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Cut The Salaries

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"When the board of regents of the university adjourned on Friday morning lase it was found that it had used the pruning knife pretty vigorously on the salaries of some of the professors while it had been in executive session. It is the belief of the board that the amonut of work being doufl could be accomplished by a smaller foroe and a resolution was adopted that where any departmenfc has two or more full professors, oaly the senior by date of uppointment slmll at any time rceivo a salary of more than $2.500. Law and medical professors, if they practice their respective professions are to receive $2.000, and if they do not, $2,500. In the literary faoulty instructors are to be dismissed from the departments of French, Germán, history, Latin and philosophy. The psychological laboratoty will be discontinued for one year. Dr. Waite, instructor in Greek and Satiscrit, will be connected with the Latiu department, and assistants are to be dropped from the departments of English literature and political economy. Prof. Hench was appointed to succeed Prof. Calivn Thomas in the chair of Germán and Max "Winkler will be assistant professor, at salaries of $2,500 and $1,600 respectively. Moritz Levi becomes assistant professor of French, salary $1,600; Prof. Ziwet, junior professor of mathematica, 2,000 Prof. Scott, junior professor of rhetoric, $2,000, and Prof. Craig, the Assyriologist, is retained another year at a salary of $2,500. Prof. John W. Campbell resigned from the law faculty, and Marshal D. Ewell was not reappointed on tho list of non-resident lecturers. Tbe work will be divided among other insuuctors, and their places will not be filled. Instructor E. F. Johnson was made assistant professor, 1,600, and H. L. Wilgus acting professor, $2,000. The following instructora were appointed for tbree years, salary $1,200: C. L. ileader Latin, and lecturer in the law department on Koman law; Chas. II. Cooley, sociology; Carl E. Gute, physics; C. G. Wrentmore, drawing; Ernest Voss, Germán. Assistant Librarians Jordán and Finney were reappointed at $1,200 each. Prof. Lloyd was reappointed in philosophy, one year, $1,600. Keene Fitzxpatrick was reappointed director of the gymnasium, and several men on the one-year list reappointed; Iustructors F. R. Lilley, J. W. Glover, L. A. Straus, E. C. Goddard, H. J. Goulding and H. L. Coar. E. B. Lease was made assistant professor of Latin for ooe year, in place of Piof. Rolfe, absent on leave. AssistaDt Prof. F. M. Taylor was reappointed, and C. E. St. Juliu made instructor in physios, and E. A. Lyman in mathematics, $1,200 èach. Dr. A. Lachman, holder of Stearns chemical fellowship, was made instructor in chemistry, without pay. The non-resident law lecturers will be H. H. Swau, admiralty; Jas. L. High, receivers ; AI. M. Bigelow, msurance; John B. Clayberg, mining law; A. H. Walker, patent law; Frank B. Reed, copyright law. Lecturers in the law department from the literary faculty, without salaries, are Thomas M. Cooley, interstate comroerce; A. C. McLaughlin, V. C. Vaughan, R. Hurlson, H. C. Adams and C. L. Meader. Some changes were made in the B. S. degree. Only one such degree will hereafter be gcanted by the literary faculcy; 120 hours of work, equal to from 16 to 18 hours a week in class for four years are required, a few courses in French, Germuu, English. mathematics, physics, biology aDd chemistry being prescriber], the remainder cf tbe course being practically elective by the student. It is expected that this cut will cause mauy chauges in the faculty shonld better positions offer themselvps to thoss whose saliries have beeti affected by this action.