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The Buffalo Bill Wild West show will appear in the city this summer. Tho marriage of Herbert Milspaugh and Miss Binma Milnes is announced. No. 7 west on the Michigan Central, formerly leaving here at 10:28, p.m ., now leaves at 10:12. A ten pound baby boy was born last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Parsons, of S. State street. N. H. Warner's barn near Milan burued Sunday raorning, entailing a lpss of $700. Insurance $450. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of Washtenaw avenue, have a baby boy at their home. Arrival, Sunday morning. Douglas Ward, Princeton's junior quarterback, has been secured as coach for the U.of M. football team next fall. Rey. Anna H. Shaw, the noted female divine, preached to a large congregation at the M. E. church Sunday evening. E. V. Hangsterfer, like Marjorie in "Rob Roy", "has a smile for al.l" There'e--a new baby girl come to his house to stay. , Tuesday noon a stovepipe feil over at the Franklin house and a partition caught fire. The prompt arrival of the fire department prevented a bad lire. Frank C.Stnith, of Ypailanti. will give a violin recital in the Unity club course Monday evening next, assisted ly Miss Jacobs, contralto, and Miss Davis, pianist. John Mantz, a we 11 known carpenter, died of consumption Friday. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from J Dieterles' undertaking roords, Rev. Max Hein offioiating. Sopbia Easfc, teacher of the Lodi District No. 10 will give an exhibition at the Lodi town hall on Friday evening, March 13, at seven p. tn. Admission 10c. Everybody invited. "Popular Arnusemeuts weighed in Golden Balances, " at the M. E. church nest Sanday evening. In tbe morning Dr. Oobern will speak of "Hinges on whioh swing Doors of Destiny. " Miss Sarah Squire died at her home in Pittsfleld Saturday of consnmption, aged 87 years. The funeral services occurred Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. M. Gelston officiating. Interment was made in Lodi cemetry. Miss Christina L. Swift, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Swift, of Petrolia, Ont. , died Sunday at the residence of her aunt, Mr8. Sarah E. Vaughn, No. 11 Church strept, aged J5. The remains were taken to Petrolia Wednesday morning. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold their regular monthly business meeting in the rooms of the association Monday, March 9th, at three p. in. A report of' the state convention held at Kalamazoo, will be given. Every lady interested is urged to be present. Council Monday night passed the new telephone ordinance without a dissenting voice. Those who are at the head of the new conoern have been very busy this week securing subscriptions. They say if they can secure 350 tele phone contracta it will pay them to begin work. The price for residences is but f 15. The School of Musio Building Assooiaton elected directors Tuesday night as follows: H. S. Dean, G Frank Allmendinger.Moses Seabolt, O. Eberbach, H. .T. Brown, J. V. Sheehan and L. J. Babcock. The following officers were elected President, H. J. Brown, Mosps Seabolt; secretary, J. V. Sheehan; treasurei, O. Eberbach. A publio auction will be held on Thursday, March 12, at the farm of the late James Sage, two miles west of Lodi town hall. There will be 15 horses put up for sale, one span 2600 lb. geldings, one span 2500 lb. 5-yearold geldings among them, two new milch oows, 58ewes with lambs, besides a large amount of otber stock, agricultural implements and household furniture. The forty hours devotion will commence Friday morning in St. Patrick's ohiu-oh, Northfleld, at 10 a. m., and ' will conclude Sanday, March 8, with solemn services at 10:30 a.' m. The time for oomplying with the Easter precept in the Catholic church, isfrom the first Sunday in Lent to Trinity Sunday. All the people of the parish will therefore have an excellent opportunity to fulflll this strict ohligation. Very Rev. Father Van Antwerp, of Detroit, together with other clergymen, will conduct the devotions. As the roads are in good condition, no doubt a large attendance may be expected. A bout two months ago a man canvassed the city for a patent medicine nostrum and had the nerve to teil those who were foolish enongh to buy the stuff, a fairy story of large proportions. He said that there would be a grand drawing at the opera house Maroh 2nd, at which there wonld be oash prizes given away. He also told his viotims that at this "grand drawing" 50 cents of the dollar they gave for the medicine(?) would be refunded to them. It seems almost inoredible that anyone would bite on suoh a fake but several did and turned up at the opera house at the appointed honr, only to flnd that the "grand drawing" existed only in the imagination of the wily. Tender, who is probably now in other pastures seeking whom he may devour, for new suokers are bom every minute. The Michigan Central has reduced íts fare two cents from Ypsilanti to Detroit. Chris. Reul was held up by footpads on Spring street Saturday night aud relieved of 4. The o'ige for the money order department at the postofHce was recoived and pat in place this week. The man who signed his note a year from date last Suturday, was a little more dishonest than bright. Born to Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas. H. Allinand, Friday, au 8)4 pouud boy. Also an 8 pouud boy to Mr. aud Mrs. Win. JEssl inger. Martha Anna, the three-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lenling, died Saturday morning of whooping cough. James Carroll was sentenced by Justice Pond last Friday to 65 days in the Detroit housö of corraotion for being drunk and disorderly. "The Fencing Master," the musió of which was written by Beginald DeKoven, will be prodnced at the opera house tonight. It is needless to say this is one of the star attraotions of the season. Marriage licenses were few this week, only two being issued by the countyclerk: Feb. 27, Wro. Snaubel and Marcha Stoll, of this oity; and Mar 3, Geo. Lanender, of Whitmore Laka, and Lydia Hamby, of Dixboro. W. W. Tuttle, the State street restaurantenr, brought Luther M. Fisoher, a student, to time Friday. Fisoher gave him a oheok for $5 when he had no money in the bank. Tuttle got ont a warrant and rather than submit to arrest Fisoher quiekly settled up. Chas.A. Maok, a well-known postoffice inspector, who has always inspeoted the looal postoffice recent years, died of pneumonía at his home in Detroit Friday last, after bnt a five days' illness. Mr. Mack was a painstaking official and his loss will be sorely feit by the department. Lewis Vogel, who resides two and a half milea out Liberty street, was run away with yesterday afternoou on Main street, his horse being frightened at n street car. Vogel was thrown out, striking on his head and being dragged some feet. He was aRsisted into the First National Bank and it was hought at first that he was badly hurt. It was fpuDd however that a flnger out of joint was the most serions injury. Geo. W. Slayton, W. Almira E. Steffy, Delilah Braeriok and Frank Slayton, children of the late George W. Slayton, have filed a bilí of conaplaint in the circuit court 'against Mariah Slayton, widow of tne deceased. The complaJDants are heirs by a former wife and ask that they receive that portion of the property that wonld have beeu theirs by right of heirship, the widow to receive her dower iuterest only. The property involved is a 170 acre farm in Superior townsbip. William E. Quihby, United States minister to the Netherlands, writes A. S. Drake, of Albion, Mich., thac the records of the legation show that the Anneke .Tans estáte question has been thoroughly sifted and that there is no fonndation whatever for the rumors of nioney awaiting claimants. He also shows that. the legislation of the Netherlands is euch as to effectually and without appeal dispose of all claims even if inherently just, which were not presented and proved before 1853. The annualelection of offlcers of Ann Arbor Commandery, No 13, K. T, took place Tuesday evening and resulted as follows: W. W. Watts, E. C. ; Jas. R Bach, Gen ; Ross Granger, Capt Gen. ; L. O. Goodrich, Prelate; W. A. Moore, S. W. ; J. Fred Hoelzle, J. W. ; O. E. Hiscock, Treas. ; J. W. Brntett, Ree. ; W. H. Guerin, Standard Bearer; C. L. Stevens, Sword Bearer; Ed. H. Eberbach, Warder; Thos. Taylor, Sentinel. The officers were installed by P. E. C. Chas. E. Hiscock immediately after the elect;on. P. E. C. John R. Miner acting as grand marshal. Joe T. Jacobs, now that he is so far from home, dares to say nice things about some other locality than Ann Arbor, as the following from the Ventura (Cal. ) Democrat testifies : We had the pleasure of a cali, jesterday, from Mr. J. T Jaoobs, of Ana Arbor, Mich igan, who is here on one of his peiiodical visits to the Pacific Coast and to see his son who ís a resident of Ventura and a olerk in Roth's shoe store. Mr. Jacobs is an intelligent and pleasautmannered gentleman and has become sufficiantly familiaiized with California, by reason of his repeated visits, to be an enthusiiast in describing its climate and other merits. He is satisfied that there is no other country on earth its equal. Jim Corbett, the pngilist, appeared at the opera honse last Saturday night to a very large andience, chiefly students. At the end of the second aot of his piece pandemonium broke loo&e. The stndents yelled and stomped, drowned the orchestra and cried for the champion. Corbett had to appear before he could go on with the show. He said that he had issued a challenge to Fitzsimmons and that if the Australian went to England without taking notioe of it he should follow him over there and foroe him to a fight. That pleased the students and they gave him tbe U. of M. yell. Corbett had the stage appearance of a gentleman, a winning smile and looked the heart crusher he is olaimed to be. He did not appear like a fellow who would thrash a botel attaohe witkin an inoh of his life or foroe one wife to seek a diroroe by his relations with nother woman whoin he married as soon na be oonld. The contract for building the womau's gymuasiuin has been awarded to H. Carew & Sons of Detroit. Senator T. W. Palmer, of Detroit; Hon. Ferris S. Fitch, of Pontiao ; and Prof. Robert Fultou, of Delaware, O., mve conseuted to aot as jntiges on deivery at the üual uuiversity oratorical coutest ou March 20. Senator Palmer will preside and will present the prizes. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Tatlock were called ro Stamford, Conn., Wednesday by the death of Mr. Tatlock's brother. Rev. Wm. Tatlook, D. D. The oeceased was rector of Sc. John's Episcopal obnroh at Stamford, archdeaoon of Fairfield and ex-secretary of the American House of Bishops. The water woiks company Rtruck a gusher on their property on West Washington street this week. Just how mnch of a fiud it will be oannot yet be determined. A two inch well previonsly sunk by the company showed snoh force that it was decided to put dowa a six inch weil a few feet from the two inch well. This six inch well is down abont eighty feet and sends np a great quantity of water and gravel. The gravel is a little more than the company has bargained for, and steps are being taken to restrain the gravel turowing propen&itiy of the well. If they suoceed, the company will have a fine addition to their water supply. The company is reticent yet abont their find, and fuller particnlars may be expected next week.