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From the amount of space devoted in the papers to the junior hops and th amotmt. of timo and money and brain expended by the ooutending factious on the matter one, who does not have th ■aeans of judging, would think that th niversity wa; designed to give the yonng gentlemen and ladiea sooial lif and to enable them to atteud socia fnnctiona. There is already too muo! prejndice in this state, especially iu gricnltnral oircles, to permit the pre jndice to be inoreased with impunity In fact nothing has hurt the nniversity ■o muoh in the past year or íwo a kas this petty quarrel over the junio hop. It has seenied to be the principa part of nniversity life and has oreatec the impression that the sludents spenc their time in endeavoring to shine in society rather than in the acqnirement af the useful fcnowelQge which is the ole excuse that the nniversity has fo ■tate support. For ifc is manifestly nn fair for the people to tax themselves to make merely society bntterflies. O oourse here in Ann Arbor we know tha snch is not the case ; that in fact, al thongh there were two rival hops given tfais year eaoh of which made every ffort to secure a large attendance, no one in in twelve students attendec eitber hop. We know that most of the students are after the attainments of an ducation.that they are earnest students and will go well out equipped to become good citizens of the state and to Tender to their various communities yalue received for the education attained partly at public expense. We know too that the greater majority of those who took part in the hops did so nly as recreation and are good students, bnt the world at large only sees the olumn after colnmn in the daily press regarding the war in the fraternities over social functions and naturally de eides tbat the nniversity is degenerating iato a factory of society butterfiles. It is becoming harder each year to get íroni a grudging legiilature the money whicb the nniversity needs to carry on the legitímate work of edncation. The agricnlturists are in the great majority in the legislature, they care nothing for what has been this tempest in a teapot.whieh has agitated the fraternities, "social functions. " The only appeal to them must be the solid acqnirements which edncation gives, the knowledge that the boys from the farms, who have not had the soaial experieuce of the rich man's son is his aqnal in the nniversity and that invidions sooial distiDCtions ate not there made. We here on the spot know that there is nothing in this whole matter. It is well that the world should know the same and that the .society boys ihonld refrain from airing in the public prints the differences which tend to give a false idea of the work of the nniversity. In the great free-for-all race for the repnblican presidential comination Michigan republicana have an eveu faance for carrying off the plnm for a Michigan man, if they would only get together and go to work. But it cannot be done for Alger. Unfortnnately for hiin he is not this year in a position to draw the strength uecessary for the nomination. Ex-Senator Tom Palmer, of Detroit, conld succeed to most of the Harrison strength and in a long contes oonld draw from the other candidatos as their chances wane. With intelligent political management, Palmer wonld have as good a chance for the republioan nomiration as McKinley, Allison, Reed, Morton, Davis or Quay. Palmer is a Michigan man, so let the Michigan republicana grab the plum for Palmer, if they can. Wouldn't there be a rattling of dry bones, were Pingree governor. The only trouble is that ecouomy might be lost sight of. There is too rauch republicanism abont Pingree to permit him to eoonomize properly. His admnistration wonld be picturesqne and the old barnacles wonld howl, but what the people now want is a rigidly eoonomioal state administration. It behoovea the demoorats to make their state nominations with extreme oare, with a view to giving the state snoh an administration. ■ Boss Quay, of Pennsylvania, want the repablican nomination for pres dent. By all rueaus let him have it The bosa who does the work, grease the machine and diotates the policie of the party, might just as well staat as the nominal as well as the aotna head of the party. Ex-Gov Lnce prononnces Rieh's ex planacion of the $3, 000, 000 state tax a uusatisfactory. And Luoe is right abon it. There would be no earthly need o: a $3,000,000 state tax, were the stat government eoonomically administered The repnblican sUte machine i down on Pingree for govenor. Th Datroit republioan machina will hav no one but Pingree. Wait till the tw machines clash and what a fight w will see. What is the polioy of the repnblican party, whioh always claimed to have deflnite policy? We are unable to tel from its congress. unless it be, lay low aud do nothing. Speaker Reed nudonb'tedly wishes he wasn't speaker. The do-nothing con gress is injuring his chances for th presidenoy. After Harrison gets njarried, his wit may induce him to change his min about acoepting that presidential nomi nation. The "do-nothing" congress is stil doing nothing but talking. Miss Helen Dunoan, teacher at th Geer school, in Superior, has been on the siok list for some time, bnt wil soón be able to attend to school dntie again. Miss Bdna DePue is filling th vaoanoy. There was a flag-raising at the schoo house in the Wiard district, east ofYp silanti, yesferday.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News