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Prof. Otis C. Johnson will spend the summer at Cottage City, Mass. Harry Norton ai-rived home froin college at Cincinnati, O., Saturday. Miss Emrna Cowan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward Taylor, in Muskegon. Mrs. Fisher, of Tecumseh, has been the guest of Mrs. H. S. Cheever daring this week. Mrs. T. W. Peers, of Topeka, Kas., is visitiüg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'. Wagner. E. K. Frueauff, of the Owosso Árgus, is spending a week's vaoation in the city. Miss Maggie Ryan is golng to Jaokson tomorrow to spend a couple of weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Plant Johns, of New London, Ohio, spent Sunday with M. C. Peterson and family. Dr. Julia Smith and Miss Helen Smith, of Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Mack. Charles H. Worden and wife retnrned home Friday f rom their trip to California and tho Pacific coast. Miss Fannie Louise G-winner, of Grinnell College, Iowa, is home to spend her summer vaoation. Mrs. R. C. MoAllaster and child have gone to Webster, where they will spend the snmmer with relatives. Mrs. Mary Paine, mother of Mrs. C. G-. Darling, has gone to Kansas to spend the snmmer with her sister. Attorney General Maynard and George H. Hopkins, of Lansing, are guests of J. W. Maynard this week. W. T. Whedon, of Norwóod, Mass., is visiting relatives in the city and taking in the commencement esercises. Ernest Perry, of Bay City, has joined his wife and sou and is visiting his parents, Supt. and Mrs. W. S. Perry. Postmaster Hanke, of River Raisin, was in Ann Arbor Saturday attending to some business in the probate court. Mrs. F. J. Harris, who as been visiting her niece, Mrs. Barnum, of Leslie, the past two weeks, as returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Dorrance, jr., of Barberton, O., are gnests of his pareu ts, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Dorrance. Joseph McCabe, Frank Molntyre, Harry Browi and Ed. Taylor arriyed home from Sandwich College on Monday. Miss Hedrick and Miss Mnrna, who have been teachiDg in Saginaw, have returned hoine for the summer vacation. Miss Fairchild, who has been teauhing in the Saginaw, e. s. , high school, will atteud the university summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Creelman, of Detroit, who were visiting Miss Emma Kemper this week, returned home last evening. Mrs. Gatheriue Georg, of Waterloo, Ont., and Miss Lydia Georg, of Detroit, are visiting the fatnily of Dr. Conrad Georg. Dr. Thomas M. Cooley, of Boston, Mass., is spending a two weeks' vacation with his parents, Prof. and Mrs. T. M. Cooley. Miss Ella Meuth leffc Saturday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Chicago, HL, Milwankee and Pon du Lac, Wis. Miss Susan C. Storms, of 28 E. Ann st. , entertained a number of frieuds on Saturday evening in honor of her sister, Mrs. Jacobs, of Chicago. M. P. Alber, of Freedom and Wm. F. Hall, of Sharon, supervisors of their respective towns, were pleasaut callers at the Argus office Monday afternoon. Miss Kate Mclntyre, of Monroe, daughter of W. H. Molntyre, of this city, is visiting the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart at the St. Thomas' ' school. The Manchester Enterprise says that E. B. Norris and Thos. D. Kearney have been selected as vice presidents froru this city for the Fourth of July celebration in that village. Dr. Boy S. Copelaud has been chosen by the Michigan Homeopathie Society as its delégate to the international homeopathie convention, which meets in London, Eugland, next August. Eev. F. Volz and family and Miss Tusnelda Spring, of Saginaw, e. s. , Adolph Spring, of the theological semiuary of St. Paul, Minn., and A. F. Spring, of Detroit, are visiting friends in the city. Wirt and Wade Doty, of Detroit, and Miss Clara A. Doty, of Minneapoils, Minn., spent the week with their pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doty. Their sister, Miss Nina M. Doty, graduated from the literaiy departineutyesterday. Prof. John E. Clark, of Yale, who represented that university at President Augell's jubilee on Wednesday, was the guestof bis brother-iu-law, A. M. Dofy, during this week. He is a gradúate of the U. of M. and was an instructor in President Tappan's day. Mrs. Gershom Powers, of Graud Rapids, is visuiut; her rnocher, Mrs. S. G. Beiihain and fatoily. She also attended the older h!h scuool alumni reunión in th Presbyterian chnreb parlors, Monday evf ning, baving gradnated from the high schooi iu 1876.