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Notice to Creditors. (TATE OF M1CHIG AX, COL'NT Y OF WA.8HJ tüiiaw-ps. Notice Is hereby glven that by an order of the Probate Oourt foithe County f Waehtenaw, mnde on ilu' 87tb day of luly. A. 1). 1896, si. immtlis f rom that (lute were allowed for creditors to present theti ■l:iini agalnst tl' estáte ol Caroline M. Gott, ate of sald eounty, deceased, and that all of 9atd deceased are requlred to preseni i heir claims to said Probate Oourt, at (lie Probate Office in the rity of Ann Albor for ixamination mi allowance, on or before the !7ü day ot January oext, and tha1 suoh 'lairns will be heard befoiv --uid Court on the 2Tth day of Ootoberand on the J7(h day of Fanuary next, at Den o'clock In the f orenoon ofeacli of said days. Dated, Ann Arb'or.July 27, A. n. 1PÍ10. .1. WILLAKD HAIUUTT. of 1' inbato Estáte of Catherine Hangsterfer. CÏATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasbtcuftw, sa. At a session of thu ProbatCourt for the County of Washteuaw, boldeu at the Probate Office iü the city of Anti Arbcr, od Wetïuesday, the 5th day of August in the yemoiiL tbousand eight hundred and uiuety-six. Present, J. Witlard Bahbxtt, Judg-eol Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot Catherine lluugsterfer, deoa&ed. Edward V. Hanpterfer, the ad ministra tor of said estáte, comes into couTt and representa tbat ie ia now prepared to vender his tiual account as trnch adminïstrator, Thereuponit ïsor.iered that Tuesday, the lat day of September ïit-xt, at u-n o'tlock in the torenoon oe assigned for examining and allowiua; stich aoGOunt atid that the heirs ut w of said dtCeased. und till other pereona ii'terested ín Bui (3 esiate, a ïv required to appear at a sowlou ot sad court. thi'n to ue Iiolden at the Probate oitiee, iv the city of Ann Ar' or, iu s,id couuty, and éhow caufee, i!' any tb ere be, why üie said account should not be allowed. And it ís furthér ordvred that satd administrutor give uotice to the persoüsinterested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said necountand tbebearingthereof, by cuuaing a cnpy of tïiis order to be publisbed in the Aun Arbor Argus, a uewspaper iriiittd and circulii'in? in said county, two auocesilve weeks prewous to ?aid day of hearing. J.WILLABD UABB1TT. Judge of Probate. (A truecopy. William Ü. Dotv. Probate Register. Mortgage bale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the eouditions of tbe payruents of a certalu niortgage made by James E. Baeh and Blaneh K. Bach, h.s viie, to Johu Alien, dated tbe 9tb day of March, 1893, and recorded in the Register's office of Wasbtenaw County, in LiberS4 of Mortgages on pageSÜT, od thetfrd day of January, 1894, atöo'elock p. m.,ou whloh mortgage there Is claiined'to be due at the date of tuis notlce one thousaud, one hundred and six dollars and eighty cents, lïl.ll 6 80) and no snit at law ör in equlty havlng beeu institated to collect the uuiount due ou sald mortgage or any part thereof. Now, thereiore, by virtueof the power of .sale contained in sald mortgage and tbe statute in such case made and provided.notice is hereby glven thaton Monday, the I4lb day óf September, 1896, at tbe east front door of tne Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mich.. (tbat being the wbere the circuit Court for said Couniy is held.) there will be sold at public auctlon to the highest bidder the premisas described in said mortgage or so niuch thereot' as may be necessary to satlsfy the amount due on sald mortgage and tbe legal coste of tnis foreclosure. Tbe premlses go tobe eold are described as folFows: Lots number (Uand Tii in Miller's addition to the City of Aun Arbor. Michigan. Dated June 'lñth, 1'M. JOHN ALLEN. Thompson & Habbimak, Mortgagee. Attorneys for mortgasree. Mortgage Sale. ;'UEREAS, DEI'AULT HAS BEEN MADE in the condltions oi two eertaln mortgages, made by Joseph B. Steere of the City oí .mu Arbor, Michigan, to Lewls s. Andi i son ol Plttsfleld, Wasntenaw County, Michigan, Staring date March 12tb. 1S81, eacb seüin1mg tbe payment ol' tbeeuuidt TwoThousand , Dollars with interest, (tbe same being a part of tlio purchase money ior the premlses tberein and bereinaftci desorlbed),whlch sald mortgages were recorded in the Kegleter'a office lor Washtenaw County on tne lflth day : of April, 1881, at 1% o'oloek p. m., in Liber 55 of Mortgages. on pages lis and (W, botb of said mortgagesbelDg fongpaet due, and whereas, l iv reason of said default, there is elalmed to bé due upouone of said moi-tgages tbe sum of Two Thousand Dollars and interest from March 12tb, 1898, and upon tbe otber tbe sum ot' Two Thouand Dollars and interest from Marcb 12th, 1896, eacb at -even percent- and no sult al law or in equity baring been mstituted to recover the amount due ou said mortgages or any part tbereof. Now, therelore, by virtue of tbe power of sale in said rnoitgagesioontaiued and of the Statutee of tbe State of Michigan, notioe is hereby given that the undersignedwlll sell at public auction to the bighest bidder on Monday, the Ü8th day ol September, at 11 o'Olock a. m., standard time, at. tlie east front door of the Court Houee in the City of Aun Arbor. (that being the building wbere tbe circuit court for said couuty is held , tbe premises described in said mortgages or so uiuch tbereof as may be necessary to satisfy the lndebtedness secured by sald mortgages and the legal costs of ibis foreolosure. The premlses to be sold are described as follows: That certa in pleoe or parcel of land sitúate in the townsbip of Pittsfield, Wasbtenaw (Jounty, Michigan. Beginningon thequarter line running eást and west on section fourof said lownsliip at a polnt near the ceuterof south Ypsllanti road, south ti4 degrees wes1 89H links from a hlckory tree slxinches in dianieter and soutb 48 degrees west 62 links from a yeliow ouk tree eight inches m diameter: tbence north-westerly alontr the (■enter if said road ia chaina aud 28 link-; th, ace nortb 29 degrees. we1 along tbe center oi -.lid road Ichaiu and881inks thence north ii1 negrees east i chaina and 82 links; t henee nortb '&Vi degrees we6t 1 chain and 55 link-: tbence north ■.:: degrees east ïechalnsand Ml ; link-: tbence Minin ::; ■ degrees easi Bchalns on tbe section line between eectlons three 'and four; thence uorth 87 degteea east 1') i chains and 90 linksi thence south on the line ideen tbe easi aud the west half of the i onh-westquarterof secti n three in townthlp and range af oresaid Iöchalnsand6811nks to the quarter line of eald section three; i Ixence west on said quarter line 83 chains and '.-,1 links to the center of said Ypsllanti road i on the east ;tni west quarter lines of section tour in said townsbip to the place of bi containing64 acres and 6-100 of au acre, more or lss. DedJune29th,asg anj?brsoNi i Thompson & Habriman, Mortagee. Attorneys for Mortagee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News