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To Leave Ann Arbor

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In comnion with the many friends of Lew H. Clement, the Argus regrets to learn of the approaching depar ture of that gentleman for a new field of labor. After seveu years of successfnl work as secretary aud manager of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. 's business, Mr. Cleru ent leaves Aug. 1 to take tbe position of general manager of F. W. Bauruer & Co. 's musical business at Wheeliug, W. Va. Mr. Clement met M. Baumer two years ago ou a voyage to Europe, aud from this acquaintance came an offer in May of this year, so favorable that Lew feit obliged to aooept it. In addition to a most liberal salary Mr. Baumer bas also offered him an interest in his business, which is the largest of its kind in W. Virginia. Of this business Mr. Clement will have full charge, as Mr. Baumer will leave shortly for a two years' tour around the world. In the departure of Mr. Clement Ann Arbor loses a bright, hustling young bnsiness man. Coming here 10 years ago alruost au entire straugev, he embarked in the retail musio business, which he soon brought into the front rank. Three years later the business was oonsolidated with that of the Allmeudinger Piano and Organ Co., which continued the name of the uew finu, and Mr. Clement was its secretary aud manager. Later the company' s name was changed to that it uow bears, the Ann Arbor Orgau Co., and Mr. Clement aided by his salesroen and backed up by the directors, kept on pushing the bnsiness until it outgrew its quarters aud the present cotnnaodious factory became a necessity and through his energetic measures was erected. In the musical world of Ann Arbor, Mr. Clement aud bis estimable wife have always been recognized factors and their preseuce will be missed. For several years Mr. Clement was director and business manager of the Chequamegou orchestra until other business obliged him to give np the work. To their uew sphere of action both Mr. and Mrs. Clement will carry the best wishes of their nnmerous friends for their future prosperity and the Argus joins with them in these good wishes.