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Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COÜNTY OF Washtenaw . 83. In the matter of the estáte of John Crandal, deceased. Jïotico is hereby given that in pursnauo6 of an order granted to tlu underslgned adminlstratorof the estáte of Bald deoeased by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the tirM day of September A. n. iwiu. there will bd sold at Public Vendue, to the highet bidder, al the dwelllng house on the premisos below describe I ín the Towusliip of Kalem, in the County t Washtenaw, )n eaid State, on the Sist day of Ootobei 1890, at ten o'clook in the i'urenooti of that day (subjeot t all eneumbr anees by mort gage or otherwise exlstinpr at tbe time of the deatb of said deoeased) the followlog deacrlbed i-oal estáte, to wit: Theeasi half of the north-east quarter of sectiQD tlvü. Also a paroel of land described as follows, to-wit: Oomrnencing thirteeu e'iams a ml lili y links south of tho nonh-weal corner of the east half of the north-east c uarter of said seotion live, thence south eight ohalns and twenty-flve links, thence west elgbteen ohains and thirty-seven and seven thirty-thirds (87 7-33) liuks, thence north twenty-oöe chains and seventy-five links, thenoeeast ten chaina and ninety-seven and seven thirty-thirds i'JT 7-H3) links, thence south thirteen chains and lifiy links, thence eastaereii chains and forty-one links to the place of beginning. All of said land above desorlbed being in town oue (.1) south, range geven east (Salem), in Miohigan, and oontafulng in all one hundred and ten (110) acres, inore orless. ANDREW J. JOHNSON. Dated.Sept. lst, 1996. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HA VING BEEX MADE IN the condltlons of the payments ot a certalri mort ga ge made by James U. Banb and Blaneh b. Bacfa, liis wlfe, lo John Alien, dated the 9th daj of March, I s; ;ï. and recordi d In the ttegister's ofBce of Washtenaw Counly, in I.üicr 8 of Mort gages on page 607, on theBrd day of Janua ry. 1Í94, at 5 o'ciock p. ui., on whicli mortgage there is olalmed'to be due at the date of this notlce one thousand, one hundred and six dollars and eighty cents. l$l.l(G8U) and uo uii at luw or in equity having beeu instltuted to collect the ainount due on said mortgage or any part, thereof. Now, thorelore, by vlrtue of the power of sale oontained in said mortgage and the gtatute in such case made and provided.nutiiv 18 hereby given that on Monday, the Hth day of September, 189B, at the easc front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mich., (.that beiug the building where the circuit Court for said County is held,) there will be sold at public auction to the hlgbest bidder the premlses described in said mortgage or so muchthereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on iaid mortgage and the legal costs of this foreclosure. ïhe premises -so to be sold are described as follows: Lots number 69 and 76 in MiHer's addition to the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dated June 15tb, 1896, JOHN ALLEN. Thompson í: Harriman, Mortgagee. Attorneys for mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. il HEREAS, DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE ' iu the conditions of two certaln mortgages, made by Joseph B. Steere of the City Oí Anu Arbor, Michigan, to Lewis S. Anderson of Plttsfleld, Washtenaw County, Michigan, biaring date March 12th, 1881, each seeurïng the payment of the sum ot Two Thousand Dollars with interest, (the same being a part ot the purchase money lor the premises therein and hereinafter described), wtiich eaid mortgagee were recorded in the Hegister's office for Washtenaw Couuty on tne 19th day of April, 1881, at ï1; o'ciock p. m., in Liber 55 of MTortgages, on pages 68 and 09, bothof said mortgages being long past due, and whereas, by reason of said default, there is claimed to be due u pon one ol said mortgages the um of Two Thousand Dollars and interest f rom March I2th, 1886, and upon the other the sum ot' Two Thousand Dollars and interest Erom March I2th, 1896, each at -even percent- and nosult at law orin equity havins been tnstituted to recover the amount due on said mortgages or any part therepf. Now, therefore, by virtue of tin? power of i sale In said tooitgages'oontalaed and of the ' statutes of the state of Michigan, notlce iheicby given that the undersigued wlil sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday , the 28th day of September, at 11 o'ciock' a. m., btandard tinte, at the east front door of the Court House in ïhe City of Ann Arbor, Uhat being the where the circuit court for said eounty is held , the premises described in said mortgages or so much t hereof as may be necessary to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said mortgages and the legal oosts of this loreclo.-ure. The premises to be sold are deseribed as folios 9: That certain p:ece or parcel of land sitúate in the townshlp of Pittsfield, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Beginningon the quarter line running east and west on section fourot said township at a point near the center of the eouth Ypsilanti road. south 04 degrees wt--t o'.t'j links f rom a hickory tree sixinchea in diameter and south 43 degrees west 52 links frotn a yeliow oak tree eight incbes in diameter; thence north-westerly along the center of said road 13 chains and 28 liuks; thence north '3) deirrees.west along the center of said road 1 chaiit and 88 links; thence north B3'. degrees eat 6 chains and 8211nk8; thence north Wt degrees west 1 chain and 55 links; thence north 72 degrees east 16 chains and 40 links; thence soutn i'i degrees east ö chains on the section line between eections three and four: thence north S7Vi degiees east l'l chains and 90 links; thence sonth on the line between the east aad the west half of the norih-west quarter of section three iu township and range atoresaid 1" chains and (8 liuks to the quarter line of said sectiou three; thence west on said quarter line 33 ohalns and 51 links to the center of said Ypsilanti road on the east and west quarter Unes of section tour iu said township to the place of beginning. conlaining 64 acres and Ü-KHJ of tm acre, more or 1'-Dated.I une 29th, 1896. LEWIS S. ANDERSON, Thompson & Harriman, Mortagee. Attorneys for Mortagee. Ï.RÖCK AND hTORAGE C. E. GODFKEY. '-iestcience and Office, 48 Fottrth Ave., N rtl Teleptaone 82. p R. WILLIAMS, Attorner at Law ana Pension Claim Attornev, MILAN. MICH. Conveyancinjr and Coliections.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News