More Medicinal valué in a bottle bf Hood's Sarsapaiilla than in any other preparallon. More skill is required, more care taken, more expense incurred in its manufacture. It costs the proprietor and tlie dealer More lit it costs the consumer less, as lio gets more doses for liis money. More'curative power is secured byits peculiar combination, proportion and process, which make it peculiar to itself. More people are employed and more space occupied in its Laboratory than any other. More wonderful cures effected and more testimoniáis received than by any other. More sales and more .ncrease year by year are reported by drugirists. More people ate taking Iíood's Sarsaparilla today than any other. and more are taking it today than ever before. More and stili, more reasons might be given why you should take Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. SI per bottle. u j, n,„ cure all Liver Illa and nOOCI S PllIS Sick Headache. 25 cents.
Ann Arbor Argus
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