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Ann Arbor City Fathers

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At the regular session of tbe Ann Arbor corninon council on Monday avening a large quautity of business was trausacted in a short space of tirne. All the members exoept Aitl. Danfortb were present. President Hiscock was in the cbair. Upon reoommandation of the board 3f public works Henry Richards aud the Hay & Todd Mfg. Co. were ordered to remove the hay scales and other obstacles froin in front of the Finnegan block within fivë days. Charles Tessrner was awarded the joutract to build a culvert across Alleu's creek on Felch st. at $335. Bids for furnishing tbe city with 100 tons of hard coal were reoeived frorn bhree coal dealers in the city at $6.50 per ton. Referred to the fiuance cornmittee. Fred G. Graupner asked to have his sewer tax in District No. 5 reduced $20 on account of a wrong assessment. Refered to the sewer committee aud city attorney. Miss K. J. Rogers applied to have an entrance and exit built to her scales when removed to the junction of Detroit and Kingsley sts. at the expense of the city.' Referred to street committee. Bills amouuting to 7, 113.29 divided amoDg the following funds were ordered paid: Contingent, $1,000.91; sewer, general, 520.96; sewer, No.5, $721.96; street, $2. 191.10; bridge, culvert and crosswalk, $1,773.38; pólice, $280.25; flremen's, 512.93; poor, $107.30; ceinetery, $4.50. The ordinance relative to transient traders was passed to its eecond reading - it licenses at a rate of $10 per day for firsfc ten days, lesser rates thereafter. The clerk was ordered to advertí se the sale of $10,808.50 lateral sewer bonds to defray the expense of the construction of the Williarn st. sewer. The alley east of Parker, Colburn & Schneider was ordered improved at cost of $18.70. Cement crosswalks were ordeed on west side of Maiu st. across William st., aud on west side of State st. across Liberty st. ; plauk crosswalk ou north side of Aun st. across Torteen tb and Twelfth sts. ■The sidewalk grade on the north side of W. William st. from Ashley to Seccnl sts., aud on the suuth side frorn Second to Third sts. was fixed according to thti recommeuaatiou of the comru:ttee ou sidewalks. Airs. Miranda Lukins was granted a rebate of $170.10 for error in her assessiueut for 1893-1-5. Fifty dollars was ordered to be expended in improviug S. Ashley st. between the Aun Arbor Railroad depot and Madison st. The Forest HillCemetery Commissiou was giveu extensión of time for building sidewalk, it beiug understood that ciuders would be placed iu the excavation and rolled dowu and a tar walk put down early in the spring. The gutter on W. Washington st. by the side of the Organ Works was ordered paved at cost of $20.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News