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Prof. W. S. Perry arrived home frorn tht east yesterday. Mrs. B. F. Watts returned home frotn her visit to Flint on Monday. f Jndge Kitme is home f rom bis western trip. W. W. Wedemeyer is enjoying a brief vauation at Kalamazoo. Miss Julia Brennan is home froru Chicago and will remain nntil Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Beal aud daughter are visiting relativas in Unadilla. MissLizzie Diebl left today for a week's visit with friends in Detroit. Mrs. John Heinzmann is visiting rel atives in Bay City. Mrs. Nellie Litchfield, of Delhi, will teach in the Dexter schools next year. The Misses Amelia and Edith Schleede left today for a week's trip up the lakes to Mackinaw. Lew H. Clement and family start tomorrow for their new home, at VVheeling, W. Va. Miss Celia Brennan, wno is a teacher in Chioago, is teaching in the High School preparatory school. Miss Mattie Dolan is visiting her sister, Mrs. James McKeruan, of Northfield. Mrs. Herman Eisele and soa went to Chicago yesterday where they will visit friends for several weeks. Prof. EugeneLohr, of Dulnth, Minn., is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lohr, on Packard st. Miss Sophie Koch leaves tomorrow for Michigan City, Ind., to visit friends for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. John Liudenschmitt are spending a oonple of weeks at more Lake. S.C. Andrews, a former business mau of Ann Arbor, was a visitor in the city on Monday. Mrs. George B. Mills, of Owosso, is in the city visiting her son, Glen V. Mills and family. B. C. McAllaster was rustictiang in Webster township for a few days the first part of the week. Miss Una Abell, the well known young actress, is visiting her niother at the Sip:ma Alpha Epsilon house. Mrs. W. W. Watts retnrned home from her visit in Cleveland, O., Wednesday evening. Charles Burkhardt, of Chicago, was home for a few days' holiday the latter part of last week and beginning of this. John O. Jenkius, of Detroit, was in the city yesterday calling on old friends Mrs. J. A. Brown and daughter M iss Nellie, will leave next Wednesday for a visit with friends in Cbicago and Joliet, III. Erroll Dunbar, of New York city, is the guest of Mrs. Abell, at the S. A. E. house. Mr. Dunbar is a leading member of Rhea's company. D. F. Sohairer and son Cari returned home Monday from a visit in Chicago. Mrp. Schairer will return tomorrow eveniug. Miss Anna Sbannon is visiting her nncle, John Shannon, in London, Ont. She will visit friends in otber places in Ontario before returning. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Martin retnrned home froni their outing at the Waldeman olubhouse at Dodge's Point on Saturday. Mrs. George L. Moore, accompanied by her brother and his wife, is enjoying a month's outing at a small beach near New HaveD, Conn. Mrs. A. K. Hale and Mrs. R. S. Greenwood left Monday morning for a week's visit at Frankfort and Crystal lake. Mrs. John and Miss Kate Diehl left this morning for Marquette by way oí the lakes for a couple of weeks' visit with Adolph Diehl. Mrs. Marshall, son and daughter, of Lansing, will remove to Ann Arbor in about a week. The son, Thomas Marshall, will enter the ü. of M. this fall. Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Gelston left for Massachusetts Wednesday morning, ■wbere they will spend a couple of montbs. In the fall they will visit Florida. George Burke left Wednesday morning for a bicycle trip through Europe. He accompanied a party of bicyole tourists from Chicago and other cities, who made Detroit their starting point. Mrs. D. M. Tyler returned home Friday for a few days' stay and left today for Lansing and other points where she and the doctor will stay until the last of August. Miss Mary Purfield has resigned her position in Moore & Wetraore's bookstore. Her place is filled by Miss Millie Parsons. It is said that Miss Purfield will soon be married. W. D. Harriman left for Crystal lake Tuesday eveiiing, wbere in company with G-jvernor Ashley, of Toledo, he will entice the perch from their watery home for a few days. Revs. L. T Cole apd Henry P. Horton, H. J. Brown and Ueo. H. Pocd ■went to the C jrneliau cottaee at Island Lake, Wedueslay evenitig, :;s guests of Dr. A. C. Nichols, to speed a few days in fishing. The party was ioined last evening by Dr. W. W. Nicbols and T. W. Mingay. Mr. aud Mrs. V. B. Phillips will arrive home from Bay View today. Edward Taylor, of Denver, Coló., is visiting his inother, Mrs. D. H. Taylor, on S. Twelfth st. T. E. Nickles and wife have gone on a two weeks' trip to Milwaukee, Wis., via Mackinao and the Soo. Miss Viola Blies left Tuesday for an extended visit in the east at New York City, the sea shore and Hartford Conn. Eev. R. M. Beaoh, late assistaut of St. Andrew's oburch, returned to his borne in the east Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cornstock, of Illinois are the guests of Mrs. Comstock's mother, Mrs. Andrew Bell, on S. División st. Mrs. Helen Oltnsfcead, of Kalamazoo, and Miss Mand Bates, of Woodstock, Ontario, are visiting Mrs. W. D. Adams. Mrs. S. M. Spence and daughter have gone to Philadelphia, in and near which city they will rernain until sorne time in September. Mrs. P. L. Bodmer and daughter Miss Faye are visitiug friends in St. Joseph and Kalarnazoo connties. They will be absent until Sept. 1. Dr. .T. W. Foley, of Leadville, Coló., who bas been visiting his mother, Mrs. B. Foley, of E. Hurón st., left Saturday for the east, where he will spend several weeks visitiug the large hospitals. Gilbert S. Pitkin, who had t'een visiting his rnother, Mrs. Julia Pitkin for several days, returned toPetrolra, Ont., Wednesday morning. Mrs. Pitkin and her little daughter remain here for some time longer. Miss Matilda Mutschel, sister of Engena Mutschel, who has been teaching in the Flint high school, has secured a better position in the Detroit high school, where sbe will teach algebra alone. Her many friends in Ann Arbor will be pleased to hear of her suocess.


Ann Arbor Argus
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