Democratic County Convention
The Democrats of Waslitenaw County will meet in County Convention in the Oourt House, in the City of Ano Arbor, on Thursday, the lOth day of September. 1S96, at 11 o'clock a. m., to nomínate candídares for Judge of Probate, Sheriff, County Clerk. Register of Peeds, Prosecutins; Attorney, County Treasurer, two Circuit Oourt Commissioners, two Coroners, and a County Surveyor and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. All persons who indorse the principies enunciated in the Chicago platform are eordially invited to particípate in the respective caucuses. Townships and Wards will be entitled to delegates as follows: Ann Arbor City: I Northfield "--- 7 !st ward 8 Pittsüeld 6 Sdirar'd 10 Salem 6 Srdward. 10 Saline 9 h ward 9 Seio 10 ötli ward 4 Sharon 5 8tbward 6 Superior 6 7th ward 4 Sytvan 13 Ann Arbor Town.. 7 Webster 5 Augusta 9 York 11 Bridgewater li Ypsilanti " Ilexter 4 Ypsilanti City: Freedom 6 lst ward 8 Lima 5 2d ward ti Lodi 7 3rd wavd - 7 Lyndon 4 4thward 5 Manchester 12 . 6th ward 7 Ckairruan. Secretary. Dated Aun Arbor, Aug. 21st, 1896.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News