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GOT IE BÁCKACHE? If Toa HaT, Here'i tk W y u Bid Yourself f the Wearinesa mi Pi AttdBdiaj It. Some people suffer with hedache$ man y people are worn out and weary all the time, many more people hTe lame back and backache. Pew people underfitand the real cause of their aches, and fewer yet know how easily tliej cn' find a cure. Justa word of explanation before we prove that what we say is true The back is the key-note of the kidneys. It aches; tha's a 6gn that the kidneys are not working properly; it is lame; another sign, the kidneys are out of order. Thekidneys, you know, are the filters of the blood, tmt filters sometimes get clogged up This means in their case that the blood ourses through the entire system impregnated with poisonous urie acid, bringing on many a disorder which, if neglected. means disease perhaps incurable. And now about the cure:- Don't take our word for it ; read what others say : Mr. David C. Oaks is proprietor of the well known hardware and paint shop at 220 East Main Street, Kalamazoo. Mr. Oaks hassuffered a great deal from kidney ailments; he described his condition and cure as follows: "Ihad a bad, lame back, which I suppose was caused by my kidneys ; was confined to my bed during bad attacks. I might say, from time to time, I have been in that condition for years! The urinary organism was affected, urine beiug scanty, highly colored, and difflcult in passage. I was in a bad shape when I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pilis, about which I had heard. I have used now two boxes of them, and the pills have Temoved all the pain and trouble. There was a marked improvement right from the first. and it has continued right long. Doan's Kidney Pills are the right thing in the right place." For sale by all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, ÏT . Y. , sole agents for the U. S. Remember t.he name, .Doan's. and take no other. SISEJSTB lRTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into healthy aclion. MATTN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. HL White Tokay The Best for all Purposes, MANS KKOS., JfrS{8t, 36 S. Mata St. - ANN ARBOR HYÜY&l PULÍ ,_r WrS.o?a and oV 9omia. A j.vJL1vS. AFE, alwiri r-jliaitl. LADiIlJ M jfS F'AS V1 lT '""asW tor' CkMtMtor Rnati-ik #f -A .jKwomi Jtratul in TtëatS ui f"iW MotaliievuCr I ƒ ■" Tf'"" "J iíaíú7tj. Ai Iru45Í3ís, orsod4e. I W i' i utKvps Ut iTi'nMin. t "tiin !■ ftuJ V O #5 'S&iiioV few lïiKÏÏï," w liiiar, 1t rntairn Sold by aü Looei Ur uütiisti, a'MuLí.j Psi. J). -A. MAC LACHLAW, L1. J. Diseas1' EYB, Aói-j andTHBOAT Office, cor of Main and Washington Streets. Ee-iidence, 14 S. State Street. Resirtcnee telephoae, No. 1Í8, Office telephone No. 134. Hours: 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. RÜIÏ 4 SKABOLfS finí, litiUüMï AND FLöim Ai FLES ST0KE We keep consianüv on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For WholauUd or Bet&il Traas. We shall also keep a supply ot GOLD DUST FLOUK J. IS. Swift & Co.' Best Wïiita Wheal Elour, Bye ïlour, Buckwheat Flour, Cora 3C1, "od, &c.. fcc, &c. At Wholesale ind Ketail. A genera) stock oi emOÖETÏ3S aHD ?EO?ISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on aa rea onahle terms as at anv other house in the city 13-Cash paid tor Butler, Iiatfs, nnd Cour r Produce generally. -Goods Delivered to auv part ot the cry -vlth taij' ütcharu'e. BLlanoy & 5 fib ;t 2 Popular Magazines FOR THE HOME. FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MÖNTHLY Contalns each Month : Original Water Color f Frontlsplece ; 128 Quarto Pages of Reading Matter; 100 New and High-cluBS Illustrations; More Literary Matter and Illustrations than any other Magazine in America. , 25 ets. ; $3 a Year. ) Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. 1 A Brlght, Wliolesonie, Juvenile Monthly. ' i Pully i'.lustrated. The best writers for young people cemtributo to it. 10 ets. ; $1 a year. ( SEHDALLSÜBSCEIP1I0HSTO i Ann Arlior Argus ! Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers 1 Se nd to Frank Leslie's Pitbïtehinq House, 2f.Y., for New lUustrated Premium Li3t, Free.


Ann Arbor Argus
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