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Eastern Star Party

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The seooud annual reception anc dancing party of Ann Arbor Chapter No. 3 22, O. E. S., held at the Masonio temple on Wednesday evening, was a very pretty and enjoyable oue. Abou 90 coupleswere present and theychased the fleeting hours with flying feet to the excellent music of the Chequamegon orchestra until 3 o'clock a. ra. Toothsome light refreshments fnrnished jointly by the ladies of tbe society and E. V. Hangsterfer, were served in abundance, and those present were sorry when the party finally came to an end. As it was a leap year year the recep tion committee was made up of gentlemen and was as f ollows : Charles B. Davison, Arthnr C. Nichols, George H. Pond, W. C. Doty, W. D. Adams, J. W. Bennett, T. W. Mingay, O. M. Martin and H. Q-. Prettyman. F rom 8:30 to 9 o'clock ttíe oomruittee received the guosts after whioh fllling of programs jujd danoing was in order. i tfhe drill room was newly decoratec for the occasion, some of the designs being very neat. In the lodge room potted piants stood around in profusión and was all the ornament required there. The parlors were fnrnished with plenty of easy chairs and lounges, naaking them very tempting places to while away the time between the dances. Piano lamps with dainty shades of varions colors stood around in different nooks and corners and added brilliancy to an already well lighted scène. The party was a very snccessful sooial event, falling not one whit below the standard of that of last year. The ladies worked hard and were highly deserving of the suooess they attained.