Argus Auguries
Friday, June 19- High school commencémentexercises at high school hall. Sunday, June 31- Baccalaureate sermón by President Angelí. Monday, June 33- Law Department Class Day. Monday, June 32- Second Triennial Reunión of A. A. H. S. older Alumni: " Monday, June 22- Older high school alumni reunión. Presbyterian church parlors. Monday, June 22, 2 p. m.- Law Class Day. Exercises in University Hall. Un veiling of the Knowlton Memorial. Tuesday, June 23- Litarary Department Class JJay. Wednesday, Juno 24- Alumni Day- Celebration of President Angeli's 25th anniversary of service. Thursday, June 25- Commencement; address by President C. K. Adams. Tnursday, June 35- Commencement exercises, University oL Michigan at University hall. Tuesday, JulyT- Democratie National Convention, Chicago.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News