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Ed. V. Hangsterfer has put in a telephone. It is No. 19. The Lyra Maennerchor will give a public entertainment May 12. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J Fred Schtnidt, of Washington street, Saturday, a girl. Robert Shannon's death is the first to ooour in the meinbership of the Masonio Mutual Benefit Association of this city. Pro. H. C. Adams will deliver the commencernent address at Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, next June. Dr. Adams graduaed from Iowa College with the class of '74. Two draymen got into a heated altercation at the dray stand on N. Fourth ave. Monday afternoon and indulged in a single round bout of fisticuffs. No damage, no arrest. . In the election returns from Northfield, putlished in last week's Argus, it was stated thafc Albert Procknow had been elected town olerk. This was a mistake it should have read Charles Kapp. A meeting of the Associated Democratie Press of Miohigan will be held at the Wayne hotel. Detroit, on Tuesday, April 28, at lp. m., for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other business. Hon. Charles R. Whitman has been appointed United States district attorney at Detroit, in the place of Charles ï. Wilkins, who has resigned the position to devote himself to the private practice of law. One of the ruost attractive floral tributes among the many at the funeral of Hon. Charles Woodruff at Ypsilanti last Friday, was a bunch of four dozen beauiful roses oontributed by the Ann Arbor Press Club. The proposed change in the form of organization and name of the S. C. A. to Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. was discussed at a meeting held April 9 for over two hours. On a vote being taken it was found that there were 50 in favor of the change to 70 against ifc, and the amendment was deolared lost. The Detroit Free Presa is authority for the following : "At a recent teachers' examination in Ypsilanti, one of the questions asked was, ' What is the electoral college?' One candidate for a oertiflcate answered that it was 'an institution having for its object the furthering of the study of electricity. ' " The Y. M. C. A. state committee transacted little except routine business at its meeting in this city last Friday. The offlcers of the committee were reelected. Those present were Chairman H. G. VanTuyl, State Secretary H. M. Clarke, State Treasurer F. M. Thompson, H.C. Clark, Leonard Lawrense and F. D. Taylor, of Detroit, Prof. Goodrich, of Albion and C. W. Wagner, of this city. Miss Southmayd, teacher of English in the high school, has adoptad a new plan in her class. She has divided it into committeés and each coramittee has a certain work to do. For instance, there is a committee on Lforeign relations, one on great men, and another on religión and oonstitutions. Every Friday the various chairmen of these committees read reports to the class. By this methoti individual work and research is promoted and the history is taught in a practical manner. Just seven weeks from the date of the death of her husband Mrs. John O'Keefe, of Lawerence st, passed away, her demise taking place last Friday. Mrs. O'Keefe was 70 years of age and the immediate case of her death was an attack of the grip. Five married daughters, of whom Mrs. John M. Fiener, of this city is one, are left to mourn the loss of two loving parents. The funeral services were held at St. Thomas' Catholic church on Monday morning and her remains were interred in St. Thomas' cemetery beside her husband. When Mrs. Addine Balmer, of Pontiac, died some time ago, she was possePsed of considerable property, including a brick block on Water street, Pontiac. In her will she bequeathed all the property to her little 5-year-old daughter and named Mrs. McNeill, of Ann Arbor, her guardián. She also made the will conditional in that the child should receive none of the money unless she was in the oare of her legal guardián. Now, J. L. Balmer, the father of the child has entered a contest in the probate court of Oakland county to have the will set aside and himself appointed as guardián of the child. The ü. of M. baseball team left Monday morning via the Ann Arbor road on their spring trip. The flrst game was played at Toledo in the afternoon and the boys starfced in by beating the Tri-State league team by the score of 11 to 5. The professional team started in with a vina and led for about three inuings, but in the fourth the college boys struck their gait, and by a combination of hits and errors they piled np flve rnns, which put them in the lead and virtually won the game. The game was full of sensational plays from beginning to end. The U. of M. boys showed the result of Sexton's carefnl coaching, keeping their heads with the bases full. Here is an echo from Monday's election A republican stepped into a booth, came out, deposited his ballot and then spoke to a friend saying: "There is another straight republican votegonein." "Do you know all the men you voted for?" was asked. "No, who are they?" "Why, yoix voted for a colored man . " "Well, if the republicans don't want me to vote for a colored man they had better keep bim off the ticket," and no one doubts his republicanism now. - Ypsilanti department Washtenaw Evening Times. That man showed good sound oommon sense even if he is a republican . There is no good, valid reason why a colored man shonld not hold office provided he is honest, respectable and capable. I Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, F. and A. M , wil] work the third degree this evening. A oonference of the health offieers of the state will be held in Ann Arbor in the near future. Several of Ann Arbor's young people attended a dancing party at Dexter last Friday evening. L. Ronde has sold his house and lot on W. Liberty st, toMiss Amanda Rogers, who recently moved here from Saginaw. J. Berger has commenced an addition to his building at the corner of Liberty and Ashley sts. Aid. Koch is the contractor. Rev. Dr. Potts, editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate, will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday niorning and evening. Rev. Dr. Townsend, of Washington, D. C, will deliver a lecture in the M. E. church on Sunday evening, May 3, before the Wesleyan Guild. Rev. Linke, of Springfield.Ohio. will preach in the Zion Lutheran chutch next Sunday. He will speak in Germán in the morning and in English in the evening. The thermometer registered 92 degrees in the shade last Sunday. It dropped 30 degrees during the night, however, registering 62 degrees at 7 o'olook Monday morning. 3 William Treholm, of Dexter, sailed from New York, Wednesday for merry England, wbore he goes to secure an estáte left him by a brother, He expects to be gone some months. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank cashed a check for $81,939.70 Saturday drawn by the county treasurer in favor of the state treasurer, the arnount being Washtenaw county's proportion of the state tax. The pulpit of Zion Lutheran church was on Sunday last oocupied by Rev. Robert Woestenberg, of Detroit. The synod will keep the pulpit supplied nntil Rev. Max Hein's successor is chosen. ' The congregation has two prom inent candidates for the pastorate in viewi "Mrs. Jarley's Waxworks" will be i.given in University hall, Satnrday evening, April 25, for the benefit of the woman's building fund. Miss Mary Selden McCobb will impersonate Mrs. Jarley and abont 40 stndents of the different departments will pose as the "figgers. " The Ann Arbor Gas Co. held its annual election Monday morning with the following result : President, Judge E. D. Kinne; secretary, S. Douglas, of Detroit; treasurer, H. W. Donglas; direotors, E. D. Kinne, 8. Donglas, H. W. Douglas, William Wagner and Moses Seabolt. Mayor Walker has announoed his deermination to veto the action of the cornmon council in ordering that the eport of the board of public works be printed in the minutes of the oouncil roceedings. He does this on the ;round thafc the publioation would be illegal, unwise, niisleading and unreliable. The U . of M . prohibition oratorioal con test resulted in the choice of John S. Lathers, lit, '97, of Inkster, torepresent the University Prohibition olub n the state prohibition contest, to be held in tbis city immediately after vacation . Mr . Lathers' subject is 'The municipal problem and its rela;ion to temperance. " During the storm last Friday night the electrio motor at the Inland Press office was burned out and all the lights extingisuhed, effectually stopping aight work in the press room. It was rather unfortunate as the office is crowded with work necessitating all night running of its presses. The motor has been repaired. William Simmons and Burt Robinson, the two men arrested some time ago for fraudulently obtaining possession of a registered letter from the post office, were examineil before United States Commissioner Zina P. King, on Tuesday afternoon. They were bound over to await the action of the grand jury and were taken to Detroit Tuesday night. Mrs. Alice Condón, widow of the late Michael Condón, died Monday evening at her home, 28 N. Thayer st, of heart disease. The funeral servioes were held at St. Thomas' church yesterday morning and the remains were interred in St. Thomas' cemetery. She was the tnother of Mrs. George Herbert and Michael Condón, dispensing clerk at the University laboratory. The case of O'Neal vs Lynds was on trial in Justice Gibson's court Monday. After being out two hours and a half the jury, consisting of George Sweet, W. A. Clark, Samuel Gregory and Jacob Haas, failed to agree. This is the second time the case has been tried, the jury on the first trial disagreeing. Last September Dr. J. G. Lynds, of this city, drove over Edward O'Neal, a 15 years old boy, seriously injuring bim. Young O'Neal, by his next friend brought suit for $100 damages. It is stated that the jury in this trial stood 3 to 1 in favor of giving the complainant a verdict. The local chapter of the college fraternity of Delta Upsilon oelebrated the 20th anniversary of its organization Friday night last. After reunión and initiation at the chapter house a banquet was served at Prettyman's. N. D. Corbin, class of '84, acted as toastniaster, and the following persons responded to toasts: W. W. Drew, '94; Prof. J. H. Drake, '84; Rev. C. A. Fulton, Judge Lillibridge, R. R. Moore and J. W. Durfee. Arnong the out-oftown visitors are these Detroit men : G. V. Tuthill, J. W. Durfee, W. H. Turner, .1. Davis, G. W. Sanborn, George H. Snow, R. C. Ranney, Judge Lillibridge, G. H. Huntington, Rev. C. A. Fulton and Rev. D. D. MacI Laurin. Mrs. H. E. Mead and Mrs. S. H. Maher, of Saline, visited friends in the city yesterday. The long distance telephone has been removed f rom the Michigan Central depot by the telephone company. The Manchester correspondence for this week's Argus did not reach the oiïice until this morning, too late for use this week. The Lady Maccabees gave a maple sngar social at the hall over the postoffice last evening, which was very well attended. Amaziah Thorpe has been granted an original pension throngh W. K. Childs' agency. He is an inmate of the soldiers' home at Grand Rapids. The Political Equality Club wilü meet Monday at 3 o'clock, with Mrs. Danforth, corner Oakland and Hill sts. All interested are invited. The fire department was called out Wednesday eveniüg by a small blaze in Mrs. Rathbone's house on N. División street. Damage about $50. Prof. Jonas, of the School of Music, had a severe fall from his bicycle Tuesday evening on Depot street, bruising himself and cutting his face badly. The Argus has it on good authority that the Gas Co. will .shortly reduce the pric ; of illuminating and fuel gas. The latter to $1 per 1,000 cubio feet. There are now flve soda water fountains in as many different stores on S. State street. E. E. Calkins is the lateit addition to the number and he bas put in a beauty. A large number of elm trees are being planted on the campus. When they grow up they will add still further to beautiful appearance of the classic plain in summer time. Barney Mast was badly injured Tuesday afternoon by a sewer trench caving in on him at Judge Harriman's residence on Washtenaw ave, where a sewer connection was being put in. The infant child of M. C. WoodAllen, died Tnesday night. His young wife died about four weeks ago. The child was buried beside its mother on Wednesday. Mr. Allen has the syanpathy of many friends in his doublé bereavement. On Tuesday Wm, Gerstner bought out the interests of his mother, brother and three sisters in the bakery business so long conducted by the family on Detroit street. He also bought out their shares in th store building in which the business in conducted. Here's wishing you success, William. George Wilder, assistant to Prof. Paul C. Freer, met with a serious accident Friday, the effects of whioh may be lasting. He stumbled over a ouspidore and falling cut a long deep gash across his left knee. He is being cared for at the üniversity hospital and is doing nicely although it is feared the wound will cause his leg to become permanently stiff. A rat and a match carne into close contact in the stock room at the postoffloe Wednesday morning about 8 o'olook, but the fire was extingnished with the loss of half a dozen brooms, some blotting paper and carriers' straps. It was a narrow esoape for the stock of stamped envelopes and postal oards The fire department responded very promptly to the alarm. Throngh the courtesy of the Werner Company, of Chicago, a copy of Prof. B. A. Hinsdale's work "Studies in Education" has been received at the Argns office. The papers cover the period of his association with the National Counoil of Education. Prof. Hinsdale is recognized as one of the brainiest men in the educational ranks of the country and his new book is receiving many favorable comments. The Ann Arbor Workingmen's Society and Germania Lodge, D. O. H.,have decided to build a Germán hall. The building will consist of two stores on the ground floor and will be three stories high. Options on several vacant lots in the business portion of the oity bave been obtained, among them are the lots on E. Washington street, occupied by Zuern's meat market, and the vacant lot opposite M. Staeber's store, owned by that gentleman. Last fall Mrs. Seth Sumner, of Pittsfield, brought suit in Justice Gibson's court against the Washtenaw Matual Fire Insurance Co., for alleged damages to her house by reason of a fire, which occurred two years ago. The suit has been postpon6d from time to time ever since until last Monday, when it was thought that both sides were ready for trial. It was, however, again adjourned until next Monday for some reason. At the time the fire is said to have occurred, an agent for the company investigated and failed to find the damage claimed.