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Notice of Drain Letting. TÜOTICE IS HERBBY GIVEN TH AT I, Daniel V. Barry, County Draln Comnilsstouer of the County of Washtenaw, State of Mlchlgnti, wlll, 011 the flrst day of Oetober, A. D. 1MXB, at the lower end of draiu, in the Townshlp of Bridg-ewater, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day, proceed to recelve bids for the eleaning out of a certain draln known and deelgnated as "Bridgewater No. 1 Dniin." located and established in the said Townshlp of Bridg-ewater and described as follow-s, to- it : Comnieneing on the Town Une between Salino and Bridgewator, between the 8 o of s e H aud the n e H of se! seo. 18, In BHdgewater Township, running theuce weet and north on the line of said Draln through sections 13, 14, IS and 10, to the north llneof lands owned oy George Rawson, lp the wU of the w (4 of s w M sec. 10. Said job wlll be let by secciona. The section at the outlet of the draln wilt be let flrst, and the remalnlng sectlons in their order up stream, in acoordance wlth the diagram now on file wlth the otlier papers pertuininir to said drain, in the office of the Draln Cooiinlssloner, to whleh reference may be had by :ill purtles interestod, and bids win be made and received accordingly. Contracts will be made wlth the responsible bidder ííivinf: adeiiuate seeurity for tbe performance of the work, In a sum then and there to be flxed by me, reservlnï to myself the right to reject any and all bids. The date for the COmpletion of such contract, and the terms of paynieiit therefor, sliall bc announeed at the time aud place of letting. Notiee Is f urther bereby jri ven, that at the time and place of said lettlng, orutsuchother time and place thereafter to whlch I, the Draln Oommlssloner aforesald, may adiourn the xauie, the assessmeuis for beiieiits and the lands cotaprised wlth In the "Bridge water No. l Drain Bpecla] Assessmem District," wlll be subjeot to review. The followiog la :i deacrlpi los of i he -i'veral traots or pan-cis ui land constitutlng the Special Assessmcnt District of siiid Draln, viz: 29 acres of n end ol n ■ of n n H sec. )ñ, w ! ot w ■ of 9 w '.t sao. 10, e % of aeü ,-. o 9, e end ol n w '., of n w ü sec. 15, n e u sec. 16, s w '.i ol s w '4 sec 14, w Y, of s e U of s H ■ B6C 14. e '. of - e 'i Of - w ', BBC 11. D W 'i fíe Ü sec. 13, e ' of e '. of s w 'i of - ', sec. 18, s ! of w y, of a w 4 of s w % sec. 18, n e ' i of ii w 'i sec. 16, e ' of s e H of e w % sec. 13, 8WM ot 86X of s w Ü sec. 13, s Si of n u '-. stc. 15, s '■■; of ii w ', oí n e 'j Bec. IS, n e H ol s - .; sec. 14. w 4 of se', sec. M except 20 acres off n end, e M of s e U sec. (4, nHofn w '4 of s e 'i sec. 14. n o of s w y sec. 13, n e ', ol - e '4 sec. 18, n w 'í oís w '., sec. 13, flre aores of n w cor. of s e & of s u % sec. 18, n ' . Of W ! i Of 3 54 of s w % se,-. 18.S W ',()!-. ( '., scu. 18, e ii ol w Si of B w H ?cc. 10, e ii of n e Ü seo. 9, n w 'j ol w ' ( sec 14. n w of e e 54 sec. 15, n ü of 8 w ü sej. 15. w '. ot f i2 of s w U of s w H sec. 12, s Vt of se h 8oc. 15 11 e '4 of se ',i sec. ].", live aeres of 11 end of w 'i of 8 e ü of s w !4sec. 13, e ' of 11 e l4 sec. 13, w '- of n e 'i sec. H, e % of n e 14 sec. 14, s ' , ol s e M sec. 13, n 5L of s e M of s e M sec. 18, e % e w '4 sec. 10, w"join w '4 sec. 10, e Ji of 11 w 1 1 sec. 10. Dated, this lOth day of September. A.D. 18flU. DANIEL V. BA1ÏÜ1!". County Draln Commissiouer of the Oounty of Washtenaw. Mortgage Sale. WHEBEA8, DÉPAÜLÏ HAS BEEN MADE in the conditions of to oertain mortgages, made by Josepli B. Steereof the Oity of Ann drbor, Michian, to Lowis S. Anderson of Plttsfleld, Washtenaw County, Micliigan, btarinif date Marcli 12th, ïssi, eaoh Beourmg the payuient of thcsnin ol TwoThousand Dollars with Interest, (the same beingapart of the purchase moncy for the p remises the rein and herelnaftei desórlb6d),wblch said mortgajies were reoorded In the Kegtster'a office for Washtenaw County on 1 Be i'n h day of April, 1881, at 214 o'olook p. m., In Liber 68 of Mortgages, n pages Ö8 and ÖP, both of said mortgages Deing fongpaBt due, and whei by reason ol' Balddefault, there iselaimedto bedui upon one of satd mortgages t he sum of Two Tbousaod iollarö und interest frozn Marob i-'th, 1896, mi apon the otlier the sum of Two Thouand Dollarsand Interest irom Marot I2th, 1896, each at seven percent- and nu -uit at la or 'm -iuuy havlng been in-i ituted to recover tlie amount due on said mortgages or any part thereof, Now, therefore, by vlrtue of the power of sale In said moitgagesicontained and of the statutee of the State of Michigan, notlce la hereby glven that the underslgned wlll sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday, the 28th day of September, at 11 o'cloek a. ni., standard time, at the eut [root door of the Court House iu the City of Ann Arhor, (that beiug the building where the circuit eourt for said eouuty is held , the prenilses described in said mortgages or so much 1 bereof as may be Deoessary to satlsfy the iudebtedness secured by said mortgages and the legal costs of this foreolosure, The premises to be sold are described s follows: That certain pleoe or parcel of land sitúate in the township of Plttsfleld, Waslitenaw County, Michigan. Bezinning on thequarter line running eat and west on Bectlon fourof said township at a point ncar the center of the south Vpsilantl road, south 04 degrees wesl 'iii'j links 1 rijm a hicUory tree Sixlnchea in diameter and soutii 4 deKrees west 52 links from a yellow oak tree elgbt 'inohes in diameter; thence north-westerly along the center of Baid road 13 chaina and 28 links: thence north -'S desi-ee.s. west alonn the center of said road 1 chain and 8S links : I henee north 68! (f nes east tf chains and SSltnks; thence north T&Yt degrees west 1 chain and 56 Unks; thence north 72 degrees east 16 chains aud 411 links; thence soutn 2u degrees east 6 chains on the sectlon line between eections three and four; thence north 87! 2 degreei ea-t Ifl ohalns and 90 links; thence soutii 011 the line between the east and the west hall of the norih-west i]uarterof sectlon three in townsl ilp and ranKeaforcsaid 15 chains and lis links to the quarter line ol said seetion three; theuce west on said quarter line 33ohains :niti 51 links tci the center of said Vpsilantl road on the east and ct quarter linea of Bectlon tour in said township to the place of beginning, conta1nin#64 acres and ü-100 of au acre, more or U ss Dated June 29 th, 1896. LEWIS B. ANDKR8ON, Thompson & Babbiman, Morta Attorneys for Mortagee. DRS. MACLACHLAN & BKOOKS Diseases of t ie EVE, EAK, XOSE and THROAT OfTioe, corner Main aud Washinirion Streets Hesidence, 14 S. State Street. Hesidence telaphoue, N 138. Office telephone, No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 1 1 and 1 to 5 p. m.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News