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IÍIBM & UM)ñ & BAKERY, GROGERÏ AND FLOOB ANO PEED STORE, We keep consxantlv on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o„ For Wholesale or Ketail Trade. VVe shall also keep a supplv oí i GOLD DUST PLOUR. j J. M. Swift & Oo.'b Best White WheaV Flour, Rye Honr, Buckwheat Flour, Cora Meal, Pjed. fcc, &c, &c, At Wholesale --incl Retail. A general stock oi dROOEJnS aND PROVISIQNS 'onstautly on hand, whích will be sold on as, reasonable terms as at anv other house in the city. L9Cash paid for Butter, Eígs, and Countr Produce gfenerallv. ö?Ooods DeJivered to anv part ot the city witb rn ■! i -. re-e. Rinev & So tílbolt TIME TABIE. Taking Effect June 7, 1896. Trains leave Ann Arbor bv Central Stanflard time. NOKTH. SOUTH. ":38 A. M. 7:00 A. M. +9:15 A. 31. 11:30a. M. ♦4:38 p. M. +8:15 p. M. 10:30p. m. 8:6ñ p. M. Daily, except Sunday. + Sunday only between Toledo and Hambui's Junction. Daily, sleepers between Toledo and Frankfort. E. S. GILLMORE, Agent W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A Michigan (Tentral ''The Niágara Falte Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Táking Effect June 21, 1896. GOING EAST. Detroit NightEx... 5 40 a. m. Atlantic Express 7 35 " Grand Rapids Ex 11 05 Mail and Express... o i" p. ni. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 4 58 FastEastern 10 17 GOING WEST. Gd. Rapids Fa't N'pa'r 3 53 a. ín. Boston, N. Y. & Ch 7 85 Mail & Express 8 3S North Shore Limited 9 25 Fast Western Ex... 1 55p.m. G. R. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicago Night Ex 9 50 Pacific Express 12 15 O.W. BUÖSLE8 H. W. HA YES, n. P. T. Azant Chioaito. Ag't Ann Arboi fHK-iK'iB? .REVIVO M rS RESTORES VITALITY. tnay.WfeJ'Well Man THE GREAT 30th nay. produces thoabove resulta i" 30 lays. Itacts powerfnlly and quicidy. Cures lira all others fail. Youugraou will regam thcir lost niauhood. and oíd mcn will rwover their youtliful viuor by using REVIVO. It (íuickly and surely rectores Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Inipoteuw. Nightly Eraissions, Lost Power. Failing Itfemory, Wasiinir Difitascs, and all effects oL self-abnso or excc-s and indiscretion, which uníits one for s'Udy. business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the spat of disease, but isagreat nerve tonic and blooil builder. bringiug back the pink glovv to palo cheeks and restoring the fire of yonth. It wards off Jnsanity and Consumption. Ineist on haviUK KEVIVO. no 3tber. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. 51.00 per rackase, or eix for SS.OO, with a posl;ive wrltten Rruarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular íree. Addross rOYAL'IEDICIKE C0„ 271 WatasÜAve., CHICAGO, ILL For sale nt Ann Arbor, Mich., by Eberbacb Jrug and Chemical Company.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News