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Chancery Sale. IN PURSCJANCE AND BT VIKTUE OP A deeree of the Circuit Court tor the County of Washteuaw, in chancery, State of Michigan, made and entered on the twcnty-lifth day oí January, 1896, in a certain cause tlierein pending wlierein Fredrlck Schmld, execntor, is oomplainant, and Willium Whaley, Sarah R. Whaley, The Parmer's and Mercliauts Bank and the Boomer and lioschet Press Company are defendants. Notice is hereby given that I shall eell at public auction to the highest bidder at the i-ast entranoe of the Court House, in the City of Anti Arbor, State of Michigan, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court lor the County of Washtenaw is held), on Wednes'lay. theflrst day of July. 18%, at ten o'clook in the forenoon of the said day, the following described property situated in the ïownship of Yorlt, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, known, boundedand described as foilows, wit: Oommencing in the eentie of the Monroe and Saline highway, on the east line of the Ann Arbor Kailroad Cotupany's land, thenee south sixty and one-lialf degreea 9aat ulongtiic centre of highway four rods to a stone, tlieace north ïwenty-uine and three-fourths degrees, east ten roda to a stake, thenee north sixty and one-fourth degrees west, twelve rods to a stake, thenee south-easterly along the railroad company's land to the place of begining, containlng onehalf acre of land, on section thirty-flve of said Townshio of York, together with the milis and mili inachinery situated thereon, and all of the right, title and interest of the mortgagors in and to the engine, boiler, eider pross and evaporator and all other machinery contained in and made use of in any of the milis or buildings situated thereon. Dated May i, 1896. JOSEPH F.WEBB, Circuit Court Commissioner, E. B. Nohkis, Waehteniw County, Mich. Solicitor lor Complainant. Commissioner's Notiee. STATE OH" MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigrned havine: beenappointed by the Probate Court for saifl County, Com. missioners to receive, examine and adjust all claimt and demands of all persons a-ainst the estáte ol Thomas Stewart, late of said County, deceased, hereby give notice thai six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for credttors to present their claims aerainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they wil) meet at the office of D. P. McLaehlan. in the Village of Mooreville, in said Counry, on the Hth day of'August aod on the llth dav of November next, at ten oclock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated May 11,1S96. D. P. McLACHLAX. ALi'KED DAVENPORT. Comiuissioners. Notiee to Creditors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF WA8Hf tenaw- ss. Notice is hereby given thatjby an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 18th day of May, A. D. 1896, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present thelr Claims against the estáte of Mary O'Keefe, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor for examination and allowance, on or before the I8ih day ot November next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court on the 18ih day of August and on the 18th day of November next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ana Arbor, May 18. A. D. 1S96. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. Notice of Dram Letting. NOTICE IS HEKEBYGIVEN.THATI. DANiel VV. Barry.county drain cominissioaerof the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, wil!, on the lOth dar of June, A. D. 18%, at the lower end of drain In the Towuship of Ypsilanti, ut, ten O'olock in the forenoon of that day,, proeeed to receive bids for the construction or a certain drain known and designated as "The Willow Kun Drain," lonated and establlsbed in the Townehipsof Ypsilanti and Superior and described as follows, to wit: Comrnencing on the north line of the Michigan Central rallroad right of way 22 rods and 14 links north and 78 degrees east from where the west line of tho e Jofsw ü, of sec. 1; tbence 3 e ríe, crosses said railroad line, ïhence running n lidejfrees e 30 rods; thence n 11 degrees. e 32 rods; thence n 12 degrees, w 3 12-25 rods; thence n 45 degrees, e 6 13-2 rods; thence n 1 degree, w 38 rods; thence n IZVi degrrees, e 20 rods; thence n VA degrees, w 2 rods; thence n 7 degrees, w 6 rods; thence n 18 degrees. w 54 rods; thence n 3 degrees, w 34 2-5 rods; thence n 27 degrees, w 83 5 rods; theuce n 73S4 degrees, w 57 rods; thence n 53 deifrees. w 28 '3-25 rods to the town line; thence w 80 12-25 rods to a point 28 7-25 rods west of the northeast corner of sec. 2. towo 3, S. R. 7 E. ; total length of drain 380 rods. SaH jo: will be let by sections. The sectiou at the outlet of the drain wil! be let first, and the remaining sections in their order up stream, in accordance with the diagram now on file with the other papers pertainlng to said drain, in the otlice of the Drain Commissioner, to which reference may be had by all partjes interested, and bids will be made and received accordiugly. Contracto will be made with the lowest responsible bidder gvng adequate security for the performance of the worlc, in a sum then and there to be fixed by me, reserving to myself the riirht to reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of such contract, and tho terms of payment therefor, shall be announeed at the time and place of lettiug. Notice is further hereby giyen, tliat at the ;lme and place of said letting, or at such other time and place thereafter to which 1, the Drain Commissioner aforesaid, may adourn the same, the assessments for beneflts tnd the lands comprised withln the "Willow ïnn Drain Special Assessment District," will e subject to review. The rollowing is a description of the several racK or paroels of land constftuting the ipecial Aseessment District of said drain, viz: w 'a of s e ii, sec. 86; e V. of s e '., , sec. 36; s of w '2 of g w '4, sec. :X; s 'Í ot s e y of s w , cc. 36; e V% s w a, sec. 86; s 'i of s e J4. ser-. 86 V w y. of n w M, sec 3B; s y, of e % n e U, ec. 85; w H.s w j, aec, 35; all in the ïownhip of Supsrior. Townshipof Ypailanti.- W % n e !.i of sec. ; e !é of n e ü, sec. 2; w 'i of n w !i. sec. 1; e ■, of w '2 of n w H. sec. 1; n e '4 of n w '4, sec. ; s e M of n w 54, seo. 1 : e y2 of s w '4, sec. 1; 4 acres north of highway in e M of n w yt s w Ü. sec. 1; 15 aores in w ' n w Kí s w '4, sec. ; e 'Á of s w . sec. 2;24 acres south ot hijrhway and north of M. C. lt. R InwSJs i, ec. 1; w i n w M, sec. 2; all in the Township f Yp8llanti Al8o the Townships of Ypsilacti and Superior at large. Dated, this 19th day of May, A. D. 1PSW . Daniel w. barky, Connty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News