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Capt. Schnh's rotnnd personality will be one of the attractions at the court house after Jan. 1, '97. The people of the western part of the connty are so well pleased with the nomination of Lighthall that tbey are going to raake his election unanimons The selection of M. T. Woodrnff as the silver candidate for the legislature in the second district was a deserved recoguition of an able and effective worker in the gieat cause. The people of Washtenaw conuty will not care to entrust their probate business in the hands of a gold banker when they can secure the services of a capable lawyer in the judge's chair. The salaries of inost officials in Washtenaw county were fised when the produce of the farm would buy twioe as much raoney as it will today. Tha is one of the reasous tases have no gone down. Thirtk of this, you farm eis. There is not a man upon the county ticket who is not in favor of the f ree coinage of silver and who does not stand squarely on the Chicago platform, aud it is the dnty of every silver man to vote it straight. The straddlers are on the otber side. Is there a workingman in this city who does uot know that if free silver -would lessen his wages the taonopolists of the country would be putting np their rnoney to help win it instead of giving it to Mark Hanna to help bind this country to the English gold standard. They teil ns that silver declined nnder the operations of the Sherman law, wbich provided for the purchase of a large qnantity of silver. But ■what do they measnre the decline of silver in? Do they measure it in the prodncts of the farm which represent the surplus wealth the American pecple have to sell each year? Most assnredly uot, for measured in tbose cornmodities silver did not decline. They measure the decline in gold. And are we snre that this apparent decline of silver was really a decline of that metal or an ■ appreciation of gold? Since that time Russia and Austriaflnngary have been hoarding immense quantities of gold. Bearing in mind the economie truth that an inoreased demand gives an increased value, is it not probable that what is commonly cálled a depreciation of silver and property is really an appreciation of gold? g Billy Judson is the same kind of a bi-rnetallist as bis Lord High Bamboozler "Ping" - a silver man for votes a gold man for revenue. The Hon. Andrew Jackson Sawyer vill discover abont November öth nis popularity in the country districts has lected the other fellow. Tbe produotion of f?old from 1873 to 892 was $2,060,897,000. The production of silver for the same period was $2,264,419,000. Excess of silver over gold, 1203,522,000. Is there anyhing in those figures to sustain tbe argument that the difference iu gold and il ver has been caused by an over prouction of the latter metal. Thos. Jefferson stopped the coinage of silver dollars in 1806, not beoause he dollar did not oirculate but because he people were poor, did not have muoh metallio money of any kind and bey needed mouey of smaller denominations. The assertion of the Free Press hat the ooinage of the dollar was stopped in 1806 because silver was at a premium is refuted by the fact that the existiDg ratio of 15 to 1 overvalued silver. Silver did circuíate, but gold did not. Garrett A. Hobart is a member of the coal trust which has advanced the price of coal 1.50 a ton sinco last October. Mr. Hobart and bis partners could rnine and sell coal for !{!5.00 a tun last year, they can do so now. They have not advauced the wages of tbeir minéis. Labor is not getting any benefit from this raise. It is plain and simple extortion. Jnst reinember when you lay in your winter supply of coal that 1.50 on each ton goes to help swell the campaign fund of the fellows who would fasten the gold standard upon this country in the interest of the bondholder. Gen. Spalding secured the sufferages of the people of the second district two yoais ago by representing himself to be a silver man. He was elected and voted with the Wall street gaug on every raeasure looking to the relief of the people. Now he comes to you again with a play upon words which he does not intend to be intelligible and asks you to trust him again. Will you do it? Will you send a man to represent your iuterests in congress who as betrayed you once, who acknowledges by his course that his interests are not your interests, whose only qualification for the office is the money he can put into the campaign? A glance at the list of the contributore to tbe républican campaign fnrid ought to set tbe workingniau and the farmer to thinking. Upon what occasion in the past have yon found the heads of the great corporations, trusts and monopolies, the Vanderbilts, Goulds, Morgans, Brices, etc., to be wastiug any time looking after your interests? When have they found your interests aud their interests to be identical? When have they gone out of their way to put up millious in defense of high wages for the workingrnan and good prices for the farmer. Thiak these things over and perhaps you will come to the conclusión that it is not all disinterested devotion to the welfare of the masaes that make these fellows put up millions in defense of the gold standard. The man who labors nuder the impression that the farmers of Washtenaw county are not well informed upoa tbe issues of the day is likely to piek up a hot grounder uow and then. The following item taken froru the columus of the Washtenaw Evening Times is a good illnstration : "They are telling agoodoneon Prof. Johnson, of the ü. of M., who is out making speeches for McKiuley around the county. He was over to Emery the other night and introduced his argumeuts by depictiug the scènes of poverty in silver countries. 'Why, look at Mexico!' said he, 'the minute you cross the Texas border the first tbing you see is a goat. You go a little further and you see an old woman sitting at the entrance to a hovel. You pass on and see a man on top of a hill looking around for provisions which he oannot fiud. That is your silver oountry for you.' He went on with his speech without any interruption and at its conclusión asked anybody in the audience if they wished to ask questious. An old fellow named Crippen arose. (Tt was Rufus Crippeu, a well known and prominent farmer, of Salem township - Ed. Argus. ) " 'I would like to ask you what the standard of Ireland is?' said he. " 'Gold,' answered the professor promptly, 'the same as Great Britain ' " 'Well, I would like to ask you if you never heard of goats, hovels and no provisions ín Ireland.' " 'Now I don't want to get in auy argument here, ' said the professor, 'I will answer any question, but I am not going to argue. ' And now it is being wondered wbether he is still giving his audience permission to ask questions. "


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News