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Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING HEEN HADE TNT THE conditfons of a certain rnurtirage be Ing date the 4th day of April. 1893, made by Charles H. Leonard to Patrick Grogran and recorded lntbeoffloe of the Betrlster of Deeds of Washtenaw County, Michigan, In Libi ofMorttrages on f-ai' 823, on tbe "th day of April. 18J3, on s bich mortgage i here Is claimed to be due at the date of chis notlce the sumofelght hundred and forty-nine dollars and sixty cents and nosuHorproceeding at luw orin equity ha ving been tnetltuted to recover the mouey seeured by sald mortgage or any pari thereof. Nou", therefore, by virtue of the power ol sale, oontained In safd mortjrage and ihestat.utein such case provlded, notice is bereby glven thaf on Saturday, the ïith day of Jnly, 1896, at lOo'clock ín the forenoon, there wili bé sold at public auction to the bighesi bidder at the cast front doorofthe eourt house. in tlie Ciiy of Ann Arbor, that being the place of holding: the Circuit Court lor sakl County. pinnises deseribed in sald morlgae, or so imich thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage and the expenses of this foreelosuiT provlded for by law. The pfemises to be sold are deseribed as foilows: The north-east quurternf the south-east ciuirterof section ninelnthe townsbip of Northfield, Washtenaw County, &Iicn. Dated, April 16, 189(5. PATRICK GROGAN, Thompson & Harriman, iortjjagee. Attornevs for Mortgagee. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigned huvingbeen appointud by the Probate Court for uMd County, Commisaionersto receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons asainst the estáte of Morris Hichmond, lats of said Couuty, deeeased, hereby give notice six months froui date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims agaiust the estafe of said deceased. and that they will meet at the pttice of E. B. Pond, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, on the eighth day of September !ind on tho eighth uay of December next, at ten o'cloek A. M. oí eacb of said days, to ïeceive, exjinine and adjust said claims. Dated JuueS, 18C. ELIHU B. POND FKEDE1UC B. BRAUN, Comnüssiouers. In Chancery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, TWENTV-SECOND Judicial Circuit, in Chancery. Suit pending iu the Circuit Court for the County of Wasntenaw in Chancery. Alice G. Sherraan, cotnplHinant, vs. Isaac E. Sherman, deieudant. In this cause it appearlng rhatdffeudant, Isaac E Sherman is a non-resident of this state and isa resident of the itate of Florida, therefore, on motion of Thompson & Harrimnn, BOllcltors for the complalnant, it is ordered. that defendant enter bis appearance in said court on or before four montha from the date of (h:s order, and tbatwlthin twenty days l lic C(t:nplninant cause this order to be pubiished in the Ann Arbor Argus, said publlcation to be continued om-e in each week for stx weeks In sucoeBSion. Dated April 11, 181 1. ■ li. KINNE. Thompsok v ii. m :i as. circuit Judge. tor l Jii.piainant. Chancery Sale. IN PÜRSCJANCE AND BY VIKTUE OF A 1 decree of the Circuit Court for ihe Couuty of Washtenaw. in chancery, state of Michigan, made aud entered on the twenty-tltt Ii day of Janunry, li'ti, in a certaln cause therein pending wheretn fredrick Schmid, exeentor, is oomplainant, and William Whaley, Sarah K. Whaley, The Farmer's and Mercbauta Bank and the Booiner and Boschei Press Company are defendants, Notice is hereby fflven that I shall seil at public auction to the highest bidder at tUu east entranoe of the Court House, in the City of Aun Arbor. itate of Michigan, (that beini the building In whioh the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw held), on Wed nesday. the flrst day of July, 1896, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of the said day, the followin? deseribed property situated in tlie Township Of Vuik, County of 'ashtenaw, State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as foilows, to it: Commenclng in the centre of the Monroe aod Saline highway, on the east line of tlie Ann Arbor Kaüroad Company's land. thenoe soutb sixty and one-half degrees.easi alongtbe centre of highway four rods to a stone, thence nortii tweiitv-niue and thtee-fourtha degrees, east ten rods to a stake, thence nortb sixty and one-fourth degrees west, twelve rods to a stake, tlience south-easterly alone the raUroad company's land in the place of begining, contain i nif onehalf acre of land, on section thirty-nve of said Township of York, togetber with the milis and mili niachinery situated thereou, aud all of the rijrht, title and interest of the mortgagors in and to the engine, boiler, eider presa aud evaporator aud all otlier inachiuery eontamed In and made use of in any of the milis or buildings situated tbereon. Dated May 1:.', 1SH6. JOSEPH F.WEBB, Circuit Court Cömmissioner, E. B. Norris, Wahtenaw County, Mlch. Solicitor for Oomplainant. . Estáte of Alpheus Felch. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, es. At a sessiou of the Probate Court for Mi County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City ot Ana Arlior, on WedneBday, the ITeh day of June, in the year one tbousandeiithtliuudredand niucty-six. Present. J.Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. Iu the mntter of the esiate ot Alpheus Felch, deceased. Onreadiugand lilinif the wtition, duly verified, ofTheodOreA Felch, prayiug that a certain inPtrument nowon tile u t.nis court, purportmg to be the laat will and testanidnt of t:iid deceased, may adniitU'd to pioi'jite and that administration of s;iM estftts may be granted to hünsclf and Caroline F. Grant, Eilzabetb II. Cole, Helen L. JeDnings, and Francia f.. Feloh, the exeeutorsin said -il named or aorne other Buitable person. Thereupou it ia ordered, that Monday, the 13th day of Jnly next, al ten o'ulock iu the lorenoou, be ussirnd lor the hearing of said petition. and that the devise-s. leñatees aud heirs ut law of said deceasod, and uil other persons interested in said estat are requíred tu appear at a sts sion of said Cuurt, theu to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, andshow cause if auy tnere be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should, rfot be grauk-d: And it is f urther oideredthat said petitionergive notice tothe persons interested in said estáte of the peudeucy ol said petitionand the hearing thereof by causingacopy of this order to be pubiished in the Ann Arbob Akgus, a newspaper priuteJ and circulated in said county, threeauccessive weekp previous to said day of hearing. J. W1LLAKD BABBITT, [A true copy.l Jujge of Probata Wm. G.üoty. Probute KeiUter.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News