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Local Brevities

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Zero weather yesterday morning. President Angell addressed a missionary rally in Detroit last Sunday night. The uew A. M. E. church on North Fourth avenue vsttll be dedicated April 5. Erest Ernil, infant son of Mr. Herman Schewe, of 17 Brown street, died Monday. Magdalena Carolina Schweinmin, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Schwemmin, of 46 W. Madison street, died Saturday, aged 10 months. The matter of remodeling the Brenner barn flcor a school house was laid on the table at the meeting of the sohool board Tuesday night. The poet who wrote his lay on spring last Wbek must have feit most awfully sheepish yesterday morning when he broke the ice in his water pitcher. Methodists do not, aa rule, believe in dancing, and yet the Germán Methodists of Ann Arbor hare awarded the contraot for building their new ohurch to John Waltz. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Ald Prettyman this week received a n4lb. pickerel from Sonth Lake and his boarders have been late to recitation on account of fish dinners every sinoe. The pickerel was caught by George Shanahan and Abington Gerry, of Chelsea. The Heberlein concert, whioh was announced for Friday evening, March 13, in the Inland League, has been unavoidably postponed until a later date. Due announcement will be made when a futnre date is arranged. It Iooked Monday as if Jndge Kinne wouid be oalled to Detroit tn try the last of the Simpson assault cases. On Tuesday, however, it was found that sucn sittiug oould not be in accordance with Detroit 's oity charter and the jndge wiJl escape an unpleasant duty. The Second Anniversary exercises of the Young Men's Cbristian Assooiation will be held in the M. E. chnrch next Sunday night at half past seven. The annnal address will be given by Dr. J. M. Thoburn, of Detroit. Everybody is invited to attend this especially intesesting service. Fraternity Lodge F. and A. M. sent $50 this week to Grand Master John J. Cartón, of Flint, as a subscripción towards the f200,000 endowment fond for the Michigan Masonic Home at Grand Rapids. Worshipfnl Master C. B. Davison received a very appreciative note of aoknowledgment from Grand Master Cartón. Prof. Bemis, who was dismissed from tbe chair of political economy in the Chicago university because of his utterances against corporations, was a gnest laat Friday of Prof.Adams. Upon the lattar's invitation Prof. Bemis ad- dressed Prof. Adams' class in finance. The deposed Chicago professor spoke on the exorbitant tax rates in Chioago. lle said that the poor man was paying a great deal more taxes in proportion than the wealthy class, the latter keeping their valnations down by means of their political pulls. i-MTft" The concert furnished. Friday evening by the Eolian atttachment bëing plaoed upon the Columbian organ, was a rare treat for the good sized audience that turned out. Beethoven, Wagner and all the celebrated mnsicians weie represented upon the program and selections from their works were reeled off with marvellous correctness. On Satnrday evening a popular program was rendered by Mr. Allen, who had the oonoert in charge. From here the attachment was taken to Toledo, where a concert will be given. The following paragraph appeared lat week in the Stockbridge Sun. : "About twenty years ago a Germán by the name of Goedeke removed from Ann Arbor to Holland, Mich. , where he soon afterwards died very suddenly. Sotnebody who knows the oircumstances nf his death has jast made them public Goedeke waR troutled with fever and ague and someone of his fellow workmen jokngly told hita that if he wonld take a dose of rough on rats, he would Bever be tronbled with fever again. Geodeke at once bought some of the poison, took a large dose, and died within an hour. Some one who knew of the joke finally told it." Last Friday night as the west bound mixed train wae standing at the depot at Pinckney, a number of large boys went into the ooaoh and began to soufflé and in the fray Frank Dolan flourished a revolver. He did not expect it was loaded, but it happened to contain one oartridge, and of ouurse, it went off and Lee Hoff was the nnluoky one to receive the contents just over the eye, but as the revolver was only a 22 short itdid not kill him. The bullefc was located by Dr. Sigler. The Grand Trunk raiJroad people have taken up the matter and had a detective here last Monday working on the case, but no arrests have been made as yet. On Tuesday evening, Maroh 1 7, Wm. C. Andrews, supported by a company of high o'ass comedians, will present a play called "My Wife's Friend. " It is nne of those uniqae and dainty trifles whioh of late have bscoroe the vogne, dealing in the most uproarous fun oaused by the embarrassing situations of a "fin de siècle" love story. The author of the play is Fred Marsden, who has ín the past turned out some very brilliant work. Mr Andrews is an excellent light oomedian, and earned his spnrs with Barney MeAuley, Feederick Ward.Roland Reed and other well known bímb. The play will be ' bemtifully mounted. Tuesday is St. Patrick's day. Bom to Mr. and Mrg. Wm. Fletcher, a girl. The aluinni of the class of '95 will banquet at Hangsterfer's tonight. It is annonnced that a Pingree club is about to be organized in the city. Chas. Schmidt has eommenced divoroe preceedings in oircuit oourt against Elizabeth Schmidt. Geo. H. Pond succeeds ex-Ald. Ferguson as member of the board of registration from the 4th ward. Mrs. John C. Chalmers' father, Marcus W. Clizbe. died at his home near Amsterdam, N. Y. on the öth inst. Prof. J. C. Knowlton has been sick this week with pneumonía, bat his oondition is at present reported better. Joseph Donnelly has been appointed agent for the Allen Lines of royal mail steamships to Liverpool and Queeuatown. R. A. Snyder.of Chelsea, has bought and shipped 20,000 bushelsof onions fchis winter. Quite a perfume factory, Mr. Snyder. Jacob Ganzaorn is inspecting all the plum and cherry trees in the city and cuttitig down all those affected with blaok knot. Frank Vandewarker celebrated his lOth birthday by giving a six o'clock dicner to a party of 18 playmates Monday evening. " The next teachers' examination for Washtenaw county will be held at the couit house, Ann Arbor. Thursday and Friday, Maroh 26 and 27. One of the most popular speakers on missions, Mrs. Wellington White, will lecture in the Presbyterian church on the evening of April 5th. Marguerite Ada, the three weeks old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Carr, of 87 N. Main street, died Tuesday afternoon of whooping cough. Snpervisor Danoer may still remain on the board of supervisors as the democrats are talking of nominating him for the position fr.m the third ward. As a resnlt of the recent visits in Ann Arbor of Mies Susan B. Anthony and Bev. Anna B. Shaw, there have been 30 new members added to the Political Equality club. The Ann Arbor road has recovered a ;on of buttei-, lost in a freight car a 'ew weeks ago in Lake Michigan. The jutter was strong enough to break the car door and come asbore.- Ex. Abram S. Polhemus fell down cellar Wednesday morning and drove a spear through his lef t hand. The hand had to be opened and a blood vessel closed before the implement could be extracted Mrs. Gertrude Wood-Allen died Sunday night of peritonitis, aged 23. She leaves an infant son, bora but a few days before her sad death and on the anniversary of the mother's birth. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the Church of Christ and the remans were' laid tö rest in Forest Hill cemetery. " The Courier has the following capital ironical parágraph: "The oity authorities have a lot of stone with which to macadamize some of our streets this sammer. Streets which will not have to be torn up again in a few weeks for water, seweror gas pipes, should be selected for this purpose. " William Haskins, residing at 4 W. Ann street, died suddenly at his home Tuesday evening. He had been in his usual health all day and heart diseaes is suppose to have ben the cause of death. The deceased had been a resdènt of Ann Arbor about four years, and for the past two years had oarried on the livery business at what is known as Kittredge's barn. He leaves a wife and son. It is said that there is a fight on at the Normal shool and that some changes in the personnel of the institution may be made in Jnne. The trouble is said to arise from the different method of teaching in force, the prinoipal being a disoiple of the "new school" system while the teachers believein the oldfashioned methods. Just exactly vhat the situation is oannot be learned, as tbe professors and teachers are of course retioent in speaking about the oondition of affairs. Thursday evening, Maroh 19th, wil! be the oooasion of an old fashioned spelling match at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, given under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary. Some of the representativo men and women of the city have been engaged to particípate. The costumes are expected to be very quaini and nnique. A lively program is being prepamd. Aclmission has been plaoed at 10 cents. The proceeds are to form the nuoleus of a Y. M. C. A. Building Fund, whioh the ladies have set out to raise. Doors will be open at 7 o'olock. Program will begin at 7 :30. The announcement that Rhea is to appear at the opera house touight has been greeted with every indication o: genuino appreciation upou the part o: theatre goers. The play to be presented is "Nell Gwynne", poor Nell Gwynne who held the heart of Charles thé Sec ond, and who made the court reflective of her sweet disposition and laughter Norman H. Hackett, ex-'98 lit., is a member of the company and in tbe cur tain raiser takes a prominent role, that of a Harvard student who makes tbroub. hia patrimony at a terrino pace Haokefcfc is a native of Detroit and a member of the Theta Delta Chi frater nir. Lewis S. Gillespie. of Kingston, N. Y., and Agnes Jaue Ughbauks.of Ypsilauti, were uuited in marriage WedDesday by Jnstice Gibson. There will be a f ree "Illustratad Health Talk"to mothers and daugbfers by Ann M. Lyon at Newberry hall Mouday aud Tupsday afternoous.March 6 and 1?, at 3 o'olock. Albert Buchholz was arrestRd yesteray by Marshal Peterson for d'stributng bilis on the street. He was flned 3 but will board seven days w:th Sheriff Judson in defanlt of the fine. Mrs. John Siefert, of Detroit, formrly Miss Mary Horn, of this city, died n Detroit tnis inorning, of typhoid ever, aged about 29 years She leaves a husband and two sinall children. The democrats of the townahip of tforthfield will hold their oancus at Whitmore Lake Monday, March 30, 896, at 1 o'clook p. m. for the purjose of nominating township offioers. The dirth in marriage licenses still ontinnes. Only two were issued this week, as follows : Geo. Steiabach, of jima, and Elva Mary Forner, of Sylvan ; Lewis S. Gillespie, of Kingston, !J. Y., and Agnes Jane üghbanks, of Ypsilanti. John B. Geddes, of Lodi, fromerly a resident of this city, died 'at his home n Lodi Wednesday of pneumonía, aged 67 years. Miss Helen Geddes, of 89 S. Mvision street, is a daughter of the deceased. The funeral ooonrred from he Congregational church this mornng. Capt. E. B. Tyler died Monday at iexter, aged 83 years. Mr Tyler was ;he first expresa agent of the village and was retired on a pension after 40 years' service. Mrs. Garrett Yearnce, of Dexter, and Mrs. S. J. Voorhis, of Hudson, died Monday night also, aged 76 years and 73 years respeotively. Fannie Rice, famous for a long time as an actress of unusual brightness and vivacity.Jwill appear with her comjany of comedians at the opera honse tornorow evening. Her play ís a uew one entitled "Nancy at the French Ball. ' t is an oppratic comedy and written to fit the dashing style of the well-known and well-liked comedienne. A little gii'l named Pearl Walkfr broke through the ice on the Dexter mili pond Monday afternoon and would ïave drowned, but for Myrtie Bostwick, ho threw her the end of her loak and called for help. Some younj; men arrived and after several minutes' courageous work the two girls we e bronght ashore. It was a a narrow esape for the little Walker girl, as she was sinking for the las time from exïaustion. William Geer, postmaster of Geer in Superior township, died at his home ast Wednesay morning from a stroke of paralysis, sustained on the first of March, aged 68 years. He sorved as supervisor of Superior for a nnmber of years and previous to that timé had served several terms as township "clerk He established the postoffi' e at Geer and was a man held in the highest es;eem by all who knew him. He leaves two sons. The funeral services are held ;oday from his late residence.