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Mrs. Abbott Russell is visiting friends n Hillsdale oonnty. Mrs. Jane McCartby was visiting at Morris Harnmond's one day last week. Harvesting and haying have begnn in Augu&ta. Harvest apples are fit for use, and it's yet Jnue. Mrs. Britz, from Denver, Colo. and Miss Anna Greenruan, of Rockford, 111., are home for a visitwith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenman. Gernie Derbyshire has returned from Cleveland, where he has been study ing for the ministry. He bas gone to New York to spend the summer. A few friends from Milan and Willis intend going camping near Clinton, near one of the beautiful lakes. Joy go with you, we would like to camp out ourselves. Mrs. Urvilla Hammond went yesterday to see a daughtpr wbo lives neai Grand Rapids. Sbe expects to be gone a year or so to visit at Mr. Banslei Moorman's, ber nephew aud son-in law. Mrs. Leon Brown, of Minueapolis, aud bei1 two step-daughters are out here visitiDg. ïbe former her brother, Williaru Swayze, tbe otbers their grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Clark, of Belleville. Wben comes the summer vacatiou for farmers' wives? I thiuk if there is auy one in the vsrorld who would love to go down on the beach, or bask by the waters of soms glorious lake, it would be tired out mothers and wives. Echo answers when? James Bunton carne very near losing his life one day last week. His clothing oaught on a bolt near a buzz saw, and he reoeived a severe biimping and lost uearly all his clothes but kept from striking the saw by pushiiig himself off with his left hand. Mrs. Carrie Curtiss, from PIymoutn, has been visiting nearly a week at Geo. N. Hammond's. Prom here she went to Detroit where she was to xemain a few days, theu back to her home. She internis going to Indiana to stay with a friend through the fall and winter. The entertainment given last Friday eveuing at the M. E. church, Willis. was a very nice afi'air. Good musió was furnished by the Milán String Band. Reoitations were reudered very nicely although mauy were rather oíd. Ice cream was served after the exercises.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News