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Village Doings

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Bert Lord and wife are visiting at Briar Mili for a few days. Mrs. Charles Rogers of Stony Creek. who has been serionsly ill, is reported improving. Mrs. Harvey Day has been quite sick, but is now able to be around the honse again. A Jew,narne unknowu to xis.preacbed at the Friends' chnroh last Sabhath at 10:30 a. m. and T :30 p. ín. How good it seems to behold our land laden with fruit again. Surely we have a rioh harvest for ourselves, if not for our pockets. Miss Anna Greenman intends starting tomorrow for Illinois, where she has been living for a uumber of years. Truly she is "Gentle Annie'' and we shall miss her. John Cox's house was struck by lightning one day last week. Lightning tore a hole through the roof, passed down and then set a oarpet on fire and then down oellar. It did not harrn the people. The M. E. Sabbath school of Willis anticípate going down beside the banks of the Oíd Hurón and enjoying a picnic on the Albert Day farm or flats. If not pleasant it will be held in Willis at the church parlors. Come one, come all, and make merry. It seems as though this weather was entirely too rnnch for correspondents'to correspond. For what few brains they have (or I have) have been simmered and cooked by old Sol. And it would really be refreshing to hear some one sing "From Greenland's icy mountains. " Some one please start it. Quite a'few went to Ann Arbor Monday week to see the Wild West show. I think all must have enjoyed it very mueh. Much more than standing or sitting on the dirty walk, waiting one hour for the motor. It seems as though Aun Arbor and Ypislanti could build as mnoh as a coalshed for people to wait in. It's very unpleasant to say the least.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News