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Chancery Notice. rpHE TWENTT-8EC0NT) JUDICIAL CIRX euit for the State of Michigan, in the Circuit Court lor the County of Washtenaw in Onancery. Ella Hiirriiigtoii, complainant, ra. Charles I' . Harrington, defendant. ii Batisfactorily appearlng to me bv affldavit tlmt the defendant, Charles 1'. Barrington, ts a non-resident of thls state and that he resides In the State of South Dakota: Onmotlon oï B. B. Norrls, oi counsel tor complalnant, ordered that defendant dn cause bisanpearanoe In this cause to be entered wlthfu four months f rom the d.iteof thls order: that in aefault tbereoC the bill of compjalnt Inch islik-d in tliis oause bi - contessed by the defendant. H 1-. fiirther ordered that the complainant do cause thls prderto be personally served or dulv published pursuaut tolaw. Dated. Aiiü Arbor, Mayfltb, 1896 E. B. N0ERI8 E.D. KINNE. Solioltor fofCoDipluiiiaut. Circuit Judee. .vr -Xa true ei)y-i W. DAK8INGBUK0, Register. Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNTY of Waehtenaw. The undersigned haring been appointed by the Probate Court for satd Oxiiitj-, Commissiouera to receive, examine and aojufit all claims and demanda of all peraons aguiust the estnte of Filix Dunlayy, Inte of 8 id oouoty, deceased, hereby give noiiee tbat six momhsfrom date are allowed,by ordi-rof iaid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims againstthe estnte ofsfiid deeeased. and that tbev will meet at the late reeidence of Baid deceased, in the township of Dexter, iu said county, on the lOth aay of SN'ovemlicr. and on the mili day of Februarj next. at ten o'clocï a. m. of e icn of said dii-s. tn receive, examine and adjust siud claim Dated, Auput lOth. IS'jü. l'ATRICK GALLAGHEK THOMAS U'ALLAi K. bommissiODeTS. Notice to Creditors, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY" Kj of Washteuaw, ss, Notice is hereby given, tnat by an order of the Probate Court" for the County of Washtenuw, made ou the lKth day of July. A. D l9tf, six moutha from that dte were allowed for creditora to present their claims against the estáte of Alphens Fekh, late of said eounty,deeease'l, and thnt all creditors of said deceased are required to preseoltheirelaims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Omcein the cüy of Ann Arbor, for examirmtion and allowauce, on or before the 13!h day of January uext, and that such claims will bobea rd before said Couvt on the 13th day of October, and ou the I3th day ot Januaary uext at ten o'clock in the forenoou ofeach ofeaiddays Dated, Ann Arbor. July IS, A.D. ]Sfl6 J. VV1LLARD itABBITT, Judgeoi'P.-obate. Estáte of John Crandall. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UXTY ol Washtenaw, ss. Ata sessiun of the Probate Court for the County ot Washtennw, holden at th Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Frlday, the Sist day of" July in ibe year one thonsaud pight hundred and ninetv-six. Present, J. Willard Uabliitt.JudKe of Próbme. In the muiter of the estáte ot John Crandatl, deceaeed. Oureadincand flling the pi.tition.duly veritted, of Andrew J. Johnson, praying that be uiay be licensed to sell the Real Eslate whereofsald deceaaed died seized. Thereuponit ia ordered, that Ttiesday,the lst aay oí September uext, at ten o'elock ín the forenoou, be as;igued lor the hearing ot' said petiticui, and tbat tht. beir at law of said deceased, and all other perrons interested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of satd court then to be holden at the Probate Office, ín the oitv ot Ann Arbor, an-i show cause, ir auy there b'e why theprayer ot --he petitioner should uot be ranted. And it ia Enrther ordered that said pctltioner give notice t0 the peisons mterested in eaid estáte, ol u.e pendency oi said petition and the hearing causing a copy ol this orcier to be publis'ned ín the Ans Arbor Akguh, uwspaper priiut. and circu 'üitedinsaid couuty three succêssive wveks previous tosaidday of hearing. J. WILLARD BABRYCT (A miecopy; Jiidgeof I'rowie. Wm. G. Dotv , Probate Eeeister. Mortgage Sale. DEFATLT 11 AV1XG HEEN MADE IN THE conclitions of a certaln morttrage bearlnu date the 4th day oi December, 1891, made by Barbara Conrath, of the Township of Anu Arbor. Washtenaw Ceunty, Michljfan, to Kirj-ey Beabolt, (Dn vid Kiney and Moses Seabolti, and recorded in the office oi Register of deeds nf said Couuty, in Liber73 of Morteag'es, on page B20, ou the ath day of April, ls'jü, at 2 o'clock p. ra., on vrbich tuortgratte tbore is clalmed to be dueat the date of this uotlce the -mu of Uue Tbousand and Ninety Dollars and Seventy-81l CiTils and no suit al law bavlng beeu instituted to recover the sanie or any part thereof. Now, therefore. bv vuiinof tbe power ol' sale eontained in said uiortgajre and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby ilven that ou Saturday, the lüth day of October, ISHi, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the east front door of the court house, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, unat beinjr the building wbere the Circuit Court for said county is beid the premises described in said mortgage or so nmch thereof as may be necessary to pay tbe amount tben due on said mortgage and tba legal expenses of this foreclosure pmvlded for by law. The premiees tobe soldare desoilbed as follows: A part of seotlon 'T in the Township of Ann Arbor, Washtenan County, Miebifrau, commencing at the south-wesi cornerol land lormerly owned bv Caroline Hand. in the center of the Geddes road. thence westerly in the center of said road fourchains and twenty links, tlienee north parallel wit n the wes! line ot Baid Caroline Hand's land fourteen cliains, tbence east three chaina and nlnety-two link to said Caroline Hand's land, t henee soutli on the west line of said Caroline Hand's land to the plaoeof beglunins; Bfteen chalns and thlrtynine links, containlng live acres and three oi land, more or less Dated July 11. 1888. RINSEY & BBABOLT, Thompson & Habrimam, Mortiragres. Attorneys tor Mortga TS,(JOK AND TJRAG-E C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 4 Fourth_Ave., North Teleilioue 8.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News