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Death Of John Jacob Koch

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By the death of John Jacob Koch, at bis home, 24 E. Wasbnington st. , on Saturday nigbt at 11:50 o'clock, Aun Arbor loses a respected citizen who has resided here for 34 years, an aged uiother loses a dutiful sou, and biswife and children a kind husband and iather. Mr. Koch had been a sufferer f rom rheuniatism for over 31 years. Öince November of last year he had been a oonstant sufferer froru it and was confined to his bed most of the time. Dropsy of the heart fiually set in and he died as above stated. Mr. Koch was bom in Diebingen, Wuertemberg, Germany, May 7, 1843, and was the second son of a faruily of six children. His father having died, the rnother and family emigrated to America and settled in Aun Arbor in 1862. Two years later the subject of this sketch married Miss Frederioka Loefler. Four children, Sophie, August, Amanda and Emma vrere bom of this union and with his widow survive him. The other surviving merubers of the family are Jobn Koch, of this city, Mrs. Gottlieb Benz, of Webster, Mrs. Jacob TrauUvein, of Dexter, Mrs. Widemanu,of Ann Arbor town aud their mother, Mrs. Anna Koch, aged 75 years. The funeral services were beid at Zion chncrh, Tuesday afteruoou, Rsv. C. Clessler, of Bridgewater, preaehing the sermón. The remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Mr. Koch was a member of the German Workingmen's Society aud of the A. O. ü. W.