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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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PKW SL&iuaasA aL dHïiaTiKM esiioceco ti D R S i DISEASED MEN CURED j KTHnilCilNnQ ynnK nien. middle nged men and oíd men can look back at ÏJ InyUOMIiUo their bojhood days or enrly manhood with a sieh of remorse. K , The ignorance of early youth, or later on a misspent life as "one of tbe boys" has sown ■■ j theeeeds for tniure suffering. SEL.F ABUSE is a terrible sin against nature and ■■ T will bring a rich harveet Blond and Private Ui euses sap the very life and vitality I ■ of ïhv victim. üur NKW METHOD TREA'l MENT will positively cure all the followW O ing diseases: D 5 VARICOCELE, EMISS1OMS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, g SYPH1LIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK K NESS, PIMPLES, LOT MANHOOD, UNNATURAL K 6 DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. & KK Ínr Yflll 9 NEKVOUS and despondent; weak ordebilitated; tired mornings; no J Hnt 1UU ■ ambition - lifeJess; memory poor; easily fatigned; excitable and irri■ table; eyes sunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and uight losses; restR less; haggard looking; weak back, bone pains; hair looee; ulcere; sore tbroat; varicoV cele; deposit in urine and drains at stool; distrust ful; want of confidence; lack of Q energy and strength-WE CAN CURE YOU OR ASK NO PAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL S SNATCHED F RU JVl THE GRAVE. lollearñ"darbádhabit.nTriedfour K doctors and nerve tonics by the score witliout benefit; missions and crains increased. I beoame a nervous wreek. A friend who had ben cured by Urs. Kennedy & Kergan CC of a similar diseaee, advisedt me to try thein. I di't 80 and in two mouths was positie# ly cured. This was eight years ago. I am now married and have two healthy chüdfk ren."- C. W. LEWia, iiagiuaw, UADIPflPCI C riIRPn "Varicocele made life miserable. I was weak and m V n M I U U O L L L u U II L. U ■ nervous, eyes sunken. baïliful in society, hair thin, no ambition. The 'Grolden Monitor' opened my eyes. The New Method Treatment of f% Drs. Kennedy and Kergan cured ma in a few weeks.- I. L. PETJáKSON, Ionia, fl CMICCIDMC PHDCn EMEUSON relates hi experience. "I lived on tiïüOOlURo ülstlLUi afr.rm. At school I learnpd an early habit. which t weakened me physicaliy, sexually and mentaijy. Famiiy doctors said 1 was going into 'decline' (cousumption.) Finally 'The Golden Monitor,' eclited by Drs. Kennedy %m & Kergan, feil iuto my hands. 1 learned the TROTH and the CAUSE. Helf-abuse H had sapped my vitality. 1 took tt e New Method Treatment and was cured. My ïj friends think I was cureil of consumpiion. I have sent them many patieniSj all of Jl' whom were cured. Their New iethod Treatment supplies vigor, vitality and 5# manhood." J CVDUII IC PSIQï-fl ''Thin terrible blood disease was in my syctem for eight i Olí IILlO UUfil-Ui years. Had tak-n mercury for two years. but the disease ... returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, olcers in the mouth and on JJ i tongue, bone pains, failing out of hair, weakness, etc. My brother, who had bepn I cured of Gleet and ötri'ture by Drs. -Kennedy and Kergan, recoinmended them. ! ) They cured me in a few weeks, and i thank God 1 consuli.ed them. No return of the D d.sease in six years. "- W. P. M., Jackson. ■ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 2OO.OOO CURhD. NO RISK. (RCAHFP5I Are yon a victim 'i Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplating w nbnUuni marriage? Has yonr biood been diseased? Have yon any weakness? H Onr New Method Treatmpnt wili cure yon. What it has done for others it will do for r yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has trt-ated you. write for an honest Ij (' opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "The bolden Monitor" ï? (illustrated), on Diseases of Men.lnclose pos-tage, 2 cents, tíealed. H -NO NAMES USEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIU i VATE. Nomödicinesent C. O. D. Nonames on boxes or envel5 )opes. Everytning conf Idential. Question list and cost of 11 Treatment FRËE. M DRS.KENNEDY&KERGAN,ndoe8rsoWcsht9


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