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Estáte of Thomas Kearns. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of' tlic Probate Court tor tlio County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OtBce in the City of Aun Arboi'. uu Tuesday, the l-ih day of August, in the year oue thousand eijfht hundred and ninety-sli. Present, J.Willard Babbitt, Judve oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte cl Thomas Kearne, deceased. Feresa Kearne, the adminlstrator 01 -aid estáte, comes Intocourt and represents thai now prepared to rendei lier linul aooount as suou adminlgtrator. 'l'liereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the ]."tli day of September, next, at lOo'olook in the forenoon, be assigned for examlninR and aiImw uil1 suoh account, ftnd that i ie al law ei! Bala deceased and allotlier persons interestedin said estáte, re requlred to appeat ai a sessiou of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Offloe, in the City of Anu Arbor, in sail Countytanri show cause if auy there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said admlnistratoi ilve notloe to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenoy of said account , umi the hoartng thereof, by causing a copy oí this order to be pubished in the Ann Arbor ArgUB, a newspaper prlnted and oireulatlng: in said eounty, three ïuooessive weeks previous to said day of hearj. willabd BAunirr, Judg-e of Probate. A true copy.l Wm.G. ÖOTY. Proliate Heirister. Chancery Notice. THE TWENTY-8EC0ND .11 DIOIAL I IK culi for the State "f Michigan, in the Circuit Qourtforthe County of Wdshtenaw, in Chancery. Ella Barrington, complainant, vt. Charlea F Harrington, defendant. lt sati&faotorlly appearing to me iy aüidavit tliat the defendant, Charles I'. Barrington, a non-resident of t hls state and thai be resines in the State of South Dákota : t mi motlon of B. B. Norrls, oi couuse] for complainant, ordered that detendant do oause bis appearanoe In thls cause to be entered wlthib four tnonths 1 1 om date of this order; that in detauit theieof the bill of complaiut whlch istiled In this oause r taken :- confessed by the defendant. It i further ordered that the complainant do cause this order to be personally served or duly put lished pursuaut tolaw. Dated. Aun Arbor, Mayflth, -' E. B. N0BRI8, E. D. KINNB, Solicitor for Complainant. Circuit Judge I.A true copy.] W. Öansingbükg, Register. Notice of Drain Letting. TüOTICE HRKEBY GIVBX THAT I, -" Daniel V. Barry. County Drain Commtaslouer of tlic County of Waehtena-w, State of Michigan, wil], on the flrst day of October, A. D. 1898, at the lower end ol drain, In the Townshlp of Bridgewater, at ten o'clock in the l'oreiioon of that day, proceed to receive lidn for the cleuniñg out i a certain drain known and deslgnated as "Bridgewater No 1 Drain." located and established in the said Tmvnship of Bridrewaler, and deScribed as follows, t o-wit Commencing on the Town line bel (reen Saline and Bridgewater, between the eki of a e 'i and the n e 'i ot a e '; Beo. 18, in liridjrewater Township, runnitiLr thence W681 aud north on the line oL sald Drain through seotions 13, 1 1. l" and 10, tn the north llneol huida owned iyy George Rawson. In the of the w)ofsw ', sec. lu. Said job will be let by sections. The seotlon at the outlet of the drain will be lel Brst, and tlie remalning sectlons In their order up stream, ín acoordance wlth the diagram now on Hle with the otber papers pertainlng to said drain. in office of the Drain Commiseloner, to which reference may be had by all partlee Interested, and iids will be made and recelved acoordlngly. Contracta will be made wlth the lowesl responsible bldöer girlng adequate seourity for t pei formii the work, 1q a gum then aud thereto Bi c Ing to myself the rlghl torejeci anyandall bids. The date tor the tioc t' urii contract, and i be ternis of nt therefor, shall be announced at the ïi tui place of Lei t Uur. Notioe b f urther bereby given, thal atthe time and place of sald iettlng, orat suchother time and place thereafter to whloh I, tiie Drain Cómmissioner aforesaid, muy adjourn the same, tin assessments for benefits and the lande coinprlsed wlthin the "Bridgewater No. l Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The followinsr is a descrlptlon of the Beveral tracta or parcela ol land conetitutlng the Special Assessment District of Bald Drain, viz: ï'.i of n end ot n U of n w '4 sec. ot ' _ t Bi i sec. 10, e H"Lseï4 sec. 9. s end 01 n w % of n 'i sec. 15, n e U 6ec. lti, s w S4 of s w !.i sec 14, w Vi of s e U of s w 14 sec. 14, eijOfsc Sí oí s w y sec 14. n w ! i of s e U sec. 18, e 2 of e ',i of s y of s w 1 sec. 13, s ' of w '.nis w '4 of s w '4 seo. 13, n e 'i of n w M sec. 15, e '■ of sc'i of s w H sec. 13, s w ü ol s e '1 ol - w U sec. 18, B V4 of 11 w 'k sec. 15, '; of u w '4 of n e '4 sec. lö. n éH of - m : sec. 14. w vj of b e 'i B8C1 H exoepl 20 acres off n end, e H of s e M sec. i4, nHofn vv i öï s e M sec. 14, n e H of s w Si see. 13, 11 e 54 of s e V sec. 13, 11 w H of s w X sec. la, flve of n w cor. of s e % ol' s w % sec. 18. o i of ■ . of s w 'i of - w ' 1 sec. 18, s iv 'i of 9 e (4 sec. 18, e ! of w i of s w a sec. 10, e V, of u e ■ , 31 '■. B, n w Vi ot s w J Í sec M, n w ', of s e H sec. 16, 11 M of s w ü se3. 15. w i-J of e '- of s w i of s w H see. 12, s !4 of s e n sc. 15. 11 e H of se Vi sec. Ij, the acres of 11 end of w ;i of se of s w ü sec. 13, e ' of n e i.k sec. 18, w 'í of n e !4 sec. 14, e ' f n e '4 sec. 14, s M of ge '. of s e ü sec. J8, 11 % of - e ' 1 of s e H sec. 18, e Vt s w i sec. 10, w '., of u w '4 sec. 10, e % of n w 4 sec. 10. Dated, thle lOth day of September, AD. 1898. DANIEL W. UAKKV. County Drain Cómmissioner of the County of Ua-htenaw., County Teachers' Examinations. The examinations of teachers for 1896-7 will be held as lollows : Regular examination for all grades at Ann Arbor, the third Thursday and Friday of August. 1896, and the last Thursday and Friday of March, 1897. Regular examinations for second and third grades, at Ann Arbor, the third Thursday and Friday of October, 1896, and the third Thursday and Friday of June, 1897. Special examination for third grades at Manchester, the third Friday of September. 1896. Wm, W. Wedemeyeu, Cómmissioner


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News