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Real Estate Transfers

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The following transfers of real estáte bave been recorded on the books of the register of deeds between May 27 and June 10 inclusive: Wis, T. Martin and wife to Rtissell N. and Jane H. Phillips, Ypsilanti, 11,000. Same to same, Ypsilanti, $350. A. D. and A. G. Snedicor, by sheriff, to MaryOawford, Superior, $l,ül4.5o. James D. Smalley to Mary Smalley, Ann Arbor city, $300. Fanuio S.Mayhevv to C. C. Vrooman, Ypsilanti, $800. C. C. Vrooman and wife to J. George Zwergel, Ypsilanti, $925. Francés A. Wood to Frank Staffan, Sylvan, $15. Frank Staffan and wife to Lucy E. Gates, Sylvan, $20. Patrick S. Partell and wife to Leonhard Gruner, Northfield, $3,000. Niles H. Winans and wife to Walter H. Booth, Ann Arbor, $350. Victoria C. and Hattie T. Sanford to Daniel I. Kline, Saline, $1. John Bane, by administrator, to Charles L. Rane, Northfleld. Richard Bibbie to Walter S. Bibbie, Ann Arbor, $1. Jane L. Tuttle to Charles F. Currier, Chelsea, $200. Jane L. Tnttle to Chas. F. Currier. Chelsea, $200. Levi Bordine and wife to Jonathan Peffltt, Augusta, $200. Anna Steeb to George Bross, Ann Arbor, $200 Martin & Fischer and wives to J.M. Sohaeberle, Ann Arbor, $2,700. Nancy E. Cornell to Benjamin Simons, Ypsilanti, $700. David Mayer and wife, by circuit conrt commissioner, to Theodore Grub, Scio. John Jenkins to Sarah C. Rogéis, Manchester, $1,681. Harriet A. Patten to Sarah L. Abbott, Ann Arbor, $2,250. G. R. Tuttle to J. M. Spaulding, Pittsfield, $8,500. Auditor General to Hudson T. Morton, Ann Arbor, tax deed. Mark Howard and wife to Charles A. Maynaid, Ann Arbor, $500. Kearney to Johanna Kennedy, Anu Arbor, $1. Richard Suffel, by administrator, to Johanna Kennedy, Ann Albor. Milo Gage and wife to Carrie A. Gage, Superior. Carrie A. Crippeu to Ira W. Crippeñ, Superior. John G. Jaeger to Benjamin Kurnz, Dexter, $300. Paul Worboy and wife and Margare.t Worboy, by sberiff, to Frederick J. Schwas, Augusta, 435.20. Cynthia Haveu Todd to Peter Morton, Saline, $1. James Kane and wife, et al., to George Fuller, Dexter, $137. W. H. and Ellen Hansoii to Albert F. Ball, York, 1. Christopher Lavey, by sheriff, to Catherine Gallagher, Dexter, $6,040. Jobn B. Corliss to Julián R. Trojanowski, Aun Arbor. A. Kent Hale, receiver, to Titus F. and Hermau Hutzel, Ann Arbor, $350. Sophia and Herman Hutzel, et al., to A. Kent Hale, receiver, Ann Arbor, 350. Joel Smith toEmma J. Smith, Lirna, $1,200. Maria Van Riper to Claude S. and Anna J. Martin, Lima, f 1,200. Albert Case and wife to Mary A. Wallace, York, $1,000. Mathias Lntz and wife to Catheriue Bpck, Ann Arbor, $5. John M. Kaereher and wife to Henry C. Schmidt, Lima, $1. Ella J. Robison to .lames W. Robisou, Aun Arbor, $1. James W. Robison and wife to Ambrose V. and Ella J, Robison, Ann Arbor, $1.