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Several Council Meetings

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The regular meeting of the Anu Arbor commcm conucil failed to materializo ou Monday eveuing, probably j due to the counter atraction of Buft'alo Bill's Wild West show. Four or five aldermen, however, were present and j called themselves to order with Aid. Arthur Browu as chairrnan aud Aid. Cady as clerk (that official being j sent). Tbe meeting was then journed until Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. On Tuesday evening, in spite of the intense heat, all the members of the council were present except President Hiscock, Aid. Cady and I)ell. Nothing but routine business was transacted and the meeting was over by 9 :30 o'olock. City Clerk Mills in the absence of President Hisoock called the meeting to order and Aid. Soule was elected president pro tem. The council reconsidered its previous aotion, ordering board sidewalks in front of 29, 81 and 31 E. JUibety st., it being found that the same is in the stone or cement district, and ordeied cement or stone walks instead. ' The board of public works reported the bids of J. F. Sohuh at $543 and Schneider Bros. at $499.10 for lowerng the Washtenaw sewer and recommnded the awarding of the conract to Scheider Bros. The council so voted. Arthur G. Hall asked for a sidewalk acrocss Oakland ave., on the west side of Tappan st. Referred to thf) street and sidewalk committee. Christian Eberbach and six others asked for an electric light at the motor junction. Referred to the lighting committee. Win. Aotion asked relief 'rom a nuisance and the pólice committee took the matter in charge. Geo. B. Sohwab, for the Germán Day committee, estended an invitation to ;he council to attend and particípate in the ' parade and festivities. The council voted to accept. The committee on finance recornmended the paynient of bilis as follows : From the contingent fnnd, $1,207.58 ; sewer fund, 300.15; street fuud, $1,564.34; bridge, culvert and crosswalk fubd, $950.25; pólice fund, $26S.6O; fire departinent fund, 515.09; poor fund, $93.11; cemetery fund, 34.56; total, $4,951.14. They were ordered paid by uuaniinous vote. The estímate of the engineer of Oqiunleted work in sewer district No. 3, also the order of the sewer contractors to withhold 90 per oent of cost of sewer pipe used - the sum to be paid to the National Sewer Pipe Co., was af ter soine discussion referred to the city attorney. The sidewalk committèe recomruended the construction of anuinber of walks, among'which were eight brick and one cement crosswalk. Consideration of this matter was left overuntil the next meeting of the council. Electric ligbts were ordered placed on W. Liberty st., and at the corner of Hill st. and Washtenaw ave., the latter to be placed on a 60 foot pole. The pluniber's bond of John O'Brien with J. T. Sullivan and J. E, Haikins as sureties, was approved. The monthly reports of city officers were read and placed on file. Aid. Danforrh asked that a drinking fountain for teams be placed at the corner of State st. and N. University ave. Referred to water and street coruittees. Aid. Coon snggested aDd the couucil so order that the board of public works furnish at the next meeting plans and estimates for disposing of the surface water froin. the streets at the corner of Washtenaw and 8. Uuiversity aves. Aid. Shadford asked for a watering trough on Broadway as previously ordered by the council and it was so voted. The subject of moving the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway tracks on Packard st. to the rniddle of the street was referred to the city attorney. A special meeting of the council was held Wednesday evening in the city clerk's office at the request of Aid. I Moore, Laubengayer and Dell. Aid. ■ Coon acted as president pro tem, and the absence members wer6 Aid. Mayi uard, Grossman, Brown. Cady, ShadI ïord and Pres;dent Hiscock. The meeti ing was called for the purposo of considering the ircrease iu size of the W. Washington st. oalvert west of Third st. and the matter of crosswalks at the corner of Main and Hurón sts. It was voted on the first questiou to increase the culvert froin four feet to six feet at an increased cost of $145. With regard to the crosswalks it was voted to build two instead of three at the inter! secrion of JVIain and Huron sts. i ■ ,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News