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r R. WILLIAMS, vjt. Attomtr at Law and Pension Claim aUoriw, MILÁN, MICH. Conveyancing and OollectionsffilGHIGAN PÍENTOAI, "The Nidíara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect March 1, 1896. . GOING EAST. Detroit Night Ex .5 40 a. m. Atlantic Express 7 30 " Grand HapidsEx -...11 05 Mail and Express --- 3 50 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 5 00 FastEastern 10 12 GOIU WE3T. Gd. RaplclsFa't N'pa'r....ï 53 a. m. Boston, N. Y. & Ch 7 30 Mail&Exp'rcss 8 38 North tíhore Limited 9 25 Past Western Ex... 2 OOp.m. G. R. & Ka). Ex 6 55 Chicago Nigbt Ex ..10 12 Pacific Express 12 15 O.W.RÏ7GGLE8 H. W.HAYS8, G. P. T. Asent Cnieaifo. Ag'tAnnArboi A. GHEMMSX OFF.R! CDEIC MME. A. RÜPKRT'8 rlïU FACE BLEAQH -xt. MME. A. RUPPERT y s 3 Vk saya: ' I appreelate the fucfe ■S-AWvu' 'ttiJ that tfaera are iminy thoufcSiKyASfjflB sandsoïladiesln the United %K%Hp StatestbutwoaldliketDtry (T rayWorld-Honownea Face ■LA'SS. Siïn Bleach: but h&T6 been W ' T'fn jtept írom doins so on acjmpSL , jJfc countof price,Trnitbisf2.00 ÍÍBíÉÍ Prb"'teor 3bollestaken JBaJiSTX Pw together, 86. U0. In oriler f?MÉP ÜÜ? tliat al ' of 'hese raoy hare Vy9 T an opportnnity, I ■will gtvo Nflp O to every caller, abïolutely _ "P freo, a Bamplo bottle, anrï &{-+, d. niVtoordertosupplytboeeout '■S=-L_2r2:i of c ty , or i n a n y part of tho World, Iwillsend itsafely packodin plaimrrapper Ilcharge3prepaid, for 25 cents, silveror stamp." In everycasaef freckle, pimples. moth, salIowme88,blaokheads.acne,eczernn,oiliness.rovigh- ness, or aüy discoloration or diseaseof the sfein, nd wrinkles (not caused by fanial expression) FACH Bltsach removes abpolutcly. ït does not WYernp, as cosmetica do, but is acure. Addresa MADAMS A. BXIPri;itT,(Dept.O.) No.6 East!4thSt., NEW YORK CITY. fr', .TVIohMter Ecllh Blomcnd ünni ■ hiïBOYAL PILLS 9 -CíTX Orlaríiialaá Only Gonnine. A yN AFEi ftlTra.fa reliable. ladico aK iff 4, i .V Drugist tor ChtcMertee Éngltth íaffhi LiLÍSÍ&tJSmo7id Brand in Hei. anl Cold metallic VUw VvT-íWloxe8. tQd whh blue rit.bou. Tako W "W Sfek YSno ther Ilefvseiianterous V fíftíona and imitations. A i DruggiHis, or Hend 4% (. _y ju Lanips for partículrs, testimoniáis and C E? Keïief fop LaH -im' t iefier. hr retnrn -. Af Tdaih IOjOOO Tt-atlmonialB. ffm Paper. - rCfcÍc-heterChOmÍeai4Jo.,itudl'nSqIin ■oíd br fcü Louat Uruggiatn, i'kllad.s ifm fRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, ior the followin(?'First Olass Companic, irepresenting OTer twenty-eight Million Dollars Assets, issues polioiee st the loweet ratee -- Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Gennaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M„ Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix,N.Y 3,759,036.00 # 49"SpeciaI attention given to the insnranoe ol ltrelllngs, schools, chxirche and public building a terma of three and flve yeara TO FARMERS: The Ann Arbor Milling Co. has just flnihhed building one of the most complete feed milis in Michigan and will now be ready for custom work of all kinds, including the grinding of corn nthe e ar . ann Arbor Milling Co. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorla.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News