For Black Eyes
It is cïtr-.i tbs csi ■ ( !L.t pec-ie ir.eot witb accitu :.. m ti ----- ■ ' --; '' ■ disiiuriiLii discclciariüüs frota v.bich they suffer ucfc a íittlo ciLMirrtiajciii and aunoy] cè. It is wortli vl:ilo to know that t,:-ie is asiirp! resuecly. aud oae qriitp itbin t'.:e reach f ( very ene. Immediatclv aít r ihe accident mix ui equal qtiautity of capsicum aunum with tmicilage macie cf gum arabic. To this add i "few drops of glycerin. The bruised surface sliould be oarefully cleansed aud dried, then painted all over with the capsioum preparation. Use a camel's hair brush and allow it to dry, tken put ou the second or third coat as soon as tho first is entirely absorbed. A medical journal is authority for the stateineut that if this course is pursued immediately after the iujnry discoloratiou of the bruised tissue will be wholly prevented. It is also said that this remedy is uuequaled as a cure for rheumatisni or stiffness of the ueck. -
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News