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English Women In Africa

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Miss Kingsley, the African explorer, It is said, will be setting out before many months to explore west África. She is enthnsiastie over ber travele in Aica, aud boasts, iu addition tb clirubing the CurneroouH, of huving led a party through the country of the cannibal Fangweg. The pioture wfaiob she gives of the Fangwes and their marmer of liviug shows them to be a completely barba. -ons tribe, and she also tells of a race of savage dwarfs who live iu the recesses of these Africau forests. The case of the Faug wes - since they have pressed down from the center of the continent - suggests what a world of strange things and beiugs inay yet be hidden away iu " darkest África. ' ' Miss Kingsley kuew that the surrouudiugs amid whiuh she fonud herself here and there meant danger, but she uever bliuked the iauger. If isked if she feit nervous at ruy time, she would say : "Oh, dear, no. Why sliould If I knew bef ore I started ihat I was ruuniug certain risks, aud I bad jutt urade op my ruiud to them." African expoditious threaten to becorue fads for rich women. rLwo youug women are now traveling np to Buluwayo, South África, by wagon, with all the comforts of the road, iucludiug a valet aud attendants. Mail coach travelers who have passed them report that tbey are dressed in the most approved style - tight fitting shooting jackets, short, plaited skirts, top boots, rifles at back, with cartridge belt, etc. - altocrether a charmins outfit. What uext?-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News