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Tragedy In Waterloo

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Iu a fit of jealous rage on Sunday morning about 9 o'clock Lewis Heydlauff, aged 20 years, sou of John Heydlauff, a well knownfarmer of Waterloo township, and a brotber of Mrs. C. W. Vogel, of tuis city, coranritted a deed wbich has plunged two families into the deepest gloom and mourning. The story as told by Orrville Gorton, a justice of the peace of Waterloo towuship, who presided at the inquest ovtr the reniains of Miss Emma Moeckel, the young lady who was killed by Lewis Heydlauff, is as follows: "Lewis Heydlauff, aged 20 years, is the sou of John Heydlauff, a well-to-do farmer of Waterloo, and bas always beeu considered an exemplary young man. Miss Emma Moeckel, aged 20, was the daughter of Frederic Moeckel, who is also a farmer iu comfortable circumstances. Both families have resided about a mile apart for years and grew up togother and for the past six years had been very warm iriends which at one time is said, had ripened into au engagement. Both were steady and industrious and were held in the highest esteem. Becently, however, it seeins a oooluess had grown up between theiii, the engagement had been broken off, and Miss Moeckel was going with a young ruau named George Tisoh, for whose parents she had been working. "She was expected hoine to reniain Sunday morning aud young Heydlauff went to the reaidence of Mr. Moeckel about 9 o'clook and asked if Enrnia was at home. He was informed that she was uot but was told that she was expected home in time to go to church and asked to come in and wait for her. He ñid so and while waiting converged pleasantly with the family, talking of sheep shearing and other matters connected with farm work, exhibitiug nothing, whatever, that would indícate the turbulent condition of bis miud. About half an hour later Miss Moeckel arrived, acoompanied by George Tisch. As she entered she greeted the family and the visitor pleasantly and passed through the room into the parlor. Young Heydlaufi followed her in and closed the door and a few moments later a number of shots were heard. Mr. Moeckel ruslied into the room áud fouud Emma lying dead on the floor iu a pool of bload and Heydlanft' also lying ou the floor ou bis back with the revolver lying on nis breast. "As Mr. Moeokel entered Heydlauff said: 'Help rne up, I'mdying. ' Mr. Moeckel replied that he had better lie there and ran out of the room to notify the other members of the family. Heydlauff got up, walked out iuto the yard and was preparing to reload the revolver when Mr. Moeckel took it from him. He then said he was goiug home but was compelled to go into the house. A few minutes later he went out doors and started to run but feil. He theu picked up a stone and attempted to beat out bis brains. This was taken away frora hiru and he secured a brickaud made auother attempt bnt was again foiled. He was tbeii takeu into the house and kept uutil his father carne for hiru. Dr. Couliu, of Mnnitti, was called, He foumj two wonuds, one bullet baviug entered L i's left side above the heart, ïuakiug a slight fleshwouud and the othereutered aboufc the center of the breast. Tho physiciau did not probe for tho ball as tbe wouuded man objected to his doing so and it canuot be told yet how sorions the case may be. Young Heydlaufï told tho doctor that he inteuded to kill himself anyway and he conld uot bear tbe thonght of leaving Emma. "Dr. Brogau, of Stockbridge, was called to see the girl but her death was almost instautaneous. He fouud two wouods, oue below the tenth rib on the right side and the other jnet to the right of the breast bone between tho firet and second ribs. Both took o, dowuward oourse aud iu the opiniou of the doctor either would have cansed death." Heydlaufï has made a statement concerning the affair. He says JVliss Moeckel wrote hini a letter refusing to have auythiug more to do with him. She told hiru she had found a fellow with whoru she was not ashamed to be seeu. He called to see her and she refused to take back what she wrote. Heydlauff will not live. His inother is almost dead with grief.