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Our Strong Ticket

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"A strong ticket," "the strougest ticket in years, " suuh were the expressious whioh greeted the completiou of the democratie county ticket yesterday, after a harmouious aud enthusiastio couvention. This harmouy was not due to auy lack of eagerness for the norninations. There was plenty of that, as victory seerued to be sceuted iu the air. But the raajority of the delegates had evideutly eome to the couventiou with the iutention of sinkiug individual prefereuces and putting in the field the strongest possible ticket. A ticket of honorable, straightforward ruen was nominated, oue that does not contain the name of a single man whose personal character shows aught susceptible of reproach. Is was also well distribnted as to locality. Further, it was selected by decisive majorities in the conveution, indicating that it represents the will of the party. It is composed of popular men, vote getters aud men who have indicated that fact iu their localities. And wuile individual preferences for nominees were in some cases disappointed and some excellent men were among those who failed to get on the ticket, yet the fact was recoguized that all good men conld uot be nominated when two or more were running for the same offie. There was a consequent absence of sore spots succeeding the conventiou. The convention was one of the largest ever held in the oounty Every delégate to wbich each towu was entitled was present and the court rooru was packed to ivs utmost capacity. An excelleut presidiug officer helped aloug the proceedings, which were marked by an eutire absence of the disastrous "breaks" in the speeches or otherwise, which are apt to mar conventious. Considerable humor was manifested during part of the conveutiou, as for instauce when M. 3, Lehman in nominating Messrs. Doty aud Walsh each time, forgot to mention the uames of bis candidate. The conveution each time demanded to know it. The last time, Mr. Lehman shouted out, "Why everybody kuows that I mean William Walsh." As quick as a flash carne back a stentorian'voice "Why the devil didn't you tell us so then?" At which the house carne dowu. At 11:05 Martin J. Cavanaugh rapped the convention to order and called Hon. J. ív'elsou Lewis, of Anu Arbor, to the chair as temporary ohairman. Iu taking the 'chair Mr. Lewis said that he was highly honored in beiug called upon to preside over the oiganization of the convention that would later in the day place in uoruinatiou the íneu who would occupy the county offices. He advocated the utmost harmony in order that the best and strougest candidates might be eelected for the ticket. Eugene Oesterlin, of Anu Arbor, was made temporary secretary, ou ruotiou of M. J. Lehman. Ou motiou of Arthur Browu the chairmau appoiuted the following cominittees: On (Jredentials - Jas. S. Gorman, Sylvan; Amos G. Mclntyre. York; Henry Kuhl, Freedom. On Perniaueut Organizatiou aud Order of Business - Arthur Browu, Aun Arbor; O. M. Kelsey, Saline; James Kelly, Manchester. On Resolutions - Tracy L. Tovvner, Ypsilanti; Frank Duuoan, Northfield; Dr. Post, Augusta. While the chairman was inakiug his selectiou of committees Hon. James S. Gormau, of Sylvan, was called on to speak. He said he would have to speak later in the day, but he assured the convention that although be did hold different views on some subjects to what they did, yet he was one of those kiud of detuoorats who believed in supporting what the ruajority of the democratie party demanded. At the Detroit convention he had said that if the natioual convention at Chicago declared unqnalifiedly for free silver at 16 to 1 he would support and vote for tbat ticket and be was going to do so. (Applause). James Doyle, of Milan : "That is all we want to know." Aruid the applause and laughter [that followed Mr. Gorman took his seat. After tbe committees, had been appointed the convention took a recess until 1 :30 p. ru. At 1 :30 the convention was called to order. The committee on credentials reported full delegations from all townships and wards. Two delegatious were present from the townsbip of Soperior and the committee reported the following delegatiou composed of eqnal parts of each delegatiou : E. M. Twist, Frank Crippeu, D. Nanry, Geo. McDougall, E. H. Cole, Robert Martin. The report was accepted and adopted. The full list of delegates is as follows : Aun Arbor City - First ward- Dr. J. A. VVessiuger, Thomas Slater, Emailnel Luick, John Linderschruitt, F. G. Graapner, Ross Granger, Gustave Brehin, B. F. Watts. Seoond ward- George Schwab, Eugene Oesterlin, Sid W. Millard, Williaru Herz, Dr. John Kapp, Johu Koch, John Meyer, Christian Martin, M. J. Lehman, Michael Breuner. Third ward- John Reynolds, Morgan Williams, James Quiulau, C. J. Snyder, Jacob Laubeugayer, John J. Fergnson, Chris. Breuner, Frank Catnpion, Alfred Paul, Chas. Vogel. Fourth ward - J. Kenny, H. HardingI haus, Arthur Brown, John O'Mara, I Martin Seabolt, Fred A. Howlett, Charles Dwyer, Henry Meuth, James Donegan. Fifth ward - Ernest Rohberg, E. P. Masou, James Boyle, Henry McNally. Sixth ward- M. J. Cavauaogh, John L. Duffy, H. Merrithew, Geo. H. Miller, J. Nelson Lewis, W. Whittaker. Seventh ward- Will HiUortou, Fred Harpst, A. Teufel, WmFrey. Anu Arbor town - Henry Bratm. C. L. Tuomey, Fred Staebler, Chauncey G. ürcutt, Frank Hagan, Walter Bilbie, Wm. Bnrlingame. Augusta - Daniel Hitchiugham, W. A. Russell, John Hnrley, A. Gabel, W. P. Hurley, H. I. Vost, Daniel O'Brien, L. H. Miller, H. Rosen wortb. Bridge water - Louis Schillen berger, Jacob Raiser, Jas. Beuham, Ed. Feun, J. Johnsou, J. Lowrie. Dexter - John Gallagher, Thos. Murray, Ed. Ryau, Thos. McQuillau. Freedom- M. P. Alber, Frauk Dettling, Frauk Reuau, Johu Dresselhouse, Henry Kuhl, F. H. Koebbe. Lima- David E. Beach, Jacob Bareis, Fred Staebler, Miohael Paul, Eddie J, Parker. Lodi- M. Sage, Sam Kress, J. Birkle, Ira Wood, Johu Lutz, Daniel Seyler, Philip Bluai.. Lyndou - James Howlett, Thomas Youug, John Young, George Miller. Manchester- N. Schnrid, A. J. Wooster, Jacob Miller, Wru. Koebbe James Kelly, W. j. Holmes, C. F. kapp, Jacob Bluw, Johu Wuerthuer Johu Kensler, W. O. Clurk, Frank Sloat. Northfield- Jcbu MoKeruau, Frauk O'Bneu, Geo. Bird, Frauk Duncau, üeo. Rauscbeuberger. Heury Waguer Jobu McLaughlin. Pittsfield- Herman W. Rayer, Gustave Scheuck, Christiau Frey, Johu Fiege!, William Riiodes, Robert Harrisou. Salem-P. H. Mnrrav, L. Larawur, L.Hágau, W. P. Laue, J. D. Appletüu, C. INaylor. Saline- Heury McManu, J Muuly Youug, H. M. Russell, Fred Feldkamp, John McCollum, G. C Towusend, O. M. Kelsey, J. A. Alber, Peter Wyuett. Scio- Daniel Quish, George Higgins, Charles Stebbius, Daniel Hoey, Foank Dunlavy, Heury Vogei, Fred Fiegle, John Barley, Adam Brauu, Chanucey Urytz. Sharon- W. B. Osboru, Josiab Sloat, Heury L. Recau, Alfred Sinitb, Heury J. Reuo. Superior- Dauiel Nauery, E. H Cole Robert Martin, Frauk Orippeu, C. R. Twist, George McDuugall. Sylvau- J. S. Gorman.F. H. Sweetlaud, Frauk Staffan, Heury Speer, J.E. McKone, Frauk McNamara, Heury Frey, J. P. Foster, J. J, Raftrey, Hiram LigbthalJ,. Chanucey Hummell, C. E. Whittaker, Hermau Schaible. Webster- Johu Couley, W. Devine, Johu Duulavy, Jas. Armstrong John Hoey. York- A. G. Mclntyre, Fred Hasley, Johu M. Clark, Wmi W. Kelsey, E. f). Warner, James Doyle, C. H. "Kelsey, C. H. Moilulleu, Pbilo Luckhardt, Wm. J. Raiuey, M. M. Daveuoort. Ypsilauti towd- Geo. W. Jobusou, Cbas. S. Dowiier, Jas. Cosgrove, Geo. E. Roberts, Jas. L. Lowdeu, Henry Rndolph, Heury Sturnpenheuseu. Ypsilanti City- First ward- Dr. Batwell, James McGregor, Jobn D. Kirk, Adam Shaner, Geo. Letter, Jacob Martin, Cbas. Lawton. Fred Lanib. Second ward- Ed. Jacksou, Ziua Buck, J. R. Robertson, Seward Cramer, George Ament, Clifford Hnestou. Third ward-C. L. Yost, J. B. Colvaa, G. H. Scbarf.Chas. Ferrier, Toni Ryau. Traoy L. Towner, Frank Kirk. Fourth ward- Milo Scbaffer, Lee N. Browu, Audrew Ryau, Jobu Evaus, Frank Worden. Fifth ,vard- Will Sniitb, Jas. McCann, Johu Terns, Chas Fulton, Jacob E. MoCarthy, Williaui Burt. The committee on permanent organization and order of business recommended (1) tbat the temporary organization be mad permanent; (2) report of committee on credeutials; (8) report of committee on resolntious; (4) appoiutnig a committee of three to confer with the populist conveution in session in the court house and see if a fusión can be effected witbin 15 minutes; (5) appointment of four tellers; the order of business from 5 to 14 inclusive provided for nomination of candidates; ( 15) liiuned the nomiuating speeches to flve minutes each. In assuming tbe duties of permanent chairman Mr. Lewis tbanked tbe convention for the honor thus confered upon him, anti made a short but effective free silver speech during which be was frequently applauded. Tbe oommittee on resolutions reported as follows : Resolved, that we, tbe democrats of Washtenaw county in oonveution assembled, do hereby cordially (Coiriuued ou pase i.) QUR STRONG TICKET Continued from First Page. and unaniironsly pledge our most earnest and hearty support to and by these resolutions do endorse the actiou taken by-the national democratie convnetion held in Chicago and also the state convention held at Bay City. Resolved, thafc we commend the ticket to be placed in nomination by tbe convention to the carefnl consideration of the voters of Washtenaw county and particnlarly to all those who stand on the rooney plank adopted in its Chioago convention The chair appointed M. Cavanangh, Ann Arbor, James S. Gorman, Sylvan, and Jobn Terns, Ypsilauti, the committee to confer with the populists. The four tellers appointed were Tracy L. Towner, Ypsilanti, J. D. Blnm, Lodi. Sid W. Millard and Fred Howlett, Aun Arbor. A recess of tea minutas was ordered to allow the committee to oonfer with the populist convention. On its return the corumittee reported tbat after due consideration it was tbe unanimons decisión that the naming of a representative to the legislature from the flrst distriot of Washtenaw county be conceded to the populists as they desired. Nomiuations were now in order for judge of probate. M. J. Lehman noruinated V. G. Doty ; Dr. John Kapp presented the name of Ezra B. Norris; Arthur Brown placed Thomas D. Kearney in nomination, and Tracy L. Towner did a Iike service for Jndge J. Willard Babbitt. The first ballot taken was a fonl, 232 votes beiüg cast and only 229 delegates present. The next ballot stood Kearney 122, Doty 69, Norris 24, Babbitt 14. Mr. Kearney was declared the nominee. For sheriff M. J. Lehman named William Walsb, of Arbor, J. Nelson Lewis noininated M. C. PetersoD, of Ann Arbor, and James S. Gorman presented Hiram Lighthall's name. One ballot decided it. Lighthall had 128 votes, Petersou 70, Walsh 28, Fred Sipley 3. For couuty clerk J. Nelson Lewis presented Jacob F. Schuh, of Anu Arbor, Jas. Kelly namd Willis L. Watkius, of Manchester, and Jas. Gallagher nominated Marous S. Cook, of Scio. ; In the flrst ballot 227 votes were cast, of which Schuh had 104, Watkins 75, Cook 48. No ohoice. The second ballot showed a full vote and closed the contest. Schuh had 118 votes, Watkins 7(. and Cook 38. For register of deeds four candidates were named. Henry Menth nominated Audrew T. Hughes, of Arm Arbor ; Frank Duncan narned Patrick S. Purteil, of Northfield, and Amos G. McIntyre nominated Alfred Davenport, of York ; Lee K. Brown presented Jas. H. McKinstry, of Ypsilanti. The first aDd final ballot showed 228 votes cast. Davenport had 157, Purteil 35, McKinstry 32, Hughes 4. John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti was nominated for prosecuting attorney by M. J. Lehman, of Ann Arbor His was tbe only name presented and the nomination was unanimously carried. For county treasurer J. A. Wessinger nomiuated Emanuel Wagner.of Ann Arbor, Wal ter Bilbie named Henry Braun, of Ann Arbor town, and Ira VVood named George J. Mann, of Lodi. James S. Gorman, of Sylvan. James Kelly, of Manchester, and Frank Dettling, of Freedom, pledged the support of ttieir delegations to Mr. Mann. Jonn L. Duffy, of Ann Arbor, seconded the uomination of Henry Braun. The ballot resulted in the choice of Mr. Mann, the vote standing: Mann 148, Biaun 00, Wagner 16. For circuit court commissioner M. J. Lehman nominated Philip Blum, jr. , of Lodi, John Hoey named Henry A. Conlin,of Webster, and Milo B. Sohafer presented the name of Lee N. Brown, of Ypsilauti. Lee N. Brown'i name was withdrawn from the first nomination. Mr. Lehman then withdrew tlie name of Mr. Blum and the nomination of Mr. Conlin was made unanimous. Lee N. Brown, of Ypsilanti, was nominated unanimonsly for the second commissioner. For coroner for the Ann Arbor district, Martin Clark was nominated by M. J. Lehman, and Dr. E. A. Clark by Fred Howlett. Dr. E. A. Clark was nominated. Walter P. Beach received tbe unanimous nomination for the Ypsilanti district. Charles S. Woodard was unanimously nominated for county surveyor. John L. Duffy moved tbat the county chairman and secretary be instructed to cettify to the nominations and report to the state central oommittee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News