Mr. G. A Stillsqn, a raerchant of, Tampico, 111. yrites, August lOtb, 891 : "Clinic Kidney Cure is meeting with wonderful suceess. It has curec some cases here tbat physicians pronounced incurable. 1 myself am able to testify to itsmerits. My f ace today isa living picture oí healtli. and Clinic Kidney Cure bas made it sueh. I liad sulïered twenty-seven years with the disease, and today I teel ten years younger than I did one year ago. I can obtain some wonderful certiflcates of its medical qualities.': A. E. Mummery, druggist, Ann Arbor. Anyone vvho suffers from that terrible plague ltching Piles, and appreciates the immediate relief with permanent cure that comes through the use of Doan's Ointment. It never fails. Important Notice to Wheelman. The Ann ArborRailroad takes pleasure in' announcing that hereafter bicycles will be checked between all stations ou its line without charge.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News