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Life ... On The Foot

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There is a man in Philadelphia who claims that it is much easier to read oue's character and past and future froin the rnaps on the soles of oue's i'eet. than it is from the pahns of the hands. He calis it "pedalogy. " The pedalogisT, while refusing to teil the uanies of the owners of the feet in most cases, showed a uumbor of diagrams the other day uud explained toa reporter how he read the fortunes of the soles. "Maxine Elliott, " hesaid, "is a public character, aud I do not ïnind mentioning her narue. Here is her story. Look at it. It's w-orth studying, for she is not ouly one of the most beautiful women 011 the American stage, but it is remarkable in other ways. Her foot is so beautifully arched that little of her sole touched the paper when she placed her foot upon it. The intellectual and artistic lines are very clearly defined on her foot, and one need but see and hear Miss Elliott spcak for a few moments to realize that her artistic and mental capabilities are of a high order. The lines of intuition and imagination are both remarkably long. The cross between the liue of love and the head line indicates that in a love aft'air Miss Elliott would be governed largely by reason. She has strong affections, according to th8long heart line. " A contrast to Miss Elliott's foot was that of a factory girl from Kensington. This was a foot common to people of little education. There was scarcelany instep to the foot. The lines of imagiuation, mental capacities and intuition were very short, and the artistic line was entirely lackiug. The heart and love lines were well defined and long. The lines also indicated firmness and great ambition, with a decided fouduess for pleasure, so the pedalogist explained. Still another foot was that of a society girl. Here again was the high arch. It showed, among other things, that she did not have to stand on her feet, as did the poor factory girl. The lines told of her having less heart and less ambition than the factory girl too. There were selfishness and vanity in the impression. It seemed well that silk stockings and dainty shoes usually kept it from the sight of those who would read its owner's character in the soies of that foot. There was the foot of the preacher and the policeman and the lawyer, and each seemed to teil a story in keeping with its owner's vocation and habits. Last of all came the print of the man about town. There was no arch there. It had come down "flat footed. " It looked aS if it was used inostly in walking up and down a fashionable street aud standing aboüt the club. It had good nature and self satisfaction, some generosity and some brains in it, bút little ambition.-


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