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Geo. W. Johnson, wife and mother are at Bay View. Miss Ethel Thompson went to Battle Creek yesterday to visit frieuds. Mrs. W. S. Perry and children are at Zukey Lake for a week's stay. Miss Winifred Clark is visiting relatives at Grosse Isle for tvro weeks. Mrs. Roy O. McClure has gone to Logansport, Ind. , to visit relatives. Mrs. Geo. Clarken and daughter are visiting relatives at Cleveland, Ohio. Herman C. Kirn, of the fire department, is visiting his brother in Chicago. Ottmar Krapf, of Saginaw, spent Suuday with his father on Jefferson st. Miss May Melody, of Wyandotte, is the guest of W. H. Mclntyre and farnily. Dr. Snllivan, of Chicago, is nere to visit his father, J. T. Sullivan, who is very low. Miss Kate Farnham, of Pinckney, is the guest of Miss Minnie Dwyer, of Kingsley st. Mrs. Goodison, of Ypsilanti, will be ruatron of the Sorosis sorority house the coming year. Miss Nina M. Davison is visiting her aunt Mrs. Charles Le Seur and other friends in Tolerlo. Mrs. W. D. Harriman has goae to Grand Rapids to visit her daogbter, Mrs. Hutchinson. Miss Mattie Drake is at Whitmore Lake, where she will spend most of her two weeks' vauatiou. Mrs. M, E. Cooley and danghter are at Fairport N. J., where they will saty xmtil late in September. The Misses Bertha and Carrie Christmann are spending their vaoation with friends in Tiffin, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Sunderland and fatnily returned home from their year's soiourn abroad, last Friday. Miss Emma Keinper bas been spending the week with friends at the Jun iper club house, Island lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wakefield, of Moreuoi, ara the guests of Dr. P. B. Ro?e aud family ou S. State st. Mr. aud Mrs. Elmer E. Beal left yesterday for Detrnit, Mt. Cletnuns and Novthvillo for a tea days' visit. Herman Krapf is laid up with a severely sprained ankle which prevenís him froru atlenÜDg to business as usual. Mrs. Torapkins and daughter, Lilliau, of the Alpha Phi house, have gone to Bay City for a several weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Pond spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. F. A. Howlett, at Cavanaugh Lake. Rev. Merle Breed, a formev resideut of Aun Arbor, spoke at the Congregational church Ypsilanti on Suuday rnorniug. Mrs. Guorga Holden bas returned to her home iu Palmer, Mass., af ter a ■visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cramer. Gorge J. Haller, who bas been writing up Maokinac Island for the Headlight, bas been in the city for a conple of days this week. ] Mrs. J. L. Baboook, who is at Waukesha, Wis., sang "The Holy Cicy" at the morning service of the Congregational church in that city Jast Sunday. I. H. C. R oyce, his son, Herbert, and grandson, Merle, have returned to their home in ïerre Haute after a lengthy visit with relativas in this city. Mrs. Koss Granger and Mrs. E. V. Hangsterfer, of this city, and Mrs. Fied Showerman, of Ypsilanti, went to "Whitmore Lake Mouday for a two weeks' outing. Lewis C. Pond, son of George H. Poud, of this city, who has been for several years past in North Dakota, left Bismark, N. D., on Monday last, for San Diego, Cal. J. T. Jacobs will attend the ninth annual convention of the National League of Repnblican Clubs, to be held in Milwankee, Wis., Aug. 26 and 27, as a delégate from Michigan. Miss Elizabeth C. Mogk and Miss W. L. Bender left Monday morning for a trip down the lakes and the St. Lawrence river through the Thousand Islands. They will be gone two weeks. Clarence M. Meader, instructor in Latin aud Roman history in the university, aocompanied by his wife, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Meader at Lake Goguac, near Battle Creek. The many friends of Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge will be sorry to hear that she is ill with typhoid fever at West Roxbury, Mass., aud will uot be able to return to this city until some time in September. Assistant Professor Earle W. Dow and bride are spendiug a few days iu the city prior to leaviug .for Europe, where they will spend the coraiug yeur, Prof. Dow having a leave of abssuce for that len[ith of time. Charles W. Traver, the young artist, whose illustratious in different jriagazines have been mnch admired, is iu the city aud will remain with his moiher till Sept. 1, when he vrill leave for Gerruany. Miss Clara O'Toole, of Detroit, ia spendiug a few weeks in the city, Mrï. Manie Parshall, of Wayne, is the gnest of her tuotber, Mrs. S. G. Beu ham. James H. Preutiss left for his home in Denver, Colo. , Friday, to'be absent three weeks. Sid W. Millard, George E. Apfel and George Dengler and their families have beeu epeuding the week at Whitmore Lake. H. A. Williams aDd Hfamily are in Detroit fnr a two weeks' visit with Mr. 'and Mrs. A., R. Beal and other frieuds. Mrs. C. H. fiichmond is in the city. There is a possibflity of her taking up her abode here again, occupying her old home on E. Huron st. James Duft'y, of Bay City. sou of Ho7i. Edward Duffy, of this city, is prominently mentioned as a candidate for prosecuting attorney of Bay county. Rev. C. M. Cobern and family leave for Denver, Colo., on Tnesday nest, where he will assume the duties of his new pastorate at Triuity Methodist church. Prof. Rhodes, of Ithaca, N. Y., arrived in the city Tuesday for a brief visit with his wife and family, who are staying with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miuer. Rí,uney C. Soott and his sister, Mrs. Charles H. Carter, of Honolulú, Hawaiian Islands, will soon return to Aun Arbor to reside. They will oooupy the old Soott homestead on Wasbteuaw ave.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News