![Personal image](/sites/default/files/aa_argus/aa_argus_18960925-p08-03.jpg)
Mrs. Emily Bontwell and sou are visiting Detroit íriends for a couple of weeks. E. F. Mills attended the meetiDg of the Detroit presbytery at Birrningham ou Wednesday. Mrs. Harry W. Hawley, of Chicago, is visiting her parents,1 Mr. and Mrs. Christian Mack. Dr. A. Kent Hale retnrned Wednesrlay uigbUfrom his visit to Petoskey mucb improved iu health. Prof. A. B. Stevens, wife and sou. have just retnrned fioin a autnruer's trip on the r wheels tbrougb Cauada C. W. Wagner and fainily returued home from their suramer stay at Wfiquetonsing the later part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Tapliu, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visitiug their consiu, Mrs. Ed. H. Eberbach, No. 1 Packard st. Mrs. Alice L. Haven and danghter, Miss Grace, returned home Tuesday from their visit with friends in Napoleon, Ohio. J. Q. A. Sessions is so far iniproved in health that his sou, Frank M. Sessions, bas returned to bis home, in Columbus, O. Prof. Julius V. Seyler, of Detroit, who has just returned froni a trip to Europe, spent Suuday with his relatives iu the city. William Bary, who bas been suffering for the past six weeks from an nlcer on one af bis eyes, was able to be up town Saturday. ftev. T. VV. Yonng addressed the Baptist Young People's Uuion convention for Washtenaw aad Leuawee connties, at Clinton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerrich, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. A. L. Noble and family Sunday, and left Monday in oro ing for California on their wedding tour. Mrs. G. W. Snow went to Detroit to reside a few days ago. She, howover, became hoinesick for Ann Arbor and bas retnrned to her old rooms at 83 S. Main st. Dr. and Mrs. Leander P. Kapp returned to Ann Arbor, Saturday from their wedding trip, and are staying su.j the groom's parents, Dr. and Mrs. John Kapp, on Packard st. Dr. Francis Welob, inedic '96, of Shetnokin, Pa., and who bas many friends in Ann Arbor, was here the latter part of last week visiting. He expects to louate in Kalamazoo. Mrs. J. ï. Sunderland, Dr. W. .T. Hardnaan, Judge Harriman, Col. H. S. Dean, Sedgwick Dean, A. J. Sajvyei and E. S. Gilmore attended the funeral of ex-Gov. James M. Ashley, in Toledo on Friday last. Roy McClure is going into the planiDing business at Elmyra, N. Y., and will make his home there. He leaves here Monday with his bousehold effects, and Mrs. McClure will join hini there snortly. Mrs. George F. Suker, of Toledo, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Dunster, of this city. Mrs. Dunster and her daughter Bessie expect to soon leave for Toledo, where they will take up their residence for the ensuing year. Rev. G. P. Coler, of this city, was elected a member of the board of managers of the Michigan Christian Missionary Association, at Detroit, on Saturday. Rev. M. M. Forrest, also of this city, was made recordiug secretary. Rev. Lawrence T. Cole left last wepk for Cambridge, Mass., where he will speud two years at Harvard as a post gradúate student of pbilosophy. He goes uuder tbo direction of the nniversity board of regents of the Episcopal church. George Maynard, of Washington, D. C, , a respected resideert of this city before the war, and uow a prominent electrical engineer in the capital city, is tere with his oldest son, whom he intends to place in the university. He is the guest of .ludge Cheever. Miss Alma P. Bates, of Fuut, who was well kuown to many in this city, while sbe was attending the university school of music a couple of years ago, was married at St. Paul's Episoopal church, in that city, on Wednesday eveuing, to Mr. Joseph Arnold Evans.