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Village elections will be nunierous Maroh 9. Revival meetings have been held in Sharon. The Holmes stores in Chelsea have fceen repainted. Sixty danoers were out in Lima the fcher night. A war lecture was delivered at the Sylvan Center church last evening. The Chelsea W. R. C. reoeived $1.40 ironi their recent birthday party. Stephen Arnold died at his home ear Gregory Feb. 17 of consnmption. A pop cora social was held at W. B. Thompson's in Salem Saturday eveuing. A new engine was due in Chelsea thi8 -week for the electric light works there. C. W. Mawney has a contract for building four new bouses iu and near Chelsea. Two Chelsea ladies broketbeir wrists last week by slipping on the icy walks of that burg. John Sharp, of Jackson, has taken charge of the Standard Bit Company's business in Chelsea. There bas not been a wedding in Saïine this year. All the more chance for the girls this leap year. Frank Judson, of Chelsea, has shipped over 5,000 sheep since Decernimr, says the Chelsea Herald. James Shannon and Miss Margarefc JKelley were married at St. Mary's ohurch in Cbelsea, Feb. 18, There was a valentino social at Manj.hester and 170 persons had the temeri■iy to tempt Cnpid and attend. Ralph Bnrnbam, of South Lyon, is nlucky in horses. He has jnst lost his third horse this year and he hadn't owned it very long either. Painters and deoorators are making ■ïhe Ypsilanti postofflce so beautiful to gaze upon that the populace are visitïng it in lieu of an art gallery. Ypsilanti counts among its inhabitants a 17-months-old boy, who weighs fout 12 pounds. He is so small he hides in his motber's thimble when they play liide and seek at his house. Mrs. Rebecca Stanton died recently at Dexter, aged 82 years. She settled ■with her hnsbaud on a farm in Webster in J 8y 4. Her hnsband died in 1847. Five children survive her. There as a baby boy born to Mr. and 'Mts. Wm. Kellar at Ypsilanti the 22d. He was give a toy hatchet to play with and was named George Washington Kellar. There were 83,000,000 cigars manfactured in Michigan in 1895. Gorauan's factory in Chelsea maunfactured s good many and good oigars they -were. A donation was given Rev. A. H. Oirdwood, of the Chelsea Baptist hureh, Wednesday evenng We haven't heard how the reverend gentleman feit since the resitatiou. Fred Steinkohl, of Manchester, has been making some wooden goats for the .Maccabees. He has taken great pains with the buDting end of the billies anï promises oandidates that the old line goat they expected to find will not be a circumstance to these nice new wooden ones. A fire early Monday morningentirely gutted the bar-room of the Occidental fcotel at Ypsilanti. The loss amounted to about $900 and was covered by insurance. The guests in the hotel were toadly scared and some of them rnshed io the walk in habilaments nsually worn for the ghost dance. The Lake Shore people are doing a great work at the Columbia lake bridge near Bridgewater. A few weeks sinoe they commenced to fill in with dirt the large space occupied by the bridge. It ■was quite long and stood 43 feet high. There has been over 17,000 carloads üt dirt üurnped on the spot and the old ■viarlnet haö sunk over 45 feet, its top aiow being below vvhere the foundation vas whc n rhe work was commenced. 'Two carloads of luinber have also been -osed in building up tbs track to allow daily trams to pass. The greatest sinkicg occurred the second, Sunday, when the bridge went clown 42 inches between Satarday night and Monday moraing. Beforo the work was commenced toere stood aloug the sonth line of the road a rail fouce fortyleet below the top of the bridge, the heavy weight of the rlirt hap torced the soft muok xinder said fonce to an olevation and the ffinoe and it mr.oky eartb may now be seeu soms flftepn fest above the 1 of tho track. - Saline Observer. Revival meetings are in progresa at Clioto:i. Gdorge W. Alleu, of Bridgewater. is I -.■i-o ■■■■■ ' og in the South. Good piices were seeured at the Wat■iDU anctlon iu Saline last week. Marcb wil! sce a new minster inStaHed iu the Cliutou Baptist ohnreh. Misn Etta Wbeelook died of consuiupt:ou in Sali?ie on Wednesday of last week, aged 36 years. A sbadow ociul was held Mouday nvenirig at Wm. Giseudorfer'a in Salem for the benefit of the. Lntheran ohnroh. Ope a bolda the boards at the Saline opera hoñae to nigbt and tomorrow nipht. Home talent in the leading parts and fiue entertainments are promised. The Washtenaw Connty Sunday School couvention will be held in Chaise Maren 17 and 18. Rev. Dr. Ryan and Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, are down for addrosses. A Law and Order League has been formed in Chelsea to secure the striot enforoement of existing laws and the enaotment of more stringent laws for the suppression of vioejmmorality and orime. "'■ Cal Ellis, whilo on top of straw staok loading straw, near Clinton, was preoipitated to the frozen ground by the staok tipping over and was covered with straw and ioe. His oollar boue was brokeu. Charles Helmrioh, who died at his home in Chelsea, February J 7, was bom in Germany in 1824, and leaves a wife and seven ohildren. He had resided in Chelsea for thirty-six years and was knowa as a good citizen. Charles Guerin, who died in Detroit February 12, was bnried in the cemetry at Lima Center. He was 83 years of age and settled in Lima in 1856, where he resided nntil six years ago. He was a prominent citizen and highly respected. His sister, Mrs. Wm. Covert, resides in Lima. He leaves five children : Mrs. Agnes .1. Crane, of Cadillac; D. J. Guerin, of Detroit; W. H. Gnerin, of Ypsilanti; Mrs. A. C. Holden, of Sharon and Wanen Gnerin, of Chelsea. In preliminary oonversation the minister even referred to the young lady ab'out to be married, indicating by word and gestare the lady present, where upon the gentleman hastened to explain that his prospectivo life partner was awaifcicg minister and groom at another place. The feelings of the three persons at this junotnre can be befcter imagiued thau desoribed - the confusión of the lady, the ohagrin of the minister, and the immense relief of the young man. - Chelsea Herald. A serious mistake nearly ooourred at the parsonage a few evenings sinoe, whereby the righi; young man would have been married to the wrong young lady. Öne of Chelsea's most estimable yonng .towns-people, who has not been at home before in some time, happened to oall at the parsouago while a young man, who had previously spoken to the pastor to engage his services, was waiting lor him to make his appearancé. When the pastor carne in he saw the yonng man and also the yonng lady, whom he did not at firsfc recognize. Seelog no other ho supposed of oonrse that she was the bride elect, and was preparing, in his mind, to speafc the happy words whioh should unite them.