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Henry Luick, of Lima, has got in a cew JVIassilon Cyclone separator and engine ready for the harvest that is not far ofF. W. E. Depew, of Alpena. has been among reatives and friends here several days this week. Aaron Burkhart was in Mason on business this week. A representativa of the Christian Endeavor societies will preach at the Cougregational church next Sunday morning. A. J. Sawyer was here on Tuesday on his way to the Uavanaugh Lake resort. Emery Leiand, of Northfleld, and F. Bal] were here Wedüesday on their way to adjust Jobn Weeb's loss on his barn in Lyndon, whioh has long been iu dispute. Col. R. B. Robins, of Adriau, of the 4th Michigan Cavalry, will speak at the town hall tomorrow at 2 o'clook p. m., af ter which the soldiers' graves will be decorated at the cemetery. L. S. Sears is now convalesciug and will be out again in a few days. The board of equalization was in session Monday and Tnesday. Very few changes were made. Only about half of lastyear's acreage of beans will be plantad here this time on account of the low price. Considerable more thau last year's acreage of com and oats have already been planteii. Ten or twelve new resideuces have been contracted fór and will be built in aud near this village this surnmer. We have had uo frost to do auy harm here this spring and the prospect for all kinds of fruit was never better. Prices continue to decline. Wheat now brings 62 cents, rye 32 cents, oats 19 cents, beans 60 cents, wool 8 to 11 cents for unwashed, with every iudication of still lovrer price. The wheat in this vicinity is about tsvo weeks earlier than usual and will be about au average erop. The chinch bug is doing sorne damage to some jueces and others will be struck with rust, but at this writing there is a fair promise of a larger yield thau last year, but it will be badly mixed with rye. Receipts of grain and other produce are light aud will be as long as prices kaep on denlining. Thos, E. Barkworth, of Jackson, will address the graduating class of the high school here on the evening of June 18. There are 18 graduates, the same as last year. A new piano bas been purchased for the use of the town hall. The hay erop about here will be a lighter erop than last year for the want of enough rain. A telephone exchange is being put in here and will be ready for use in a few weeks.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News