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ile was husging a delusion. But it clirl notqnce occur To taim that sucli could be the fuct, Until he married her. The snmmer law school closed Friday evening. Born, to Prof. - and Mrs. E. H. Kempf, on Saturday last, a 12 pound boy baby. A nnuiber of the Delta Sigma Nn boys and their lady friends enjoyed a pleasant social dance at Nickels' hall on Saturday evening. Junius E. Beal read a paper on "National platform support," bef ore the Eepublicn Newspaper Assooiation at Port Huron on Wednesday. Supervisor Watkins writes that a straw vote taken on the streets of Manchester Satnrday resvilted as follows: Silver 48, gold 27.- Times. Private Frank H. Campbell, of the Ann Arbor Light Infautry, won the first prize for the lst Regiment, M. N. G., at Island Lake, for target shooting last week. The A. A. L. I. returned from camp Monday morning a little aftel 9 o'clock, somewhat weary but with the satisfaction of knowing that they had done their duty. The date for the democratie rally has been cbanged from tomorrow night to this Friday evening, Ang. 28. Hon. T. E. Tarsney and Fred A. Baker will address the assemblage in front of the court house. John Bosworth, erstwhile a persistent exponent of prohibition, doctrines, entertained and highly aniused a crowd of people on Saturday afternoon, in front of the Farmeis and Mechanics Bank, by bis ardent discourse on the free silver question. Mrs. Maiy Archer, of N. Seventh st. was found guilty some time ago in Justice Pond's court of malioiously destroying her neighbor's fence. She has been taken to jail and is now serving out her sentence of 90 days rather than pay the fine and costs amounting to ig9. 45. In recognition of aid, peenniary and otherwise, rendered to it by L. J. Lisemer, the band directed by L. M. Otto has been ohristened and will be known as "The Washtenaw Times Band." It gave an open air concert on S. Main st. Saturday evening. Mrs. Rosa McCoy, of Ypsilanti, ■wants a divoroe from berhnsbaud, William McCoy, on the ground of non-support. She has filed a bilí in the circuit coiirt throngh her attorney, Tracy L. Towner. The couple have been married eisht vears and have no children. A mean Hudson man made a declaration the other day that there are no women in heaven and said he could prove it. The proof was demanded and he quoted the following page of scripture: "And when he opened the seventh seal there was silence for about the spaoe of half an honr. " Mrs. Jane Cuddeback, died at the home of her son Eli Cuddeback, No. 3 Cherry st., on Friday, of pneumonía, aged 74 years, 1 1 months and 1 day. The funeral services were held at the house on Sunday at 12:15 o'clock, Rev. C. M. Cobern offlciating. The remains were taken to Vernon, ilioh., for interment. Sept. IS are the dates for the coming fall fait at Dundee. F. J. Wolf has sold his honse au lot at 31 N Ashley st. through the Bach & Butler agency for $1,050. Washtenaw is the third richest couuty in the state. Wayne and Kent are the two„ counties that go ahead of it. J. H. JMiller's Sons have leased the east store in the Knight blook, E. Washington st. , and will ocexipy it with a new stock of groceries shortly. Prof. Levi T. Griffin, of Detroit, has been appointed pension agent at Detroit by President Cleveland, to sucoeed the late H. H. Wheeler. He will assume the duties of the office at once. The September Scribner's opens strikingly with a oolor reproductiou of one of fonr decorative panels of Edwin Howland Blashfield, made for a golden piano owned by Mrs. George W. Childs Drexel. It is a very effective group redresenting Music allegoiically. Similar colored frontispieces will ornament the October aad November issues. At the coming school trustee election in Grand Rapids the employment of married school teachers will be made an issue. A lengthy manisfesto has been issued on the subject, and a lively fight will be rnade on it. It is claimed in the manifestó that a teacher has survived her usefulness wben she marries, and has enough to attend to at home. At the Sunday morning services in the First M. E. church, Rev. üamden M. Cobern reported that during his five years' pastorate be had received into the church 248 on probation and 493 by letter. After making this report he received 7 more letters, 3 on probation and took 27 into foll connection, 3 of tbem being over 60 years of age, a grand total of 778 in all. The Stockbridge Sun says: "About 250 people attended the second annual Methodist Sunday school picnic at Zukey Lake, last Saturday (Aug. 14). A hilarious time is reported. Of course it rained, it always does this year, but nobody got very wet. The excursión did not lack excitement, either by foot races while en route, drowning scares after they got there, or sparking bees on the way home." Keene Fitzpatrick has notified the U. of M. football management that he has sigued a contract with Yale for the coming year. He will get doublé the salary that he did in Ann Arbor. The U. of M. Athletic Club met Yale's raise of $500 on Fitzpatrick's salary but wheu the Yale men went so far as to doublé it President Prentiss deulined to make any further offer as he saw that Yale was bound to have him at any price. Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, will speak at tbe farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake, on "Matters to Thiuk About. " Rev. E. D. Kelly, of Aun Arbor, will speak on "The Greatest American." Cyras M. Starks, of Webster, will also speak. Mr. E. N. Bilbie, the celebrated violinist, James E. Harkins, the impersonater and hurnorist, and the Lombard Quartet will each contribute Jmusically to the interest of tbe occasion. Over 100 people took the train for Island Lake, Sunday morning to see the soldier boys. Tbey enjoyed a very pleasant day and -were handsomely entertained. Coming home the train had a narrow escape from a head end collision just south of Hamburg with a north bound freight train. The trains were only a few rods distant from each other -when brought to a standstill. Evidently someone bad blundered aud doubtless lost his official head in consequence thereof. Mrs. Fredericka Biermann, widow of the late Henry Biermann, died at her home 18 W. Fifth st., on Monday morning, of dropsy, aged abont 68 years. Two sons, Henry and Fred Biermann, of this city, and three daughters, Mrs. Wm. Wagner and the Misses Sophia and Lillie Biermann, survive her The funeral seivices were held at her late home on Wednesday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. A. L. Nicklas. A large circle of friends attended the funeral. Rev. Lawrence T. Cole, who holds a three years' scholarship given by thp Episcopal Church University board o regente, vcill leave for Harvard the middle of next montn, where he wil pursue his special stndy of philosophy Mr. Cole's original intention was to spend the remaining two years of hi scholarship in study in Europe, bu business connected with the settlemen of the estáte of the late Gov. Felch prevented his leaving for Europe early enough to commence work there. Burton Hestier, a boy twelve years oíd, a son of L. T. Hestier, of Jackson street, Media, wrote a ooDgratulatory letter to Major McKinley stating tbat be wasn't a voter, did not want an office, trac hoped he'd be elected president. Major BlcKinley answered his letter and the young boy prizes it very highly.- Chester (Pa. ) Evening News. Mr. and Mrs. Hestier and Burton are well kúown to many in this city where they resided for some time several years ago. Mra. Hestier is a cousin of Mrs. B. M. Thompson and a dangbter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Davis, of Dexter. Frank Meyers and Frank Schmid, tvvo Ann Arbor boys, had a hard time doing a hotel business just south of Camp Snyder, at Island Lake. In their tent newsboys, tramps and soldiers stranded outside the guard house were lodged at 6 cents a night. Sunday night, Aug. 1?, they pitched their tentón a farm, paying $1 for the privilege, but had to move. The next night they paid another man $1. Tuesday 'night somebody stole their horse. It was returned Wednesday, but then came anotber misfortnne. Au offlcer compelled them to move again. Bot they managed to tbrive in spite of all obstacles, even the horse, which slept in the tent with the rest of the lodgers. Dr. E. D. FSrooks has cbanged his residence froru 31 E. Jeft'ersoii to 48 S. División, Sohneider Bros. are putting in a hot water heating apparatus for L. Z. Foerster, of Ypsilanti. Lyman B. Wood, of Ann Arbor, has jeen granted letters patent on a gravty sprayer for field crops. The Woman's Relief Corps oonvenion of the second district of Miohigan will be held in Dundee, Oct. 8. H. F. Frost & Co. have moved heir grocery store fiom E. Ann st. o the Sager block on E. Liberty st. The next annual meeting of the grand odge colored Knights of Pythias will be held in Ypsilanti, June 15-17, 189?. St. Thomas' Conservatory of Music vill reopen Sept. 1. The paroohial chool will be reopened Mouday, Sept. The lad:es of St. Andrew's parish will give the first social of the season at Harris hall, on Thursday evening, Sept. 10. Editor Moloney, late of the Carletou .iazette (defunct), has taken E. J. Smith's position as editor of the Mouroe Democrat. Invitations are out for the wedding next Wednesday of Miss Hattie A. Rogers, of this city, and Mr. Barney Commiskey, of Howell. Throogh Bach & Butler's agenoy VIrs. Elizabeth Henry has sold her property, 45 Chnrch st. , to Mrs. Mar;aret Halzle for $3,100. The addition to the Cook house has at last been started. The interior improvements to the house add greatly to ts corafort and appearanoe. C. A Maynard has bought Henry Richards' house, 39 Forest ave. The price paid was $3,300. Bach & Butler arranged the transfer of property. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Railroad Co. will De held at Durand, Sept. 19, at 10 a. rn. , for the eleotion of three directora. The annual meeting of Ann Arbor Chapter, No. 122, O. E. S., for the election of officers will be held at Masonic temple next Wednesday evening, Sept. 2. The Masonic temple will eoon undergo some inuch needed improvements and repairs. One of these is said to be reducing the steepness of the flight of stairs leading to the lodge room. The annual school meeting occurs on Monday, Sept. 7, that being the first Monday in September. The three retiring members of the school board are W. B. Smith, J. T. Jacobs and Leonhard Gruner. William Jennings Bryan, the silver tongued candidato for president on the democratie ticket, will be in Toledo, Weduesday next, Sept. 2. The Aon Arbor Kailroad will make special ratts to Toledo on that day. The Young Men's ChriBtian Assocation gospel rneetiug next Sunday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock will be addressed by a niember of the Michigan conference of the A. M. Er church, which is in session in our city at this time. Prof. Bradley M. Thompson, ,1ohn V. Sheehan, E. B. Pond, W. D. Harriman and D. Zimmerman attended the sound money democratie convention at Lansing, Wednesday. Prof. Thomdson was teuiporary cbairman of tbe conveution. The Republican county convention for nomiuating a county ticket and for choosing senatorial delegates will be held at the conrt house Thursday, Sept. 17. The First district legislativo oonvention will be held bere at the same time. James S. Doyle, of Detroit, the young lw student who was shot through the lungs by a higtnvayman, Wednesday, Aug. 12, is so much better that he expeets to be able to attend the university again wbeu the time for its reopening arrivés. Don't forget the open air democratie meeting in front of the court house this evening, to be addressed by Hnn. T. E. Tarsney and Fred A. Baker, of Detroit. Both gentlemen aie good speakers and will speak on the vital politioal issues of the day. Come out and hear them. Mr.Emory Leiand, of Northfield.was married iu Bennington, Vt. , on Tuesday to Mrs. Addie Pudd, a sister of nis flrst wife They arrived home on Werlnesday evening and when they got there found a party of 40 people assembled to greet them and a tempting pupper awaitiog them. After supper a pleasant social hour was spent by the party. C. L. Tuomy, of the College Hill fruit farm, brought to the Argus office, on Wednesday, a peok of as fine peaches as we have seen this year. Sorne of the peaohes measured eight inohes aronnd and there was one little twig in the basket not more than sis inohes long which had growing at its tip five peaches of a good size all in a oluster. It was a fine loofeing lot of fruit. The annnal Dundee fall fair will be hfild in that village, Sept. 15-18. As usual it will be a great fair embracing tiotting, pacing and running races eaoh day; a grrat show of horEes cattle, sheep, swine and poultry; a grand parade of premium stock ; a beautifnl floral display; balloon ascensión and parachute drop each day ; also a concert each day by talented musioians. 4,000 will be offered in premiums and the railroads will give excursión rates. A lot of Italian laborers on the Ann Arbor Railroad got iiito a jangle at the depot on Tnesday evening and it got so hot tbat it finally wound up in a rough and tumble flght in which knives were freely used. One raan is uow in the jail with his back ent aud slashed and another bas several severe gashes in the abdomen. None of them could speak EDglish to any estent aud utterly refused to reveal their identity or give any testimony as to who did tüe carving. Mrs. Arthur M. Clark, wife of the well known graud visitor and lecturer F. & A. M., died suddenly at Detroit I on Saturday last and was buried on Wednesday at her home in Lexington. Mrs. Clark was known to niany throughout the state by reason of having often accompanied her hnsband on his visiting tours. City Clerk Mills has received uumerous replies to Jais query ooncerning licensing transient traders. AdriaD, Tecumseh, and Battle Creek report such ordinances in snccessful operation. This is good news, let the Ann Arbor oouncil pass jast such an ordiuance, make it stringent enoogh and have it rigidly enforced when it is passed. Mr. and Mrs. l). F. Allmendinger celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their boiue on W. Washington st., Mouday evening. A large number of friends were present. The gifts were numerous and the wishes for tbe continued good health and prosperity of Mr. and Mrs. Allmendinger were warm and sincere. The Lyra Maennerchor also serenaded the couple. Mr. Joseph Metz, of Howell, and Miss Lena Alger, of this city were united in marriage by Rev. L. P. Goldrick, of Northfield, at St. Thomas' church on Tae3day morning at 8 o'clook. After tbe ceremony a reception was tendered them by the bride's parents at their home, 38 Wall st., at 5 p. m. at whioh about 60 of the friends and relatives from Howell and this oity were presunt They were tbe recipeuts of many valuable and beautiful presents.