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Was A Democratic Day

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Xhe Argus, alone of the Washtenaw papers this week, is able to give complete returns of the eleotion last Monday from every town iu the connty, with the natnes of all the township officers eleoted. The dernoorats, in spite of the discouragement of recent elections and in the face of great efforte made by some of the republican connty officers, have been able to hold the board of supervisors, and in ruany of the townships have gained notable victories. The townships of the oounty on supervisor give 210 democratio ïnajority. The returnes in full are as given below: ANN ARBOR TOWN. Ann Arbor town redeemed herself this year aud gave tidal wave democratie majorities. Cornelius L Tnomey was re-elected supervisor by 58 majority and the niajority on the rest of the ticket ranged from that to 8. The vote was as follows, the democrats being first named : Supervisors - C L Tuomey, 144, George N Foster, 86; township clerk- C F Slatier, 188, George Green, 110; town tieasurer - Henry Braun, 128, John Keppler,98; justice - M Brauu, 125, Charles A Pryor, 103; highway commissioner - Henry Feldkamp, 181, Smith Botsford, 96; drain commissioner - John O'Hara, 124, Thomas Blake, 102; school inspector - John Jilter, 120, Charles Rab, 10;J; board of review - Andrew Smith, 122, S B Winans, 104; constabas- Fred Krause, Charles Wedeman, William Sauer. There were 92 straight democratie and 58 straight republican votes out of a total of 239 votes cast. AUGUSTA. There were three tickets in Augusta, republioan, democratie and prohibition, tbe vote on constables showiög 204 repnblicans, 106 democrats and 54 prohibitionists. Samuel S Bibbins was re-elected supervisor by 146 plurality, running way ahead of liis ticket The other pluralities was ag follows: Clerk - Ed C Howard, 9ñ; treasarer - Elmer E Sanderson, 108; jnetices - Watson Barr, 88; James A Blackmar, 107; higbway comiiiissioner - John P Towler, 58 ; dram commissioner - Fred Helzermau, 85 ; school inspector - Elmer S Clay, 9.'j ; board of review - Jesse Hewens, í)3; constables- William Yonngs, Fred Q Norman, Chester Eose, 98 each. BBIDGEWATER. A very light vote was cast, the entire deinocratio ticket being elected. George Walter 9J votes, Henry Calhonq 56, majority 35. The majorities on the remainder of the tioket were : Clerk - Sol Tate 21 ; treasurer - Wilber J Hogan 26 ; justice - Benjamin Feldkamp 2?; highway coinuiissioner - Oscar F Blnm 80 ; school inspector - Frank Johnson 27; board of review - James A Larney 27; constables - Charles Gadd. 21; Charles Shutes 6 ; Lewis Schilenberger 26; Charles Benzier 24. DEXTER. Dexter township elects the entire deiaooraMo ticket excepting bighway oomraissioner by maiorities froin 24 to 32. Tne republica'js elected highway commissioner, Emerson Howard by 1 majority. The democratie ticket elected was: Supervisor - John D Clark, 24; clerk- William Ryan, 82; treasurer - Gottlob Andrés, 28 ; justice - John Kelly, 26 ; school inspector - William Larey, 102 (no opposition); school inspector (vacancy) - Jerman Jeddle, 25; board of review - Thomas Guinan, 28 ; oonstables - John Barker, 25 ; James Irviag, 26 ; Peter Madden, 27 James McCibe, 26. The vote on supervisor was John D Clark, 102 ; M E MoNeil, 78. FHBEDOM. Tbere was a light vote in Freedoin, but the demócrata are all right there yet. Miohael P Alber was re-elected by a majority of 89, the vote standing 131 for bim to 42 for John Reno. The majorities on the remainder of the democratie ticket were : Clerk - Edward Koebbe, 87; treasurer - Samuel Feldkamp, 83; justice - Frank H Koebbe, 87; highway commissiouer - Lewis Koebbe, 85 ; drain oommissioner - Lewis Kobbe, 87 ; school inspeotor - Fred L Feldkamp 93 ; board of review - Frederick Goss 93 ; constables - Samuel Feldkamp 93, Bernbardt Lodt 91, Calvin Koebbe 87, Edwin Kuhl 93. LYXDON. In Lyndnn, James Howlett, the democratio candidate for supervisor, made a big run and won out with a majority j of 48 over George Rowe, the republican candidate. Jobn Young and George B. Goodwin, democratie caadidates for olerk and treasurer respectively, beat ■ their opponenta, Win. B. Collins and j Dick Clark by 21 plurality. The rest of the ticket is also democratie as follows : ' Justice, H. V. Heatley, 33 ; highway cominissioner, Arthur May, 45; school inspector, Edward Gorman, 26; board of review, Peter Gorman, 37. (Continued on page 3.) A ÜEMOCRATIC DAY. ' (Cotinued from first page.) LODI. Lodi went demooatric by majorities ranging from 45 to 76. Tbere were 216 votes oast, which is a ligbt vote for the township, the repnblicans working hard to eleot a supervisor on which office they put up the main fight. Ira Wood naa 45 majority. Among the other dernocratio candidatos eleoted were: Jacob Birkle, clerk by 76 majority and John F. Lutz for treasurer. LIMA. The republicans counted on a supervisor from Lima this year but they didn't get one. The ruue on this office have been surprisingly close in tbis townsbip, in which Mr. Dancer-has been elected supervisor by 2, 5, 3 and 2 majority in different years. Mr Dancer having removed, it was feared that the democrats might lose, tmt David E Beach carne under the wire a winner by one majority over a very popular opponent, The'democrats elect supervisor and treascrer, and one constable is a tie. The republicans have the balance of the ticket. The democratio majorities were : Supervisor - David E Beach 1 ; treasurer - Jacob J Klein, jr, 17. The republican uiajoritieswere: Clerk - Otto D Luick, 70; highway commissiouer - Henry J Hieuinger, 4 ; justice - Emory D Chipman, 9; school inspector - Samuel H Srnitb, 16; board of review - Orrin Burkhart, 3 ; drain oemmpssioner - Henry J Luick 11; constables - Arthur -Hunter, 2; George Savory, 14; Lewis Yager, sr, 12_ MANCHESTEK. Manchester has returned to the democratio fold, elceting the entire democratie ticket headed by Willis L Watkins who had 38 majority, his vote being 284 to 246 for John H Kingsley. The rnajorities on the rest of the dem-' ocratio ticket were as f ollows : Clerk - Jacob E Bluni, 54 ; treasnrer - J Holmes, 21; justice - Dudley Wiltwell, 56; highway commissioner - Henry Herman, 1 ; drain commissioner - William Brighton, 281 ; school inspector, - Ekner C Silkworth, 3'ü ; board of review - Martin B Wallace, 10; constables - Charles L Coon, 11, Howard B Clark 36, Bert A Logan 21', Adam J Wurster 30. NOKTHFIELD. In Northfield the demócrata elected their township ticket excepting supervisor, for which office Emory E Leland, on the citizens' ticket had 165 votes and Philip Duffy had 143. The democratie niajorities were f rom 10 to 50 and among thoe elected were : Clerk - Albert Procknow ; treasuer - David Gore ; highway commissioner - John M Laughlan ; justice - David Bird ; board of review - Bernhardt Bauer. PITTSFIELt). This republican stronghold did not chacge in the least. The straight party vote was 38 to K8 in favor of the g. o. p. The pluralities ranged from 28 for treasnrer to 69 for supervisor. Morton F. Case was elected supervisor over Charles H. Roberts, vote 97 to 28. James H. Webb won the clerkship from Richard Kellegg and Cone E. Sperry defeated John E. Fiegel for treasnrer. Christopher Sherwood won out as school inspector, George Read as highway commissioner, Ralph Rice as drain oommissioner, Henry II. Preston as f uil term justice, James D. Allison as justioe to fill vacaacy and Samuel R. Critteuden as member of the board of review, over William Rhodes, Valmore C. Nichols, William Miller, Charles W. Rose, George Bohnett and Frank E. Mills respectively. Andrew Campbell and Heary D. Platt had no opposition in their run for constables. SUPERIOR. Superior gave heavy democratie majorities as f ollows : Supervisor - WalEer Voorheis, 71 ; clerk - Robert Shank.and, 76 ; treasurer, Michael Furlong, 74; highway commissioner, - William ototts, 47 ; school inspector - G W Bunell 51 ; justice - T V Quackenbush 72 ; board of review - Samuel Russell 42 ; drain commissioner - A H Dunoan 64; constables - Nelson Dolbee 67; Charles Palmer 64 ; James Fennell 65 ; Robert Martin 59. SALINE. Saline elected the entire repnblican ticket by majorities ranging from 18 to 93. The vote on snpervisor being E A Hanser, 240; J F Feldkamp, 147. The majorities were as follows: Supervisor-B A Hauser, 03 ; olerk- A B VanDuzen, 68; treasurer - Willis M Fowler, 18; justice - J M Gross, 45; highway cninmissioner - George Finkbeiner, 51 ; drain commissiouer - John Zahn, 47 ; board of review - J W Huil, 51; school iuspeotor - WA Lister, 58; constables, average majority 60. SALEM. Salem township, in wbich the fight was between the republicans and a silver party, went ropublican as always by pluralities ranging from 10 to 70. Myron F. Bailey, rep., was elected supervisor by a plurality of 56 over William Murray, the silver candidate. Lewis B. Manning, rep., was eJected clerk by a plurality of 10 over his opponent Henry B. Hooper, and Charles E. Ryder, rep., was elected treasurer by 70 plurality over Louis Hagan. The other omoers elect and majorities are: Justice, Joseph A. Dibble; bighway commissioner, Sylvester C. Sober, 58 ; drain commissioner, Win. Naylor, 62; school inspector, Calvin Bussey, 68; board of review, Philo S. Rich, 60. SHARON. a Sharon goes back to her old time democratio ticket by from 34 to 70 majority. There was a prohibition and populist ticket iu the field as well as democratio and republican. Win F Hall D, reoeived 136 votes to,66 for Jobn W Dresselhouse, R Ashley Piirks, D, for clerk, had 128 votes to 83 for Edwin E Baker. The remainder of tbe democratie ticket had the following majorities: Treasuier - Alfred C Smythe, 43 ; justice- Henry L Benan, 40 ; highway conimissioner - George L Kuhl, 34 ; drain eoinruissioner - John B F Bachman, 47 ; school inspeotor - William C üphaus, 28; rnember of board - Stephen Merrithew, 4; constables - Alfred C Smyche, 47; Jacob Kenipf, 46 ; George Wedmayer, 43 ; Anton Uphaus, 42. SCIO. Old Scio did nobly.eleoting the democratie ticket excepting treasurer by majorities ranging froin 24 to 142. Byron O. Whittaker for supervisor leads the ticket defeating Benjamin W. Waite by a vote of 249 to 107. John W. Barley had no opposition for clerk. Jay Keith, rep., for treasurer, had 186 votes to 169 for Daniel Cunningham. The rest of the ticket was demooraitc as follows: Justice, Robert Buchanan, 24; highway oommissioner, Fred O. Fiegel, 75; drain commissioner, Adam Braun, 55 ; school inspector, C. V.". Stebbins, 40 ; member board of review, George A. Peters, 21; constables, 'J-eo. Vinkle, 78, Lewis Stein, 44, Patrick McCabe, 40, Frederick Vogel, 47. There were 130 straight democratie and 59 straight republican votes cast and 71 split democratie and 94 split republican. SYLVAN. Ia Sylvan a glorions democratie victory was won and the demorado ticket with the exception of treasursr, drain commissioner and memb r of the boaid of review was triumphantly elected. Instead of heing a close figbt as many expected, Sylvan indoraed H Lighthall by a majority of 108 over that shrewrl and wily politician, James L Gilbert, the vote standing: Lighthall, 368, Gilbert, 260. For town olerk JEdwardMcKrae, D, had 359 votes and Orin h Hoffman R, 254. Frederick M Radel, R, had 77 majority for treasurer; Benjamin F Tuttlé, D, 3 majority over Daniel Sohnaidman ; Michael Wackenhut, D, 21 majority for highway cummissioner; Adam Kalmbach, R, 5 majority for drain commissioner; school inspector - Burt B Turnbull, D, 28; members of board of review- Bern ard Parker, R, 38; constables- Edward Chandler, D, Mortimer M Campbell, Edward L Negns, Stephen L Gage, R. WEBSTEB. In Webster the republican ticket was slected by majorities of about 60, bnt two tickets in the field in Webster was a decided novelty. The offlcers elecfc and majorities were: Supervisor- Edwin Ball, 66 ; clerk- Torn E Burnett 13; treasurer - Wra W Alexander, 69; justice- Henry Sinirns, 65; highway sommissioner - Corydon L Thurber, 57 3rain comniissioner - Charles Van Riper, 67. YPSILANTI TOWN. As usual this preoinct went solid republican. the pluralities ranging from 34 for clerk to 80 for supervis-or. John L. Hunter, rep., polled 113 votes to Warren W. Voorhies 33 for supervisor aad was elected. For town clerk, Perry Watling, rep., had 91 votes and MortimerE. Crace, dern., 57. Chas. M. Holmes was eleoted treasurer over Wallace S. Draper by 71 plurality. W Irving Geckley was elected justice of the peace, his opponent being John C. TSttle. For highway commissioner Richard E. Gorton beat Seth O. Arnold. Martin G Moore "will be diaiu oommissioner the coming year, and George G. Scotney school inspector ; Seeley E. Davis, member of the board of review and Lorenzo Seamans, Lewis C. Kelly, Herbert K. Burrill and George W. Slayton, constables. YORK. Alfred Davenport tried and true.wins the supervisorship again on the dercocratic ticket by 3 majorty. The rest of the republicau ticket is elected as follows: Clerk - Milton H Hack; treasurer - Charlea Gauntlett; Justice - Eugene B Ford ; highway commissioner - Theodore Josenhans; drain commissioner - George F Richards; school inspector - Cromwell M Fuller; board of review - Charles R Cobb.