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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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fraa=W Li.SC3íÉSSK SESsSS&SÍlíSSflSÉ :&(g3SLHLMEKl 6 DiSEASED MEN CUSO g H TUniICSM HC of yonngmen. middlo aged men and oli men can look back at 5. M nUUO"ll''u thoir boj hond days ir early maïs hond with a siph of remorse. H LL The ignorance of early youth, or Ínter on a mipspent liie as "one of the boys" has sown ■■ IS thnsrfodsior future suffering. EELF ASSJSE is a trrrible sin againsc, nature and mi I will bring a rich harves' . Blond and Private Ui eases sap the very lite and vitality I lm of the victim. Our NEW MEl'HOU TKEAiMLNT wiü positively cureall the foüowWl D ing diseases: . w] VARiCOCELE, EMISSïONS, NERVOUS DEB1UTY, gj SYPilLSS, SimCTURE, Gi EET, SEMINAL IK NESS, PIMPLES, LO T MANHOÜD, UNNATURAL K M DiSCHARGES, K1DMEY AND BLADDER DSSEASES. ft IQ flkC VniS 9 NEHVOTJ3 and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired morn:ngs; no lm WnC IUU í ambition- Hfeiess; niemory poot; easily fatigued; excitable and irrion M table; Ryes mmlten, il and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and night losees; rostrt I9v 1p88; haiïgard looking; wak b;ick, bone poins; hairlooe; vilcers; sore throat; varico# Q cele; depo-itiu urine and drains at. stool; diBtrastfnl; wunt of coufilJence; lack of Q [ energy and WE CAN CURB YOU OR ASK WO PAY. S CURLS GUARAFJTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDEMTIAL S M SNATCHED FROl THE GRUVE. K ÏÏQ doctors and nerve tonicB by the score without benent; eniissions and drains increased. tfy CE 1 béfame a nervoue wreek. A friend who had been cured by Dra. Kennedy & Kftrgan {i ll# of aBimilar disease, adyisednie totry them. I diá eo and in two monthswas posiiiveSj ly cared. This was eight year6 ago. 1 am now married and have two healthy child% tam ren."- (J. W. LE ivlíá, faginaw, SUARIOnPCI C PliDCn "Varicocele made life miserable. I was weafe and n SMhíOUIiLLL ?UHtU. nervoue, eyessnnken, bafhful in 6O0iety, hair thin, U Rno ambition. The 'Golden Monitor' opened my eyee. ïhe New Metl'od 'lreatinent of M Urs. ïiennady and Kergan cured me in a few weeks.- I. L. PETKKISON, ionia, SCMICClflMP í'ülDCn J'.P.EMEHSON relatos hiexperience. "1 lired on O UitSlooiUIïO uüflLUi a fnrm. At school 1 iearned an early hobit. which V O weakened me physically, sexoally and mentaUy. Family doctors said 1 was going Ij into 'decline' Iconsumption.) Finally 'The (jolden Monitor,' edited by Drs. Kennedy t N & liergan, feil iuto my hands. 1 Iearned the TRUTH and the CADdE. tíelf-abnse H lïj hatt sapped my vitality. I took tt.e New Method Treatmont and was cnred. My q IW friendsthink I was cared of consnmption. I have sent them many patients, all oí IJj whom were cured. Their New Method Treatment suppliea vigor, vitality and J5 manhood." Ibs CVDUilIC P!!i3L'"í "Tíjí1; terrible blood disease was in my systsm for eight "ï 'S ulrniLlo UUmLUi years. Had taken mercury for two years, bnt the disease returned. Eyes red, ijimples and blotche on the skin, ulcere in the mouth and on 1 tongue, bone pains, falling out of hair, weakness, etc. My brother, who had bei a Ij cured of Gleot and ötri'ture by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, recummonded thent. ÍThey cnred me in a few weeks, and 1 thank God 1 consolted them. No return oL the 18 d.sease in six jexrs."- W. P. M., Jackson. S; 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. (DCAHITRI Are yon a victim? Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplating u ritrl-CrS! marriage? Hasyonr biood been diseased? Have yon any weakness? fk kOur New Method Treatment wili cure yon. What it has done for others it will do for V yon. CONSULTATIOÑ FREE. No marter who has trrated yon. write for an honest J (opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "The Uolden Monitor" S (ülustrated), on Diseases of Men.lnclose piwtage, 2 cents. Healed. Ki -NO NAMtS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIS ■ VATë. Nomediolnesent C O. D. No ñames on boxes or envel 1 ones. Everytning confidential, Questlon list and cost of 1 I Treatment FREE. ' g 5 DRS.KENNEDY & RERGAN,idetrso!tStJ pago jasagagaEqasfe3 agdasgiioosM l agaaagiiogeMh


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