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Village elfictions next Monday. The Whitinore Lake ice honses are filled. Whitmore Lake's old postoffice building bas beoome transformed into a oarriage house. The Milan high sohool will present "Red Riding Hood's Resoné," at the Milan opera house tonight. The Babcock hotel at Milán has been purchased by H. C. Sill. He will tear it down and erect a store for hardware in its place. The first oan of baked beans to be turned ont by the new bean factory at Grass Lake, was purchased by the News editor. "They are a fine article of beans and one trial will convince the consnmer of their superiority. They speak for themselves, " wrote the editor in lien of the $2 he was to pay fot them. Grass Lake figures out that the engine for the big bean factory can furnish the power for an electrio light dynamo. The Lake Shorecompany paid $6,000 to fill up the &ink hole at the Columbia bridge on the Ypsilanti branch. The hole swallowed up 3,658 loadsof earth. George Sanford, a Mooreville lad, feil frorn off a woodsbed recently and fractured his wrist. "We are informed that the small-pox t)ill óf Dr. Kapp against Jacob Schumaohner bas been settled. The sraallpox business is all cleared up nov?. - Manchester Enterprise. Manchester claims to have been v'sited by that Chicago black snow storm. Chicago and Manohester always were tough. It is reported at Dexter that Ann Arbor's Salvation Amiy corps is to h old weekly meetings in that village. Tbis is backed up by the statement that Chelsea is to have a law and order league. By and by the people will become so goud in the two villages that there will be a dirth in the naarket of hymn books. A. R. Congdon, who has been employed in the tinshop of CE. Whitaker for a unmber of years, will take charge of James & Frsncisco's new hardware store at Dexter, which opens up March 14. Come up higher, Mr. Smith, of Monror. Bill Nye is dead. The Mooroe Democrat is 17 years old, just that blushing age when it is pleasant to "go to press. " Ypsilauti whist clubs went to Jaokson Tuesday uight to meet delegations from Battle Creek, Kalamazoo and Jacksou. Frank Welsh, James O'Counors and Henry Gates are languishing in jail, sent np for fifteen rlays from Chelsea for being drank and disorderly. Rev. A. R. Storms, who is spoken of in connection with the M. E. pulpit in this city, is a sou of Irving Storms, of Chelsea. John Heber, an old resident of Chelsea, died last week Weduesday very suddenly. He bad been around at work in the morning and was taken with a stroke of paralysis and only lived a short time. A ?-year son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Foster.of Grass Lake. formerly of Chslsea, died recently. It befell in the honrs of night a week ago last Satmrday that fire was disoovered in tbe spacions office of Dr. TwitchelU who for these many years has held the even temper of his being within the village of Chelssa. The ■wise among the villagers who hastened to the spot did say one to anothei : "Behold, the fire is oonfined to the wainscoating back of the stove. There is ao danger of the winds of the night fanning it into a great coaflagation. Let us then shy a chemical at it and if tbe chemical shall hit, the fire will be as grass that witbereth at tbe end of the four and tweutieth hour." And each did shy a ohemical forthwith, and at the twelfth hour the fire, seeiug that the enetuy was too many, licked its chops and tben and there did expire. Theu tbe populace did return to their homes and to their beds and in the morning the goud doctor diii teil tliem one and all that hisdainage was $100, aud John Beissel, viio doih seil tu the dames o tbe v lla ■ hiiusphnld tbat wnh which to make their tables groan (aud tbeir good masters to ;roau aiau when to them the buis are presentad) did alsu raiie his voioe and quoth that the dam-, age to his srock woaid reaob $50. The building also was dauiayed $100, and upon it alone was there insurauce held. Rev. Platt, o ! the Baptist church i' M;n hettír, uas resigued. John JubnBou, a war veferan, died e -.outly at Whittaker's Corners. Thomas Hill, residing a mile north if Duude, in feiling a tree, had the uisfurtune to have a portion of it fall er )Sd bis ieft leg, breaking both bones ihe leg betvveen úukio aud knee. A qniet wedding took place at the tome of the bvicJe's father, Mr. Miohael L1 alter, near Bridgewater, last week Vednday afar -ojr, the bride being kli.-s Li-iiii Kl tger aud t ;e groom Mr. 3. (o k, Rev. C. Clessler officiating. Chorsday the happy couple Ieft for i short vjs t in Sag.naw, aftf-r which hey go to rheir future home. Youngsowi!, Ohio. - Saline Observer. J. T. Hafford hitched up bis lumber vagou and after a hard pull through ho mud, arrived at Milan the other lay. By the nuited eft'orts of Hanford, Mr Smith, of the Leader, the office 'devil" and a few bystanders, the load u the wagon J.vas gotten into the Mian Lsader oflbeo. It was an ear of corn, iaving 20 rows, 1160 kerneis, and neasuriug 12 inches in lengtb. Over at Lambertville tbe leaderS in ihei politioal party in the asoendancy aave already gotteu together and fixed ap the slate for the township eleotion. Sow the qnestion arises whether or no he people ontside the ring shall be ead by the nose to the polling place Mid then and there deposit the vote the ocal Quays and Elkins have prepared Eer them. They say they won 't but wheu the time comes of oourse they will. Before electiou people say they won't flo things. That's prinoiple. At slection people vote their ticket regardless. That's politics. Neal, of Northville, is not editing the Reoord f rom Mexico. It seems to as that a sort of mutual onting association might be gotten up among us poorer editors, and when a c ice trip ike the Mexican trip comes along a peroapita assessment be made snfiicient. to pay the -expenses of one of our nurnber. 3eein' as we have mentioned it first, thiuk we ought to have flrst chance; tben let Neal go and afterward Stearns, of the Adrián Pre s; Smith, of theMonroe Democrat; Beakes, of the Ann Arbor Argus; aud after that some of the Ypsilanti fellers; the Saline Observer man ; and Matt Blosser, of the ohester


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News