucb him with a ten foot pole. It is singular how a little thing like that will elévate a man. - GrassLaice News That isn't the last time Mr. Rank wil be "elevated". Wait about a month until he begiDs to get up and look for the bottie of paregoric. Dexter people are complaining of the tramp nuisauce. The villagers stay in doors for fear they will lose thet breaths, or that tbe hoboes may change their miuds for a "hand out", or tha one of hem may steal a kiss from th dewy ïnoru. One of their number beini labored with by a good Dexter dam receotly for muking off with four pie left out to cool, said: "Madam, had taken a bath, I would return it. Afte long and cuutiuuous service ou the roac I can eat most anytbiug. " The lady Was for bel abo ring him with a rolling pin, but tne good, kmtl-hearted man o many pi!r)Lut-:es kiudiy iiiquired il "the lady's m-i.'uur was in." "I arn the lady of rne uonxe, s;r." "Oh," thought yon vt ■ ihn !ítughtñr," sai( the gallant k . i rne road. Th lady feit so flattered that she asked th tramp to ruin iiutu hdö could bak him another pie. The Sylvan church is to be lightei by electricity. The W. R. 0. at Chelsea held abirthday party the 12th, at wbioh Capt. E. '. A!!;jn dolivered an address. Fifty dollars was realizad by the presentation of "Ilaad and Gl ove "at Chelea reoently. liie projflotors were band iu glove1' witb the poor and iiey tnrncd the nioney over to thora. The vt?s broke into the dwelling of Witi. Kuiokerhoker, jr., of Napoleon, vliile the fauiüy wore absent aud stole 50 in tnoupy. It is helieved the thief was een iu Manchester, but no arrests have een made. We are snre that onr citizeus will be "l;id to learn that the Kapp-Raby snit ïas been settlad. Mr. Heimerdiner has ïao paid Iris judguient and oosts of suit ;o Dr. K,u-.p and has paid Dr. Kapp, of Anu Arbor.for his services. Thisleaves )r. Kapp's biil againsc Mr. Schumaker he only one of the smallpox bilis to be ettled, and we hope that the gentlemen an oome to a settlement at once and he pnblio mind be at rest. - Mancheser Euterprise. Tramps entered W. H. Lehr!s saloon t Manehester and when ordored ont went to C. Newmann'8 where they inisted on running the hoase. Marshal Niles took the fellows over to the lockap, and iit the morning gave them the 'run". Their last "run" was more Bccessful and ïnuoh more satisfaotory ban the "run" they insisted on makng at the saloon the night before, flow's this for a delioions bit of lamor from the Howoll Democrat? "A eador of the Demoorat in Qenoa likes ie paper so well that he told a neightnr that he was arranging to pay for it aother year. ' ' Wirt Loree disposed of soine chattel mörtgaged property at Howell reoently nd had tak-an the train for Toledo, ineoding there to join some emigrants n their way to Alabama. At Dnndee depnty sheriff orerhauled Loree and tept him froin tfecoming a"southerüer, ah." The Anneke Tans oranks, who think ïey have a legal claim to Trinity Oburoh in New York from chanoel rail o entrauce hall, met at Cleveland last week, and like a new woman's meeting aere was a good sorap on before the ession closed. L. A. Guerineau, of Terre Haute, Ind., was chairman until Wednesday when, pobably beoanse n his veins the .Tans blood was &aid to )revail over the Anneke blood, the most of the heirs being Annekes of omrse, the delegates got after him and leoted another ebairman, one Bailey, f Sioux Falls, S. D. When Bailey atempted to take the chair, Gnerineau ave the article of fnrnitnre to bim in a ery forcible manner, aud not enirely according to parliamentary law. Bailey tbrew the belligerent ex-ohairman off the platform and the delegates celebrare;! the viotory by voting $1,000 tock for inshing the claims of their himerical estáte.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News